What can and cannot be done with osteochondrosis?

osteochondrosis – a real scourge of modern humanity. The specificity of this disease is that its appearance and development is not accompanied by any signs, it manifests itself already in the later stages with pain in different parts of the spine, migraine, numbness of the extremities and a decrease in the quality of life. What will be the result of the treatment of the disease depends on the behavior of the person, his lifestyle after the diagnosis and treatment of osteochondrosis.

What can be done with osteochondrosis?

What can and cannot be done with osteochondrosis?

People suffering from osteochondrosis strive to do everything possible to avoid a recurrence of the disease.

To this end, some familiar things will have to be abandoned, but something can be left:

  • The bathhouse. The basis of the healing mechanism is deep warming and external irritation, which stimulates the physiological processes in the body, due to which tension is relieved, swelling decreases and muscle pain disappears. You can stay in the steam room for a maximum of 10 minutes in a row with breaks between visits of 10-20 minutes. A traditional broom is allowed to be used only after a thorough warming up of the body. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol in the bath, but herbal tea is definitely recommended. But remember that with an exacerbation of osteochondrosis, going to the bath is prohibited!

  • Massage. We will immediately say to fans of therapeutic massage that it can be carried out at a time when the pain syndrome has already been stopped, and movements do not cause discomfort. Or during an exacerbation, but in this case, the manual impact should be directed to the neighboring healthy area of ​​the body, which reduces pain in the focus of pathogenesis at the reflex level. The first sessions during an exacerbation are carried out very carefully, without straining the muscles, and therefore without causing an aggravation of the pain syndrome;

  • Sports. With osteochondrosis, sports walking is recommended. This type of physical activity stimulates almost all muscle groups. In the cold season you can go skiing;

  • Swimming. Shown in the absence of pain. It helps to relax muscles and increase joint mobility, but it is necessary to exclude hypothermia – a possible cause of an exacerbation of the disease;

  • Yoga. Performing a complex of special asanas helps to strengthen the muscles of the back, reduce tension between the vertebrae, improve blood supply, increase elasticity and mobility of ligaments and tendons. As a result, further development of osteochondrosis and its relapses can be prevented, as well as partial posture correction can be achieved;

  • Food. It is very important for osteochondrosis to consume a sufficient amount of protein. To do this, you need to introduce eggs, chicken, fish, milk and cottage cheese into the diet. You can eat veal, lamb and pork, but you should not get carried away. Vegetable protein contained in mushrooms, legumes, nuts, seeds, eggplants is also important. With osteochondrosis, you must definitely eat fresh vegetables and fruits. It’s great if you can use freshly squeezed juices. In winter, when quality plant foods are largely unavailable, you can focus on consuming cabbage, beets and carrots flavored with quality olive or sunflower oil, and supplement your diet with a vitamin complex.

Pay attention! All of the above recommendations can be used only after consultation with your doctor!

What can not be done with osteochondrosis?

What can and cannot be done with osteochondrosis?

If you have been diagnosed with osteochondrosis, then you need to understand that new bones and cartilage will not grow. But the development of this disease and its accompanying symptoms can be prevented.

To do this, you must always remember what you can not do with osteochondrosis:

  • Lift and carry weights. If it is impossible to completely abandon this, then you need to lift heavy objects with a straight back and without tilting your head;

  • Make careless movements, provoking a crunch in the joints and spine. Such turns and kneading relieve discomfort for a short time, but at the same time wear out the contact surfaces of the vertebrae, gradually violating the integrity of the spine and provoking complications of osteochondrosis;

  • Sleep on a high pillow. This rule must be observed especially carefully in case of cervical osteochondrosis. The muscles of the back will involuntarily tighten, the pain will intensify, and the spine, regularly being in a curved state, will continue to deform;

  • Overeat. Moreover, excess weight in osteochondrosis is the main problem that you need to try to get rid of in the first place. The diet is described above;

  • Sleep on a soft mattress or sofa. Giving rest to the head, you will not let the muscles relax, which will lead to the appearance or aggravation of back pain;

  • Wear uncomfortable shoes with high heels. With osteochondrosis, you need to monitor your posture. The lack of full support on both feet violates the natural curvature of the spine, provoking the further development of the disease;

  • Load your back in the gym. At the initial stage of recovery after treatment of osteochondrosis, serious sports loads are unacceptable in principle!

  • Abuse salt and alcohol. Marinades, pickles and other products with excess salt content will have to be excluded from the menu. The same applies to alcoholic beverages that provoke edema.

Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. It is not for nothing that experienced doctors say that movement is life! This rule also works against osteochondrosis.

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