What can and can not be eaten with food poisoning?

Food poisoning happens very often. In this case, the digestive system suffers first of all. To cope with the problem, you need to pay special attention to nutrition. When intoxication from the body is removed, and the main symptoms of poisoning are stopped, you need to think about the human diet. Its competent compilation is as important as drug correction.

In case of poisoning, the walls of the stomach and intestines suffer, so a person develops gastritis and diarrhea. Under attack is the pancreas and liver. To restore the normal functioning of these organs, you need to eat right.

The World Health Organization strongly advises against giving up food altogether. With food poisoning, this can only harm the body. Prolonged fasting only increases the damage to inflamed mucous membranes.

General nutrition recommendations for poisoning

To relieve the digestive system, you need to follow a diet. The patient is shown the consumption of sparing meals.

Since food poisoning is often manifested by vomiting and diarrhea, the diet should be made according to the following rules:

  • The menu should be selected in such a way as to prevent the development of dehydration and help eliminate inflammation.

  • Diet should help restore electrolyte balance.

  • The diet should promote the regeneration of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines.

The menu should be built in such a way that it enriches the body with vitamins, trace elements and nutrients.

Basic principles of nutrition for food poisoning:

  • Daily intake of protein – 80 g, carbohydrates – 200 g, fat – 85 g.

  • You need to eat every 2-2,5 hours. The average serving weight is 100 g.

  • You need to drink about 2,5 liters of water per day. This will remove harmful substances from the body and prevent the development of dehydration. In addition to plain water, you can drink alkaline mineral water, but without gas, as well as medicinal decoctions and infusions. Every 30 minutes, at least 80 mg of fluid should enter the body. This will prevent dehydration and not provoke vomiting.

  • Food must be steamed and then pureed or twisted.

  • In the process of eating food, one should not rush, each piece must be chewed thoroughly, without being distracted by external stimuli: the phone, books, TV.

  • Food is heated to a temperature of 18-55 ° C.

  • Salt in the diet should not be much, as it irritates the organs of the digestive system.

  • It is forbidden to drink alcohol, as they burden the liver and kidneys. Alcohol can cause serious disruption in their work.

  • You need to adhere to a sparing menu up to 21 days, but not less than 18 days. It all depends on the severity of the poisoning. You can switch to the usual meal plan gradually, introducing only 1 dish every day.

What can you eat with poisoning?

Immediately after poisoning, the human body is very weak. Therefore, the menu should not contain a large amount of carbohydrates and fats. The digestive system simply does not have enough strength to absorb them.

You should not eat fruits, as they provoke fermentation in the intestines. Particular attention should be paid to the protein component. During poisoning, the body loses a lot of proteins, so you need to take care of replenishing them. If the diet is made up correctly, then vomiting does not occur in a person. It can only escalate to mild nausea.

Carbohydrates from the menu do not need to be excluded. Their source can be dried fruit compotes. Complex carbohydrates are essential for the production of glycogen in the liver. This is necessary to remove intoxication from the body. Vitamins that a person needs especially after food poisoning: vitamin A, tocopherol, vitamin C, B vitamins.

Allowed Products

Allowed products after suffering poisoning:

  • Low-fat meats: rabbit, poultry. Steam cutlets or meatballs are prepared from it. Meat is also allowed to be cooked.

  • Low-fat broths on poultry meat.

  • Low-fat varieties of fish.

  • Mucous soups based on oatmeal, rice, buckwheat.

  • Cottage cheese and milk with a low percentage of fat content.

  • Steamed omelettes or soft-boiled egg.

  • Butter is allowed, but eat it in small portions.

  • Fruit jelly, jelly, compotes and mousses.

  • Rusks and crackers.

  • Fruit juices to be diluted with water. You can drink weak tea with lemon, dill water, rosehip broth.

What can not be eaten with poisoning?

Food poisoning requires avoiding many foods. However, you should not despair, since such a restrictive measure is temporary.

It is important to remove from the menu products that contribute to the increased production of bile. This will save the digestive organs from the irritating effect of hydrochloric acid and enzymes.

Under the ban fall fatty, spicy, salty foods, foods containing acids and essential oils. You can not include in the menu products that are a source of coarse fiber. They load the digestive organs, increase the processes of fermentation in the intestines, and make abdominal pain more intense.

