What can replace the primer for nails | Expert opinion

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Чтобы понять, чем можно заменить праймер для ногтей, нужно точно знать, что это за косметический продукт, для чего нужен и какими свойствами он обладает.

A nail primer is a special tool for nail art that prepares the nail plate for applying varnish or other, including resistant, coating. The primer has a liquid consistency, is available in small bottles equipped with a brush built into the lid. The primer looks like a regular nail polish, but it performs the following functions:

  1. Disinfection. Thanks to the primer, the likelihood of fungal diseases of the nail plates under the polymer coating is significantly reduced.

  2. Degreasing. This improves adhesion between the surface of the nail and the first layer of coating. Manicure lasts much longer.

  3. Removal of excess moisture from the surface of the nails, which also contributes to a better “grip” of surfaces and prevents the development of pathogenic microorganisms (fungus).

  4. The primer very carefully and easily lifts the scales of the upper stratum corneum of the nails, preparing them for applying the base under a resistant polymer coating.

The use of a primer is most appropriate when a decorative manicure is performed using shellac or gel polish. If conventional varnish is used, the use of a primer or its analogues is not necessary, although it is highly desirable.

Способы и в подручные средства, которые могут заменить primer для маникюра

So, what are the tools at hand that can replace the primer for a while? First of all, it is ordinary acetone or nail polish remover with acetone in the composition. This substance has drying, degreasing, cleansing and disinfecting properties. You can also use a nail polish remover that does not contain acetone, but also does not contain any oily components, otherwise the effect will be just the opposite. If acetone or a cosmetic product is not at hand, you can try using:

  1. Regular cooking vinegar 6 or 9%. The higher the concentration, the more effective the remedy will be, it will dry and clean the nails.

  2. Борная кислота в концентрации 3% – it will have an antiseptic and dehydrating effect on the nail plates.

  3. Alcohol and alcoholic drinks. It is better, of course, to use pure medical alcohol without any additives. But vodka, moonshine, cologne will do. But wine, low-alcohol drinks are not suitable for these purposes, despite the presence of degrees.

  4. Lemon or lime juice, hand-squeezed. If you don’t feel like squeezing, just cut the fruit into two halves, lightly remember the pulp of the first with a fork. Then run your fingers into it for 2-3 minutes, repeat the procedure with the second hand. If you have citric acid, an aqueous infusion of it can also be used as a nail primer.

  5. Заварка, приготовленная из черного чая без ароматических или фруктовых добавок, может заменить primer. The tea leaves should be very strong, have a dark brown color. It has a disinfecting effect on the nails and even strengthens them due to the presence of tannins in the composition. But a decoction of tea cannot remove excess moisture from the nail plates, therefore, after treatment, it is recommended to dry the nails with a hairdryer.

  6. Household, and better tar soap, which have excellent cleansing and light drying properties. It is advisable to grate a small piece or cut the “sawdust” with a knife, pour a small amount of warm water, wait for dissolution to get a thick mass. Soap should be applied to the nails for several minutes, then rinse thoroughly and dry the surface well.

  7. PVA glue, в составе которого присутствует поливиниловый спирт. Желательно, чтобы флакончик был оснащен кисточкой, встроенной в крышку, тогда клей будет проще наносить. Как только пленка клея на ногтевых пластинах полностью высохнет, ее нужно аккуратно снять.

However, before using any primer replacement product, keep in mind that the manicure will not last as long as the original product. None of the listed substances will improve the adhesion of the nail plate and base or varnish, gel, acrylic coating, which are used in nail art. Therefore, the result of a manicure will please you no longer than 7-10 days. Although if you additionally use a nail file with a very small size of abrasive particles, you can count on an improvement in the result. If you walk with such a tool on the nails, their surface will not become smooth, but, as it were, slightly rough, which will improve the adhesion to the decorative coating.

Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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