What can and cannot be done with an intervertebral hernia?

What can and cannot be done with an intervertebral hernia?

A herniated disc is a protrusion of an intervertebral disc between the vertebral bodies. Most often, hernias form in the lumbar region, less often in the cervical and thoracic spine. The age of patients who are usually diagnosed with herniated discs ranges from 30 to 50 years. Pathology is manifested by pain, which contributes to the limitation of mobility in the damaged area.

The disease can lead to serious consequences, so it is important to treat it in a timely manner and have maximum information on what can and cannot be done with an intervertebral hernia.

What can and cannot be done with an intervertebral hernia?

If you have an intervertebral hernia, then you are probably asking many questions. What can and cannot be done with such a disease?

Is it possible to cure a hernia of the lumbar without surgery?

What can and cannot be done with an intervertebral hernia?

Yes, lumbar disc herniation can be cured without surgery. In Russia and the CIS countries, there is an unofficially established medical practice: everyone who has an intervertebral hernia is recommended to undergo surgical treatment. Meanwhile, this is an absolutely illiterate and unprofessional approach. Surgery is a last resort. This is the most radical way. In Europe and the USA, there is only a small list of absolute indications for surgery. Basically, they are associated with the threat of loss of motor function or the lack of effectiveness of conservative treatment.

Agreeing to the operation, you need to be aware of all the risks:

  • Any operation is associated with significant stress on the body – anesthesia, postoperative period;

  • The operation to eliminate the intervertebral hernia is very difficult. It all depends on the skill of the surgeon. If the doctor is not qualified and experienced enough, there is always a risk of unforeseen consequences: for example, spinal cord injuries and complete loss of motor function.

Therefore, it is necessary to agree to the operation only if all the previous treatment did not work.

The main thing is not to neglect the methods of conservative treatment: there are a lot of medicines, methods of physiotherapy, physiotherapy exercises. If you take up the treatment on time, when the process has not reached the peak state, you can take the hernia “under control”. After that, it remains only to adhere to a number of recommendations. Then it will be possible to forget about the hernia once and for all.

What loads for intervertebral hernia are allowed?

What can and cannot be done with an intervertebral hernia?

Unfortunately, the presence of a herniated disc imposes significant restrictions on the patient in terms of physical activity. Of course, you don’t have to give it up at all.

It is worth knowing which types of load pose the greatest threat:

  • Activity associated with axial load on the spine. It is necessary to exclude weight lifting, training in the gym with shells (lifting dumbbells, barbells, etc.);

  • Activities associated with a long stay of the body in an upright position (running, playing football, hockey, skiing).

Preference for a hernia is better to give water aerobics, swimming, water sports. It is also recommended to perform a complex of specialized exercises of physiotherapy exercises. Such a load will have a beneficial effect on the body: the back muscles will be strengthened, and with an increase in muscle tone, the stability of the hernia can be guaranteed.

Is it possible to warm the intervertebral hernia?

What can and cannot be done with an intervertebral hernia?

It is strictly forbidden to warm up strongly with a hernia, not to mention the use of therapeutic warming procedures. At the same time, the back muscles weaken, the muscular corset that holds the damaged intervertebral disc loses its tone. As a result, the hernia can be displaced and further protrusion with all the ensuing adverse health consequences: pinched nerves and spinal cord. This is extremely dangerous.

Is it possible to run with a hernia of the lumbar spine?

Running is associated with a large load on the spine. As already mentioned, it is best to exclude the loads associated with a long stay of the body in an upright position. Running is better than swimming.

Is it possible to fix an intervertebral hernia?

What can and cannot be done with an intervertebral hernia?

The practice of reduction of intervertebral hernias was common 10-20 years ago. Now this method of treatment is reasonably recognized as dangerous. The fact is that the nucleus pulposus, together with the entire structure of the affected intervertebral disc, can be deformed or displaced under physical impact. Displacement with a high degree of probability will lead to infringement of the nerve roots of the spinal cord.

In order to exclude the development of complications, it is impossible to resort to forced reduction of a hernia in any case.

Is it possible to do CABG with an intervertebral hernia?

What can and cannot be done with an intervertebral hernia?

There are no obvious contraindications to coronary artery bypass grafting for intervertebral hernia. However, surgeons performing the operation should take into account the presence of this pathology of the spine.

If the doctor has sufficient qualifications and experience, CABG can be performed without fear.

Can a hernia of the spine hurt the stomach or leg?

What can and cannot be done with an intervertebral hernia?

