
Chia seeds, goji berries, quinoa… In order not to run for these trendy super-healthy products to the ends of the world, you can find a worthy alternative to them.

Chia seeds, goji berries, quinoa… The secret to the success of these super products is the amazing concentration of nutrients that our body needs. But if in Los Angeles or London you can go to the nearest supermarket for a pack of chia, then in Russia we continue to order packages of superberries and superseeds on the Internet, or even go for them through the whole city. We offer several affordable alternatives that are in no way inferior to trendy food in terms of both health and taste.

1. Sesame instead of chia

Tiny seeds resembling poppy seeds are a source of useful substances. But there is a more familiar and familiar product that can replace chia — this is sesame. Yes, it does not have as many omega-3 fatty acids, but it also charges the body with antioxidants and lowers cholesterol. Sesame seeds are rich in magnesium — 50 grams contains 30% of the required daily amount for an adult. Magnesium is necessary for the functioning of muscles, immunity and nervous system, and it also regulates blood pressure.

Incorporating sesame seeds into your diet is as easy as adding chia seeds. Add them to salads, soups, cereals, sprinkle ready-made meat and fish dishes. Moreover, you can add them to smoothies — it will not affect the taste.

2. Nut instead of quinoa

Chickpeas, just like trendy quinoa, are gluten-free and combine fiber, «good» carbs, and plant-based protein. In 50 grams of cooked quinoa, you’ll find 20 grams of carbs, 2,5 grams of fiber, and 4 grams of protein. But in the same amount of chickpeas, there are only 17 g of carbohydrates, 5 g of fiber and 5 g of protein. Plus minerals and antioxidants. Use chickpeas in soups, salads and side dishes. Chickpeas are also good for a healthy snack — to do this, bake them in the oven with olive oil and salt. And, of course, hummus.

3. Cranberries instead of goji

Bitter goji berries came to us from Chinese medicine. They are valued for their phenomenal ability to strengthen the immune system, increase the level of antioxidants. But cranberries have absolutely the same properties. Moreover, studies conducted at the University of Wisconsin (USA) confirmed that regular consumption of cranberries prevents urinary tract infections. Doctors gave twenty women predisposed to this disease daily 40 grams of dried cranberries daily. Six months later, all participants in the experiment showed better resistance to the disease. Dried berries, cranberry sauce, jam and cranberry juice — all these dishes can be consumed daily, strengthening your immune system and preventing inflammation.

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