What can two give to each other?

Successful women are increasingly afraid of getting married and having children. Relationships scare them more than loneliness. Galina Ilyukhina, who has been working with Tarot cards for many years, tells how the cards help her clients to take an important step.

She sits opposite – thin, graceful. Straight back, beautiful fit of the head. I involuntarily admire. A few years ago, I would have asked myself: what did this beauty forget at the fortune teller? Now I don’t ask. Instead of jaded women desperate to keep an unfaithful husband, mend relationships with older children, or find a job, more and more girls come to me: young, beautiful, educated, successful.

Natasha is a lawyer in a large firm, plays sports, takes care of herself. Girlfriends, fashion clubs. Men? Yes, they care. What brought her here? .. She thinks: “You see, it’s time for me to have children. Mom gave birth to me at 22, and I’m already 28 … And it seems that I need to get married … ”She says this very uncertainly.

I skim through the cards: Knight of Pentacles, Two of Staves.

– Natasha, you have a couple, a strong relationship.

She nods. Yes, they are dating.

– So what’s the problem? Is he against marriage?

– N-no. But I myself…

I suggest she take a card and already approximately know what to expect. So it is, Six of Cups: confusion before a choice. A shadow man who does not feel his involvement, real “binding” to any of the options generously offered to him.

Natasha sincerely does not understand: what bonus will marriage give her? Household chores, cooking “male” food instead of dietary salads. The need to adapt to each other’s habits. Loss of freedom, fear that cares will be distributed unfairly, that the division of property will cause problems if the relationship does not work out. And you can meet like that, and you can give birth yourself, she earns for a nanny.

Women’s loneliness is surrounded by mysticism, they talk about the crown of celibacy. Many hide from themselves that being alone is more convenient, calmer, more familiar to them. But “mom says getting married is right.” And the daughter provokes conflicts with men, pushing them away, or – Natasha’s case – keeps the admirer at a distance.

– Natasha, let’s get to know both of you better? I suggest. She looks up at me in surprise: how?

Take a card for each of you.

The Queen of Swords and the already familiar Knight of Pentacles lie on the table. The woman is smart, determined, fair… lonely. The man is efficient, rational, unromantic. “Grounded”.

– Add one more card for each.

And suddenly, next to the Queen of Swords, a magnificent Empress appears – fertility, prosperity, love, motherhood. Next to the grounded knight – Fool, jester. A wonderful card that is often misinterpreted. This is a powerful intuition that helps even the blind to walk along the edge of the abyss, if you listen to it. This is the soul.

– Natasha, the first two images – you are the current ones, the way you realize and feel yourself. And the other two are the potential that you will help each other to reveal. Want to see what happens if you join your lives?

Natasha hesitates. Then, having made up his mind, he takes out … Ten bowls. We see a happy couple and dancing children under the rainbow arch. Something that only two can give to each other.

About expert

Galina Ilyukhina has been working with Tarot for more than 30 years, prefers the form of “free dialogue” with cards. Born and lives in St. Petersburg.

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