What can you eat with food poisoning? Video

What can you eat with food poisoning? Video

Food poisoning is exhausting not only with its clinical symptoms, but also with the fact that they are aggravated by eating. In order to alleviate your condition, you need to know what to eat in case of poisoning and immediately after it.

How to eat for food poisoning

Why diet is necessary for food poisoning

The causes of indigestion occurring during poisoning are the ingestion of pathogenic microbes into the body, under the influence of which the entire usual working cycle is destroyed. In those cases when the mere thought of food causes nausea, it is somewhat easier for the patient, because nature itself comes to his aid, directing all the body’s forces to fight the disease, and not to digest food. If the condition is not so critical and the appetite is present, then the use of heavy, fatty and other harmful foods can aggravate the situation, further harming the intestinal microflora, which is already attacked by microbes.

It is important to follow not only a food, but also a drinking diet, since with vomiting and upset stools, the liquid leaves the body first and therefore it must be replenished

During the initial stage of the disease, it is advisable to reduce the range of products consumed as much as possible, stopping at pureed vegetable soups without cabbage and legumes, oatmeal in water and bread crumbs from non-nutritious bread. When the stomach becomes lighter, it will be possible to replenish the diet with steamed meatballs or meatballs, not too fatty dairy products, dietary fish, and an omelet. For fruits, baked apples are allowed. a similar diet should be followed for several days after recovery, which will facilitate the recovery process.

Any foods that are difficult to digest are prohibited:

  • White cabbage
  • beans
  • fatty meats and fish
  • fatty dairy products
  • everything smoked, salted, pickled and otherwise not very healthy
  • alcohol
  • fruits and vegetables without heat treatment

All dishes should be prepared in the most gentle way: steamed, baked or boiled

How to eat for food poisoning

Both immediately during the period of exacerbation of the disease, and after improvement of the condition, the principle of moderation remains important. That is, you should not pounce on even the most useful food, so as not to overload the stomach. Since food poisoning reduces gastric acid secretion, the usual serving size can cause a feeling of heaviness, discomfort and even vomiting. To prevent this from happening, food should be fractional, at least five times a day, and not too dense. The optimal portion size is in the range of 100-150 g, which should be taken slowly.

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