What can be done now to prolong life. Blog by Peter Diamandis

There are actions that you can take in everyday life and thus improve your health, as well as become one step closer to longevity, businessman and futurist Peter Diamandis is sure.

The purpose of the actions listed below is to live long enough now and find new advanced technologies that will prolong youth, then the next innovative developments, etc. In this way, it will be possible to improve health and increase life expectancy as much as you want, the visionary writes on his blog.

Get a thorough diagnosis

A common mistake that many of us make is to assume that you are healthy until the pain in your side leads to the emergency room, where it turns out that you have been sick all this time.

Perhaps it will be advanced cancer, or an aneurysm, or a serious heart disease that could be easily detected, or any of the 100 diseases that could be prevented.

Unfortunately, most people do not know the actual state of their health. In the future, we will all wear sensors that constantly monitor our performance. But until this happens, it is necessary to undergo annual advanced diagnostics (MRI, CT, genomics, metabolomics) to assess health and identify diseases at the zero stage.

What can be learned from such a survey? In 2018, Human Longevity released the following data on its first 1190 clients:

  • 2% of patients had undiagnosed tumors/cancer in an advanced stage;
  • 2,5% of patients had undiagnosed aneurysms (the world’s No. 2 killer);
  • 9% of patients were diagnosed with coronary heart disease (“killer” No. 1);
  • 14,4% had serious problems requiring immediate intervention;
  • 40% of percent found certain conditions that require long-term monitoring.

Find out your biological age and change it

Each of us has our own set of genes, but the main thing is which one is especially pronounced.

The gut microbiome is equally important. For example, Viome focuses on the 100 trillion bacteria in the gut microbiome. AI Viome algorithms make recommendations based on the individual characteristics of the body: what foods and supplements to use to reduce inflammation and “reverse” your biological age, get more energy, increase immunity, improve intestinal and mental health.

Nutrition optimization is the most easily controlled step on the road to longevity that you can and should start implementing right now.

Sleep, exercise, diet, mindset and goal

You can get healthier and live longer by focusing on the four pillars: sleep, exercise, diet, and mindset.

1. Enough sleep is one of the most underestimated factors in increasing life expectancy.

You need to sleep for eight hours every night. If you think you’re one of those people who can get away with five or six hours of sleep, you’re in for a disappointment: the scientific evidence says otherwise.

Neuroscientist Matthew Walker, in his book Why We Sleep, says that sleep is the single most effective thing that every person can do every day to restore their mental and physical health.

Getting enough sleep improves your ability to learn, make better decisions, and help you deal with problems with relative peace of mind. From a physiological point of view, sleep strengthens the immune system, improves metabolism, regulates appetite, and helps maintain a healthy cardiovascular system.

On the other hand, sleeping less than six or seven hours each night doubles your risk of developing cancer and may increase your chance of Alzheimer’s. Lack of sleep can also contribute to serious mental disorders such as anxiety and depression.

Therefore, it is better to make sleep your priority.

2. Muscle mass is one of the most important predictors of longevity.

With age, we lose it – this is called sarcopenia. But slowing down or even reversing this process is possible with regular exercise.

An increase in muscle mass can contribute to a longer lifespan in several ways:

  • an increase in muscle mass leads to an increase in the number of stem cells;
  • reduces the risk of falls and related injuries;
  • even a small amount of weekly strength training along with the use of peptides can help naturally stimulate growth hormone and increase muscle mass.

3. Dieting can have an immediate positive effect and ultimately increase your lifespan.

Try these two things now:

  • adhere to the principle of intermittent fasting;
  • reduce your sugar intake.

Intermittent (or intermittent) fasting is a powerful practice that involves alternating periods of eating and not eating.

There are dozens of fasting programs. Whatever you choose, almost any practice that allows the body to get enough nutrition at the same time will help you live a healthier and longer life. Diet can not only increase energy levels and mental clarity, but also prevent cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.

Reducing or eliminating sugar from the diet can also have an immediate positive effect.

Lowering blood sugar levels has been linked to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and has been shown to reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, and heart-related death.

4. Your mindset – also what you can change right now to live a healthier and longer life.

It depends on many factors: Who do you spend time with? What are you reading? What do you surround yourself with? What media do you listen to?

But a person who wants to live to be 100 or 120 must have a goal. Otherwise, why live longer? Find the right meanings, and you will not just live for another birthday, but live for real – with a goal that inspires and motivates.

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