What can we learn from the KIDS Foundation’s “Children’s Hospital of the Future” report?
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Digitization, integrated care, telemedicine solutions or focusing on improving the patient’s and employee’s experiences are examples of areas that were highlighted in the “Children’s Hospital of the Future” report prepared by KIDS experts

During the year of its existence, the Foundation monitored the situation of medical facilities in Poland and abroad. Based on the research and experience from the implementation of the first projects, a report was prepared that identifies the areas of change in hospitals and proposes modern solutions. In this way, a comprehensive vision of transformation was created, which at the same time sets the strategic directions of the projects that the Foundation will deal with.

KIDS experts, based on the materials of such institutions as the Supreme Audit Office, WHO or ECHO, their own experiences and in-depth interviews with young patients, their carers and employees of children’s hospitals, examined the most frequently indicated problems, developing contemporary challenges in medical facilities. The goal of transformation is to improve the quality of experiences of both the patient, parent and hospital staff, which is why the report addresses various aspects of each stage of treatment – from first contact with a doctor and administrative issues, to discharge and convalescence.

1. Patient in the center – designing the entire path of the hospital experience of the patient with his physical and mental comfort in mind.

2. Digitization – using technology to improve the efficiency of processes and quality of care.

3. Integrated care – close cooperation and commitment of all participants in the treatment process.

4. Closer to home – extending care beyond traditional hospital walls.

5. Valued employer – creating a comfortable work environment

6. Center of innovation – creating conditions for the development and implementation of changes in medical care

7. Healthy organization – building a sustainable management model, new sources of income and a healthy cost structure.

The report will be presented in full in August this year. It will present a comprehensive vision of the hospitals of the future, along with a detailed analysis of problems and a database of inspiring examples of innovative solutions and good practices from around the world.

“We hope that the report will spark a discussion on the future of hospitals in Poland. At the same time, we want to inspire business leaders and technology companies that operate in these areas to support transformation. We have great medical staff, but the environment in which I work is not always keeping up with the digital revolution. We gather leaders of change in children’s hospitals around the Foundation. Together, we can make a huge change, felt by thousands of little patients, ”says KIDS co-founder Tomasz Rudolf, the president of The Heart, the corporate company builder that initiated the foundation.

The aim of the “Children’s Hospital of the Future” report is also to present local and global examples of implemented innovations. “We are still collecting examples of already implemented changes and pilot projects changing children’s hospitals. Anyone who has implemented an innovation in one of the 7 transformation areas designated by us can report it to us, and we will publish the most inspiring ones together with the Report, ”adds Maciej Malenda, head of the team working on the report.

KIDS wants to build an international community of innovators of children’s hospitals who will exchange knowledge and jointly create innovative projects. That is why the Foundation is already announcing a series of webinars with experts from the medical and technological industry.

Vision of the “Children’s Hospital of the Future”

7 areas of transformation – examples of innovation

The patient in the center. Hamburg University Hospital has prepared a special website for young patients to help them prepare for their visit. https://www.kinder-uke.de/

Digitization: In one hospital in San Francisco, VR goggles are used to minimize pain.


Integrated Care: Implemented in Colorado, the program engages parents to share their experiences with other parents whose children have received a similar diagnosis to reduce stress and better cope with the new situation.


Closer to home: Mercy Virtual Care Hospital has 300 employees dedicated solely to remote care. They care for patients at home and in 38 hospitals in 7 states.


Valued Employer: The You Matter program implemented by Nationwide Children’s Hospital aims to support hospital staff exposed to extreme stress and burnout.


Center of Innovation: Canadian SickKids Children’s Hospital for several years has been developing medical applications that support doctors and young patients around the world.


Healthy organization: To improve the management of the facility, some hospitals are beginning to implement NASA’s “command centers”. The monitors collect all key data on ongoing operations and patient flow in one place.


The KIDS Foundation is the Club of Children’s Hospital Innovators – it was established to transform hospitals into friendly hospitals of the future. It introduces innovations and new technologies to them. We know that many factors influence the healing process. That is why we combine different perspectives in our activities and we look at the hospital through the eyes of children, parents and those who fight for their health. Our first project is the revitalization of the Children’s Memorial Health Institute, one of the largest specialist pediatric hospitals in Poland. Currently he runs, among others projects: implementation of telemedicine, robotization of a hospital pharmacy, improvement of patient registration and creation of a patient application. Many partners have engaged in our projects, including The Heart, Publicis Group, USP Zdrowie, Colliers International, Nationale Nederlanden, Master Card, Alior Bank, Forbes, and many more. More information can be found at: www.kids.org.pl

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