What can be done from the microwave with your own hands

BytTechService » microwave » What can be done from an old broken microwave with your own hands

When a microwave oven or any of its parts becomes unusable, the question of disposal often arises. But do not rush to send “tired” equipment to a landfill – you can collect a lot of useful things from it. Consider what you can do from a microwave with your own hands. Our article will be useful to everyone: from housewives to radio amateurs – it all depends on your skills.

low power oven

Let’s start with the simplest uses for a broken microwave oven. If it is equipped with mechanical control, and there is no desire to repair it, convert it into a low power oven. For this purpose, the electric motor that rotates the platform is dismantled, instead of it they put a heating element or a conventional burner from an electric stove.

Important! Before dismantling the capacitor, discharge it by shorting it to the case. This precaution is due to the fact that the device is able to store a high voltage charge for a long time.

The rest is in the details: it doesn’t hurt to install guides under the baking sheet, mode control, glass – instead of the usual one, install a heat-resistant one. Unfortunately, such an oven will not please you with pies – some of the parts will not be ready for long-term high-temperature exposure, but it will be possible to heat up the food.

Think you can make it solo oven, with only one difference: instead of radiation, the products will be affected by temperature.

Designer bread box

If some of the details have already outlived their time, it is unrealistic to restore the microwave oven. You can apply all your creativity and make a craft – a bread box. In this case, you only need the case. Yes, it is somewhat bulky, but for a spacious kitchen this will not be a hindrance. Repaint the oven or use the favorite way of craftswomen – decoupage.

On a note. Decoupage is a special type of surface decoration, when an image from napkins or special decoupage cards is transferred to the surface using a special varnish. On the net you will find a lot of instructions and decoupage master classes, even with the help of ordinary printed pictures.

From above, such “stickers” are varnished and look very stylish. Particularly pleasant in the interior will look option in the style of “Provence” or “antique” with the use of craquelure varnish, which, upon drying, gives the effect of aging – cracks.

The main advantage of the idea is that the bread box will hold more than one loaf. With the preservation of the processor, it will additionally serve as hours. Surprise guests and friends with your creative abilities.


It can be used anywhere, for example to cool eggs in an incubator. Didn’t know that you need to cool eggs, and not just heat them? In fact, the cooling process is the most important stage in the development of the embryo. If you have watched a hen at least once in your life, you might have noticed that she leaves the nest anyway. The fan will bring the artificial breeding of chicks closer to natural conditions.

By combining the fan with a timer, you can automate the process of turning the device on and off.

You can also upgrade your household incubator by using a geared pan motor. By adding a time relay to it, you can also automate the process of turning eggs.

What to do with a transformer

A microwave oven transformer (Microwave Oven Tranformer or MOT) can be turned into a contact welding device, the manufacturing patterns of which you can find on thematic forums on the net.

An old microwave can become something new: a bread box, a fan, or maybe a useful technical device. So do not scatter a broken microwave – give it a second life!

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