What can we “improve” today in the gynecologist’s office?

Until recently, the patient was prompted by pregnancy or symptoms of female ailments and diseases until recently. Possibly – preventive examinations or the desire to obtain contraceptives. Gynecologists rarely asked their patients, for example, about the quality of sexual intercourse. A lot has changed in recent years when specific devices and treatments in the field of aesthetic gynecology have appeared in surgeries. What is this?

  1. Many women are ashamed to talk to a gynecologist about the quality of sex life or postpartum complications, believing that this is not a topic that should be addressed to the gynecologist
  2. However, a lot has changed in this topic in recent years, mainly due to aesthetic gynecology
  3. This relatively young field offers a number of treatments that translate not only into the comfort of functioning, but also into health – argues the drug. med. Andrzej Zmaczyński
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The medical justification for aesthetic gynecology treatments is discussed by Dr. med. Andrzej Zmaczyński, specialist in gynecology and obstetrics from the Sublimed Medical Center in Krakow.

There are many problems that women can face due to the structure of intimate places and the role they are supposed to play. Ailments that women are exposed to include: discomfort during intercourse, pain, loss of vaginal volume and its dryness, scars and other complications related to past births. Which health problems can aesthetic gynecology deal with?

A laser helpful in urogenital atrophy and urinary incontinence

Perimenopausal age and the number of previous deliveries can contribute to significant vaginal relaxation and dryness. – In the case of urogenital atrophy and excessive dryness, laser treatment (vagina nation) initiates the production of collagen fibers and improves the blood supply to the intimate areas.

An additional effect of using a gentle laser program is to increase hydration, which results in increased satisfaction during sexual contacts, as well as improved general well-being and self-confidence – explains the gynecologist. Another medical problem where aesthetic gynecology comes in handy is mild urinary incontinence.

– The benefits of laser therapy appear in the initial stages of stress urinary incontinence. When this problem is more severe, an accurate, in-depth diagnosis preceded by a urodynamic test is essential, adds the expert.

Revitalization of the labia and vaginal vestibule

For these treatments, a biocompatible material is used, such as hyaluronic acid or platelet-rich plasma from the patient’s own blood. These procedures are completely safe when performed by a professional and when they are used to improve female comfort. When does Dr. Andrzej Zmaczyński recommend such a procedure?

– Many postmenopausal and perimenopausal women experience dry intimate areas. Hormone treatment does not always bring the desired effect or in some cases it is not advisable. Injections with hyaluronic acid or platelet-rich plasma increases hydration, rebuilds the mucosa, and at the same time reduces irritation.

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Filling and labiaplasty – striving to equalize the proportions

One of the problems that is not affected by age or natural births is labia asymmetry. – Filling the labia majora with hyaluronic acid may “cover” the relatively large labia minora. It sometimes happens that this primary disproportion causes real pain. It can make it difficult to practice sports such as horse riding or cycling.

Patients seeking help in such a situation want to reduce the labia minora. If there are no obvious anatomical defects, which are not that common, you can decide to enlarge the labia majora – describes the specialist. Hyaluronic acid or adipose tissue transplantation are perfect for this.

The last natural “filler” is not a very popular solution so far, but according to a specialist, it has a chance to do so. – If the hypertrophy or asymmetry of the labia minora does not qualify for filling the labia majora or it is insufficient, then a surgical procedure must be performed – its technical name is labiomyoplasty or labiomaioroplasty.

Improving the shape itself, and thus the appearance, is one thing, but reducing the disproportion between the labia is by all means a health improvement – says the Sublimed specialist.

Hymenoplasty and hymenotomy

The interventions related to the interference in the structure of the hymen are a debatable topic, because their justification results from cultural conditions rather than strictly pro-health. However, not always. – While restoring the hymen is a procedure with a more cultural background, if, for example, a girl was raped, then in some sense such a procedure can help restore the health from before the event – realizes the gynecologist.

Hymenotomy, i.e. an appropriate incision of the hymen, is a pro-health procedure where comfort appears secondarily. Sometimes the hymen is thick enough to prevent intercourse, and sometimes it causes a serious medical condition due to the inability of menstrual blood to escape from the vagina. It also causes significant problems with intercourse and normal functioning.

Hoodoplasty – plasticization of the foreskin and clitoris

You can also look at the procedure in two ways. A woman who has trouble experiencing orgasm due to the structure of her organs needs help not only in terms of increasing comfort. – Having an orgasm is also a symptom of health! Through such a procedure, we enable the appropriate feeling of orgasm. It happens that the female foreskin is distorted, or it is so built that the woman, sitting and doing nothing, feels agitation. Then you need to perform a surgical correction – the doctor explains.

Be aware that menopause has the consequences of dryness and atrophy. It is true that a woman will not become pregnant during intercourse, but nature makes the willingness to do so perceive dryness, tendency to irritation and soreness. Hence, the treatment discussed in this point is also classified as health-related.

Similarly to revitalization with hyaluronic acid and platelet-rich plasma, in the case of urogenital atrophy, carboxytherapy, i.e. a controlled subcutaneous injection of medical carbon dioxide, contributes to the improvement of the patient’s comfort and health. The comfort of life and intercourse is also increased through the visual rejuvenation of the vulva area.

Laser scar correction after incision of the perineum

All women count on the fact that after giving birth to a child by natural forces, even if an incision has occurred, the scar will not cause any further complications. However, this is wishful thinking, and real life suggests completely different scenarios. Sometimes the degree of scar drawing is so unfortunate that due to the proximity of the anus, a woman constantly suffers from intimate infections, even while maintaining a high degree of hygiene.

– They are caused by bacterial colonization in the vagina, which is not fully closed. It is sometimes a consequence of the abnormal fusion of the scar after the incision of the perineum. Surgical correction or laser shrinkage of such a scar reduces symptoms and eliminates the cause of recurring infections – describes the expert of the Krakow Center.

We should also mention the Vaginal Narrower threads used in the correction of the scar after incision of the perineum or other postpartum complications. It is an effective and minimally invasive solution for closing the vulva. Even if the patient does not struggle with the above-described problems, or other problems, such as abnormal discharge or discomfort during intercourse and functioning, she may decide to go for a coincidence for aesthetic reasons. This action is then aimed at improving mental comfort.

The field called aesthetic gynecology has its strong justification. Various ailments that affect women are so important and rarely mentioned during a traditional gynecological consultation that it becomes a serious health problem. They can be stigmatizing and embarrassing, so you should fight it. Let’s also not forget that this field is simply designed to help women… that’s why it’s worth taking advantage of it!

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