Prohibited Products

In case of food poisoning, foods such as:

  • Spicy, fried, spicy, marinated, fatty foods. This also includes smoked meats and fast food.

  • Fresh fruits, sour berries, citrus fruits, nuts.

  • Legumes, cabbage, mushrooms, radishes, onions, cucumbers.

  • Baking, fresh pastries, chocolate, cakes, pasta.

  • Fatty broths, complex soups.

  • Fatty meat and fatty fish.

  • Sausage, canned food, sauces, semi-finished products.

  • Barley, millet, corn.

  • Strong coffee and tea.

  • Sparkling water.

Sample food menu

The patient should eat as varied as possible. Eating the same foods every day is unacceptable. For both children and adults, after food poisoning, you can focus on the menu presented in the table.

  • Breakfast. Sweet tea, oatmeal with vegetable oil and sugar.

  • Lunch. Banana and compote with dried fruits.

  • afternoon tea. Dried white bread, a small piece of boiled chicken, still alkaline mineral water.

  • Dinner. Chicken broth with toasted white bread.

  • Snack. Biscuits and green tea.

  • Dinner. Stewed vegetables and compote.

Weekly mode

  1. First 7 days after the incident of poisoning, you can drink low-fat boiled milk, as well as kefir and yogurt without additives. Consume dairy products in small portions so as not to overload the stomach and not provoke vomiting.

  2. In the second week you can eat cabbage, soups with vegetables and legumes. The menu is also supplemented with slimy porridges with honey and milk.

  3. From the third week begin to gradually introduce fried foods, pastries into the diet. Spices can be added to soups. At the same time, the table is expanded with sweets.

  4. Starting from the fourth week you can return to the usual menu. Provided that the poisoning was severe and the person was in the hospital, you need to refrain from returning to your usual dishes for another week.

Diet for a child after food poisoning

The diet for children who have had food poisoning is built according to the same rules as the diet for an adult. If the child has not reached the age of one and is breast-fed or artificially fed, then 5-6 hours after the poisoning, he is offered rice water, as well as mixtures familiar to him. At the same time, the number of portions eaten should be reduced by 20%. They are replaced with liquid and solutions for dehydration (Rehydron or Glucosolan can be offered to the child). The remaining types of complementary foods are introduced smoothly, starting from the 3rd day from the poisoning that has occurred. You can give your baby vegetable puree, buckwheat or rice groats, chicken egg yolk, fruit-based jelly. The total volume of such dishes should not exceed 5-10%. Then the child’s diet is gradually expanded, offering him meatballs, etc.

For older children, the menu is modified. On the first day, you need to feed the baby on demand. You can’t force him to eat.

Starting from 2 days, the child is offered rice porridge cooked in water. You can introduce vegetables with grated ingredients, kefir, mashed potatoes, baked apples into the diet. Portions should be small, you need to feed the baby often (about 8 times a day).

From the 3rd day after the incident of poisoning, the menu is expanded with the following products:

  • Buckwheat grain.

  • Boiled vegetables.

  • Low fat meat.

  • Low fat fish.

  • Grated cottage cheese.

  • Egg.

All of the listed products are either ground or pureed. Do not give children fresh fruits, cabbage, cucumbers, legumes, pasta, rye bread, beets and turnips. All of them load the intestines and aggravate the patient’s condition.

The child needs to drink as much as possible to prevent dehydration of his body. He is offered ordinary water, compote with dried fruits, still mineral water, herbal tea with chamomile or sage. After the next vomiting or diarrhea, the child should receive 100 ml of liquid. For older children, its volume is increased to 200 ml. Drink water in small sips, every 5-10 minutes.

A week after the poisoning, the child’s diet is expanded. He is offered broths, steamed cutlets, meatballs, fish, cereals with milk, cookies, cottage cheese, fresh fruits without peel, fermented milk drinks. Confectionery, ice cream and foods that are poorly absorbed by the body (legumes, cabbage, fatty meat, etc.) remain banned.

Immediately after the child’s stool returns to normal, it is impossible to offer him ordinary products. On a sparing diet, you need to hold out for about 3 more weeks. This will allow the digestive system to bounce back and recover. Familiar foods appropriate for the age of the child should be introduced into the menu smoothly.

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