With an intervertebral hernia in the lumbosacral region, pain that radiates to the leg (or radiates to this area) cannot simply be. In 95% of cases, they are included in a specific symptomatic complex. Moreover, the leg can not only hurt, it can literally burn. The intensity of the pain syndrome depends on the degree of development of the pathology and the individual pain threshold. The cause of the manifestations is the infringement of the nerve roots and the sciatic nerve.

Abdominal pain is not specific to a hernia, but it can still occur. To exclude diseases of the abdominal organs, additional diagnostics should be carried out. It is possible that abdominal pain is accompanied by an independent disease: gastritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, etc.

Is it possible to hang on a horizontal bar with a herniated disc?

In no case. Any axial load is strictly prohibited. It can lead to a herniated hernia and damage to the spinal cord. (Spine traction – is it effective? What are the consequences?)

Is it possible to do massage with a hernia of the lumbar?

What can and cannot be done with an intervertebral hernia?

Massage with a hernia of the lumbar spine can be done. However, it must be prescribed by a doctor, and only a qualified masseur-rehabilitator can carry out such a procedure.

Massage is not prescribed during an exacerbation of a hernia. At the stage of remission, massage, especially in combination with physiotherapy exercises, will help improve the trophism of the spinal column, will allow you to quickly build up the muscle frame, which will reliably hold the spine in the correct position. Thus, massage is one of the methods of treatment of intervertebral hernia, thanks to which further protrusion of the disc can be prevented.

Can I ski with a lumbar hernia?

What can and cannot be done with an intervertebral hernia?

In principle, it is impossible to ski with any hernia of the spine. The fact is that while skiing, the entire human body experiences strong vibrations. Even if we are talking about straight distances, flat skiing surfaces are impossible to find. During shaking, in any case, dynamic compression of the existing protrusion will occur. As a result, the disease will begin to progress, and the person’s condition will only worsen.

In addition, while skiing very often a person falls, gets bruised, sprained and other injuries. If for an absolutely healthy skier such injuries are insignificant, then for a patient with a hernia, any spinal injury can result in serious problems, up to paralysis. Therefore, skiing should be abandoned if an intervertebral hernia of any department has been diagnosed.

Is it possible to go to the bath with a hernia of the spine?

What can and cannot be done with an intervertebral hernia?

You can visit a bath with a hernia, but this should be done with caution. First of all, this concerns the temperature regime. The spine should not be warmed above 45 °C Celsius. To prevent this, you need to leave the steam room after 5-10 minutes and douse yourself with warm water (about 38 ° C). This will avoid muscle spasm and will not lead to increased tissue edema around the strangulated nerve roots.

Contraindications to visiting the bath with a hernia of the spine are the following conditions:

  • Exacerbation of inflammation;

  • Sequestration hernia;

  • Infringement of the spinal membranes with a hernia;

  • Increased body temperature;

  • Pain in the lumbar region.

Thus, you can go to the bathhouse with a hernia, but you must follow the measure: do not overheat in the steam room and do not pour ice water after the body has been warmed up.

Can a spinal hernia be seen on x-rays?

What can and cannot be done with an intervertebral hernia?

The hernia of the spine is not visible on the x-ray. Therefore, X-ray examination is only an auxiliary method that allows you to suspect the displacement of the vertebrae.

An X-ray of the spinal column makes it possible to detect signs of existing osteochondrosis, a decrease in the distance between the vertebrae, and possible deformations of the spinal column. However, soft tissue formations, which include intervertebral hernia, cannot be seen by X-ray. An MRI or CT scan is required to detect a protrusion of the intervertebral disc.

Is it possible to warm the lower back and back with a hernia of the spine?

What can and cannot be done with an intervertebral hernia?

As mentioned above, purposefully warming the lower back and back with a hernia of the spine is strictly prohibited. If the back muscles are heated, then this contributes to the weakening of its frame, the muscle corset softens, and the spinal disc can protrude even more.

Such a displacement of the hernia will lead to pinching of the spinal cord and its nerve endings. As a result, the person will experience severe pain and his condition will worsen. Therefore, neurosurgeons are categorically against the heating of the intervertebral hernia. Especially if there are signs of inflammation in the affected area. There is also evidence that the cause of disability in patients with intervertebral hernia in 30% of cases is self-treatment, including heating and unprofessional massage.

Is it possible to cure a hernia of the lumbar without surgery?

What can and cannot be done with an intervertebral hernia?

