Cherry plum, in addition to its taste and useful properties, has one more feature. Others can be grafted onto this fruit tree. For example, grafting a plum on a cherry plum improves the frost resistance of a plant.
How to choose a graft and rootstock for grafting
Plants aged 4 – 5 years – a universal stock for any fruit. When the trunk acquires a thickness of about 0,12 meters, then it is worth grafting. If the procedure is carried out on a weakened underdeveloped individual, it can be carried out later. However, the older the plant, the worse it will take root. In addition, under this condition, the vaccination procedure itself becomes more complicated. Most of the crops, the fruits of which have a stone inside, can be grafted onto cherry plum with equal success.
Numerous scientific experiments have proven that grafting on identical varieties gives particularly good results. That is, the cherry plum itself should be grafted onto the cherry plum. And he himself will be the best stock for an apricot. In this case, the probability of incompatibility is practically reduced to zero, and the cutting takes root quite quickly.
The grafted seedling will become more resistant to drought and winter cold. More shoots will not form on it, and the fruits of such a culture will be large and sweet. In addition, they will become very attractive in appearance, thanks to their bright color.
Many people graft an apricot onto a peach. However, this method is acceptable for the southern regions, because peach does not tolerate frost well. In this case, it is very likely that the cuttings will die. Therefore, it is better to use such a stock: plum, cherry, cherry plum.
Video “How to graft a split”
From the video you will learn how to do this procedure.
Vaccination: compatibility of varieties and species
What can be grafted on cherry plum and when? On this type of plum, as well as on others, an apricot or cherry is most often grafted. Carry out the procedure in the spring. A plum-shaped rootstock usually entails a high survival rate and a good yield. But also no growth appears at the grafting points. This suggests that the compatibility of the grafted culture with plum is very high. It is best to use semi-wild plum varieties for grafting. An apricot stalk grown on a frost-resistant plum becomes just as stable and develops much faster.
Vaccination on cherry plum is quite popular today. And there are a number of reasons for this. Firstly, such a procedure takes place with high rates of survival and increased yields in the future. Secondly, its fruits of the grafted plant have excellent taste characteristics. Thirdly, cherry plum is the best option for rootstock for representatives of stone fruit varieties.
When to vaccinate
It is best to graft plants in the spring season. During this period, the street is quite warm, but at the same time still cool and not dry. There should be no rain for a few days before the planned event. It is in spring that plant juice actively circulates throughout the body, which causes an increased survival rate of cuttings. It is best to carry out the procedure in conditions of stable temperature, in the second half of April or early March.
If the best time for grafting has already passed, the procedure can be carried out in the summer.
At this time, the cuttings will also successfully take root, overwinter and form an ovary next year. However, it is better to eliminate the ovaries in order to allow the branch to grow stronger and fully develop.
There is also an autumn vaccination, however, it is applicable, rather, in the southern territories, that autumn is mild and late, and severe frosts are uncharacteristic of winters. Vaccination should be carried out no later than mid-October. At the same time, low ambient temperature will have a negative effect on the cuttings. For the winter, in case of engraftment, they need to be wrapped in warm material.
We prepare cuttings
The success of the procedure largely depends on the strength of the interaction of plant tissues of the rootstock and scion. Therefore, it is worthwhile to prepare the necessary material properly in advance. In this case, it is necessary to make sure that the plant tissues are suitable for the procedure.
How to graft fruit plants? It is better to instill cherries by cuttings. It is better to form cuttings at the end of the autumn season, before the onset of severe cold weather.
It is permissible to store the prepared material in wet sawdust or simply in the refrigerator, on the bottom shelf.
Stone fruit cuttings are perfectly stored frozen. They should be frozen in frozen sawdust, after wrapping it with a wet rag.
Vaccination in the spring: choose a method
How to graft plants in spring? There are several ways. The most convenient one is chosen based on the age of the tree, the length and thickness of its branches, as well as what purpose is being pursued.
If the diameter of the cuttings is several times smaller than the diameter of the rootstock, it is better to use a split. At the place of grafting, a split is made on the tree. A split is made in its center to a shallow depth, where the cutting is placed. It should fit snugly into the cut of the tree.
If the diameters of the rootstock and scion are the same, it is worth using budding (grafting with a cutting). The prepared stalk is firmly attached to the trunk and tightly wrapped with a film. Places of cuts are treated with a special substance.
So, cherry plum is a universal stock. It is possible to pin any fruit crop on it. This is easily explained by the characteristics of the plant itself. Cultures grafted on cherry plum acquire excellent taste qualities and a number of positive properties, among which one can single out resistance to cold.
Video “Grafting cherries and plums”
From the video you will learn how to plant plums and cherries.