What can and should not be vaccinated against COVID-19? Dr. Fauci observes
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People who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 are likely asking themselves how far their lives can recover from then on. This is important because, as Dr.Fauci emphasizes, the behavior of the vaccinated also determines whether the fourth wave of the pandemic will occur. So what can they afford? An example is Anthony Fauci himself. He told Business Insider about his everyday life after taking the second dose of the vaccine.

  1. Dr. Fauci tells how his everyday life changed after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine
  2. On April 2, the CDC updated its recommendations for people fully vaccinated against COVID-19 – recognizing that it is safe to travel. Due to the increase in the incidence, Dr. Fauci himself resigns from trips for the time being
  3. Practitioner recommends patience in returning to pre-pandemic behavior. The probability of the fourth wave depends on it
  4. You can find more up-to-date information on the TvoiLokony home page

Vaccinations against COVID-19. Behavior of vaccinated people and the development of a pandemic

Since the start of vaccination against COVID-19, more than 781 million doses have been distributed worldwide. Every day, millions of people receive a portion of the preparation. According to the latest Bloomberg data, the preparation received almost 24 million within 18 hours. people. Among the growing number of vaccinated people there are people who think that “within a few days of the second dose, everything can be done”. Unfortunately, this is not the case. This was pointed out by Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the most prominent infectious disease experts in the world, White House Chief Medical Advisor and a person fully vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 since January (he received a Moderna vaccine).

Of course, COVID-19 vaccines are effective in protecting against the disease, and some pre-pandemic behaviors can be reverted after vaccination. However, you need to know that not immediately, because immunity does not appear immediately after taking the preparation. Second, we still need to take precautions to protect ourselves and others in certain situations. This is very important information. The development of the situation related to the coronavirus also depends on the proper behavior of vaccinated people.

  1. What is the risk of infection from vaccinated and healed?

About the current pandemic situation and the ongoing vaccination campaign, Dr. Fauci says bluntly: “This is a kind of race between the vaccine and the likelihood of another increase. The expert points out that the more Americans (and all of us) are patient with returning to normal life, the less likely it is that there will be a fourth increase in the number of infections. Let us add at this point that currently four out of five people in the United States are not yet fully vaccinated against the coronavirus.

Dr. Fauci: Vaccination against COVID-9 is not giving the green light to return to normal

How did Fauci’s everyday life change after being vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2? What behaviors does he consider safe? The specialist admits that after taking the second dose of the vaccine, his life changed very little. Of course, this is also influenced by his professional work. As he admits: – I haven’t had a day off in a year and three months.

A social life, although truncated, nonetheless exists. While meetings with neighbors were held outside, in mask and at a distance, before vaccination, today they are organized at home, without the use of masks. However, this only applies to people with whom Dr. Fauci comes into contact. At the moment, the doctor stipulates that he will still not eat in a restaurant, go to the cinema or plan any trips in the near future. Likewise, it will not enter a room where people are not wearing face masks.

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Dr. Fauci is due to the epidemic the United States is currently in. Every day in the USA, about 3 million people are vaccinated, but on the other hand, in 18 states the number of infections is growing. In Michigan, one of the epidemic’s worst “hot spots”, the number of cases has quadrupled in the past month.

Taking all this into account, the infectious disease specialist emphasizes that he does not see vaccination as a green light for resuming all the activities that have been deprived of us by the pandemic.

Are you fully vaccinated? What is changing, what is better not to do. CDC Recommendations

Conduct of dr. Fauci is in line with the guidelines that the CDC, the U.S. federal government agency and the world’s leading anti-epidemic organization, has prepared for fully vaccinated people. What does the CDC advise and warn about?

If you are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (i.e. at least two weeks have passed since the second dose of the vaccine was given) you can:

Stay in rooms with other fully vaccinated persons without a face mask.

Stay in a room with unvaccinated household members (for example, visiting relatives who live together) without a face mask, provided they are not at risk of severe COVID-19.

Travel around the country without being tested for SARS-CoV-2 before or after your trip

Travel around the country and abroad without the need for quarantine upon return

Despite being fully vaccinated against the coronavirus, the CDC advises against:

  1. staying without a mask in rooms where there are people with an increased risk of severe COVID-19
  2. participation in medium or large gatherings

The CDC also reminds that there is still a risk that people vaccinated against COVID-19 may transmit the pathogen to unvaccinated people (increasing evidence suggests this is not the case, but is still uncertain). Therefore, it is important to remember about measures that protect others and ourselves, i.e. wearing the mask correctly, keeping a safe distance, avoiding crowds and poorly ventilated rooms. The Agency recommends taking these actions when:

You are in public places

  1. you are dating unvaccinated people from more than one other household
  2. you are dating an unvaccinated person who is at risk of suffering from severe or died from COVID-19, or living with someone who is at higher risk of these events

Fauci also referred to this, stressing that it is important that all Americans – both vaccinated and unvaccinated – continue to avoid crowds and maintain social distancing.

The specialist estimates that the herd immunity threshold to contain the spread of the pathogen may be 70 to 85 percent. population. “If we hold on a little longer, we will reach the point where protecting the general public by the vaccine will make another spike in infection very unlikely,” notes Anthony Fauci.

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