It is possible to cure a hernia without surgery, but if the protrusion has already formed, then by itself it will not go anywhere. With timely treatment, conservative therapy allows you to take the hernia under control, which will allow you to refuse surgery in the future.

It is important to start treatment before complications of the disease develop. Even if the patient has radicular syndrome, it is possible to control the condition of the hernia without surgical intervention.

It should be borne in mind that conservative therapy is complex. The patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxant and metabolic drugs. Treatment is necessarily supplemented with manual therapy, physiotherapy, a complex of exercise therapy. That is, until the intervertebral hernia has reached an impressive size, and until the development of spinal compression, you can do without surgery.

Can a herniated disc heal on its own?

What can and cannot be done with an intervertebral hernia?

The intervertebral hernia cannot resolve itself. It is a protrusion of the intervertebral disc outside the vertebral body. If a hernia has appeared, then it will not go anywhere and will not be able to dissolve on its own. In order for the hernia to completely disappear, conservative treatment or surgical intervention is necessary.

Is it possible to pump the press with a hernia of the lumbar?

What can and cannot be done with an intervertebral hernia?

You can pump the press with a hernia of the spine, but you must first consult with a specialist. The doctor will determine whether it is possible to pump the press for a particular patient and tell you how to do it correctly.

In general, the therapeutic complex of physical exercises is selected individually.

However, there are uniform prohibitions for all patients with a hernia of the spine regarding pumping up the press, including the following points:

  • You can not pull your knees to your chest and head;

  • Do not make sudden movements, turns and twists;

  • You can’t swing the press with your hands behind your head;

  • You can not swing the press with half-bent legs.

All of these exercises increase muscle tension in the lumbar region, which can lead to the progression of the disease. Therefore, if it was decided to pump up the press, but at the same time there is a diagnosis of “intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine”, then a preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Is profuse sweating possible with a herniated disc?

What can and cannot be done with an intervertebral hernia?

Profuse sweating with intervertebral hernia is most often observed when a complication such as radicular syndrome is attached. That is, the protrusion increases so much that it begins to contact the spinal root. In this case, the patient has hyperhidrosis of the extremities. Especially similar trophic disorders are expressed on the foot (with a hernia of the lumbar spine).

Can a spinal hernia turn into cancer?

A hernia of the spine cannot turn into cancer, since it is not a neoplasm, but is a protrusion of the intervertebral disc. However, this does not mean that the intervertebral hernia can be ignored.

Can Almag be used for spinal hernia?

What can and cannot be done with an intervertebral hernia?

The Almag apparatus for spinal hernia can be used to heal and repair the fibrous ring, which is part of the intervertebral disc and prevents its displacement. Thus, it is possible to significantly reduce the number of exacerbations in this disease.

However, at the first symptoms of a spinal hernia, it is necessary to seek medical help, since Almag may be powerless if you do not know the true cause of the pain.

Is it possible to swim with a hernia of the lumbar spine?

What can and cannot be done with an intervertebral hernia?

With a hernia of the lumbar spine, swimming is not only possible, but necessary. Swimming refers to strengthening and general health procedures that allow you to unload the spine. During swimming, sudden movements of the body are excluded, which makes it impossible to injure the damaged segment.

Swimming helps to normalize blood circulation, which leads to improved nutrition in the inflamed area. Another positive effect that a patient with an intervertebral hernia receives while swimming is the strengthening of the muscle corset. During the exercise in the pool, there is an alternation of dynamic and static movements, and the load on the spine is distributed evenly in the water. Therefore, swimming is the kind of sport that patients with intervertebral hernia should give preference to.

Can pain with a hernia of the spine give to the lower abdomen?

What can and cannot be done with an intervertebral hernia?

Pain syndrome is leading in spinal hernia. Most often, pain is localized in the lumbar region. However, as the disease progresses, they can radiate anywhere, including to the lower abdomen. Pain in the lower abdomen often occurs with a lumbar hernia of the spine.

Do lumbar hernias happen at 60?

Lumbar hernias occur at any age, so even at 60 years of age, the appearance of such an intervertebral protrusion is quite possible.

Does a herniated disc affect the skin of the body?

What can and cannot be done with an intervertebral hernia?

An intervertebral hernia can affect the skin of the body when it reaches a large size. If a patient’s lumbar hernia begins to compress the spinal root, then the leg on the affected side will gradually lose sensitivity. In addition, such a complication always leads to thinning of the limb, dryness of the skin or, conversely, to hyperhidrosis. Trophic tissue disorders are more pronounced on the foot.

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