what can you eat in the post

The last six days of fasting are the most difficult. And here it is very important to monitor your well-being, because the body is greatly weakened by the end of the post.

April 2 2018

Monday 2 April

Dry eating, raw vegetables, fruits, bread in the diet.

Tuesday April 3th

Dry food, raw vegetables, fruits, bread on the table.

Wednesday, April 4

Dry food, raw vegetables, fruits, bread on the menu.

Thursday April 5nd

Dry food, raw vegetables, fruits, bread.

Friday, April 6

Dry eating, raw vegetables, fruits, bread in the diet.

Saturday, April 7

Dry food, raw vegetables, fruits, bread.

Sunday, April 8

Exit from the post, it is allowed to eat everything.

If you follow strict rules, then during Holy Week food can only be eaten raw, boiled foods are prohibited. But if you feel uncomfortable, have problems with digestion, allow yourself some relaxation. Eat fruits – apples, tangerines, grapes. Try to give up physical activity altogether for these six days. But yoga and meditation will benefit the weakened body, they not only restore internal strength, but also stimulate the intestines.

Exit the fast gradually. You can drink low-fat chicken broth, it stimulates the secretion of gastric juice and helps the digestive system to tune in to a new mode of operation. If you really miss meat, then it is better to give preference to boiled or stewed veal, turkey. During a festive dinner, you can eat a small piece of fish or chicken, this will be enough. Since the body has lost the habit of animal protein in seven weeks, it should be consumed in moderation at first. Do not pounce on Easter cakes, it is also better not to overdo it with baking. And then on Easter week, eat foods that are easier to digest: kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese, eggs.

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