What can infertility in women result?
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Infertility can be caused by many factors – ranging from infection, anatomical defects of the reproductive organs, hormonal disorders, to an inappropriate lifestyle. Therefore, diagnostics is an important element of treatment – the better the causes of problems with getting pregnant are known, the greater the chance of their quick resolution. What should you know about female infertility and where to go for help?

There can be many causes of decreased fertility in women

It is worth mentioning at the outset that infertility is a very complex problem that often affects both partners. Therefore, it is worth coming together for the first visit to the infertility treatment clinic. In women, problems with conceiving a child are most often caused by hormonal abnormalities that negatively affect ovulation. In men, these are mainly problems with the quality of sperm (e.g. too low sperm count, too low percentage of mobile sperm, their abnormal structure) and testicular diseases. In the case of both sexes, infertility may be caused by intimate infections, systemic diseases and an inappropriate lifestyle that worsens the general condition of the body.

Hormonal disorders

Ovulation and a woman’s entire menstrual cycle are governed by a complicated web of hormones. Even minor disturbances in hormone secretion can disrupt this entire mechanism. These disorders can be the result of diseases of the glands that produce substances important for maintaining fertility – for example, the pituitary gland, which produces lutropin (LH hormone) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) involved in regulating the menstrual cycle.

An endocrine disorder that negatively affects not only fertility, but also daily functioning is polycystic ovary syndrome, i.e. PCOS. It disturbs ovulation, sometimes causes amenorrhea and an increase in the concentration of male sex hormones, weight gain, skin problems, and often also sugar disorders.

Diseases and anatomical defects of the reproductive organs

Infertility in women can be caused by diseases of the uterus, vagina, fallopian tubes or ovaries. These are for example:

  1. Endometriosis – endometrial (mucosa) cells extend beyond the uterine cavity, causing inflammation, adhesions and cysts.
  2. Hostile cervical mucus – one of the tasks of mucus is to enable the transport of sperm into the uterine cavity. The so-called aggressive mucus neutralizes the sperm and keeps them in the cervix.
  3. Anatomical defects of the uterus, i.e. its abnormal structure, e.g. septum, two-horned uterus, one-horned uterus. These defects can lead to miscarriage or premature birth. 
  4. Obstruction of the fallopian tubes – that is, closing their lumen, as a result of which the sperm cannot meet the egg. 
  5. Ovarian fibroids and cysts – which, depending on where they are located, may cause failure of the fallopian tubes (cysts), reduction of the ovarian reserve (cysts), ovulation disorders (cysts) of the fallopian tubes, and embryo implantation disorders (fibroids).

Other causes of infertility in women

Problems with conceiving a child may also result from a reduced body condition as a result of an inappropriate lifestyle. Inadequate diet, exposure to long-term stress, lack of exercise and related civilization diseases (overweight, insulin resistance, psychological blockages) can significantly affect fertility. Women who are planning a pregnancy are advised not to use stimulants completely and to take care of their mental and physical well-being.

It is worth mentioning that it is not always possible to pinpoint the causes of problems with getting pregnant. We are then talking about infertility of unknown origin (idiopathic). Also in this situation, it is possible to implement effective treatment. To get help, it is worth visiting an infertility clinic with a team of specialists in various fields. He is such a center Gamete – infertility treatment clinic in Warsawwhere specialists in obstetrics and gynecology, gynecological and reproductive endocrinology, ultrasound, radiology or laboratory diagnostics work. All this allows you to get help in understanding the causes of infertility and implementing appropriate therapy.

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