What can and can not be done with the flu?

What can and cannot be done with the flu?

Each of us had the flu, as a rule, once a year it happens to everyone. Of course, questions arise about what can be done during this illness, and what is better to refrain from. Below we have answered the most frequently asked questions about the flu for you:

How to distinguish the flu from SARS and colds?

It is possible to distinguish influenza from SARS if you know the main signs and symptoms inherent in these conditions. Comparative characteristics of the two infections are shown in the table.




The debut of the disease

Acute start. Within an hour, the patient’s condition worsens, there is a sharp jump in temperature.

Symptoms develop gradually over several days.

Body temperature

In 1-2 hours it reaches critical levels on the thermometer (up to 40 ° C). It is difficult to correct and lasts about 3 days.

Body temperature does not exceed 38,5, goes down in 2-3 days.

Other clinical signs

Characterized by muscle and headaches, body aches, chills with increased sweating, photophobia, pain in the eyes.

Weakness and malaise are not pronounced.

Catarrhal phenomena

The nose is stuffed up slightly, or even remains free of mucus, exacerbation of sinusitis, sinusitis is possible. Runny nose stops after 2 days. Possible sneezing and conjunctivitis.

The nose is very stuffy, there is profuse lacrimation, rhinitis, sneezing.


The back wall of the throat is hyperemic and edematous, sometimes the soft palate.

Throat loose and red.

Plaque on mucous membranes


May be present.

The lymph nodes

Do not increase.

It is possible to increase them.

Chest pain, cough

Cough occurs two days after the onset of the acute stage of the disease, gradually turning into a wet one. If a person is sick with swine flu, then the cough is dry, debilitating, occurs from the very beginning of the disease.

Cough dry, occurs at the initial stages of the development of the disease.

hyperemia of the conjunctiva.


Rarely, against the background of a bacterial complication.

Gastrointestinal disorders

In adulthood, nausea and diarrhea are likely to occur, in childhood – vomiting and diarrhea.

Gastrointestinal disorders are rare.

The duration of the infectious process

The disease disappears after 7-10 days, leaving behind weakness and malaise for another 2-3 weeks.

The disease disappears after a week, weakness and malaise after the illness are absent.

How long does a flu fever last?

What can and can not be done with the flu?

The temperature during the flu lasts for 3-5 days, then goes down. If the body temperature remains elevated for 6-7 days or more, then this indicates the development of complications.

How contagious is the flu?

What can and can not be done with the flu?

Influenza is a highly contagious infection. So, according to available data, within an hour one patient is able to infect all the people who are with him in the same closed room.

Is a flu shot required?

What can and can not be done with the flu?

The flu shot is not mandatory, but it is strongly recommended for children aged 3 months and older, adults, especially those over 45 years old, medical, educational and commercial workers, as well as people with chronic diseases and impaired immune function. Only vaccination can be more or less reliable protection against influenza during the next epidemic.

Is it possible to go to the bath with the flu?

What can and can not be done with the flu?

You should not go to the bath with the flu. Firstly, doctors generally do not recommend leaving the house with this infection and require bed rest. Secondly, the temperature of the human body is increased, and in the bath it can reach critical values. Thirdly, the body is weakened due to illness and additional loads will only aggravate the course of the infection.

Is there flu without fever?

What can and can not be done with the flu?

Any infection can occur without fever, including the flu. However, this is a dangerous signal that the immune system does not resist the disease, which is very bad. (High fever without symptoms – what are the causes and what to do?)

Can you breastfeed with the flu?

What can and can not be done with the flu?

You can breastfeed with the flu if the mother is not taking any medications that are incompatible with the lactation process. It is recommended to cover the face with a special sterile mask during the feeding process.

Is the flu sexually transmitted?

What can and can not be done with the flu?

Experts identify two ways of transmitting influenza: airborne and contact-household. The sexual route of transmission of the infection is not specified, although it is obvious that both methods of infection can be involved during intimacy.

Does a mask protect you from the flu?

What can and can not be done with the flu?

Unfortunately, the mask will not be a reliable means of protecting against the flu, and this has been experimentally proven. According to a study conducted in a large medical center in Hanoi on 1607 physicians, it turned out:

  • 97% of viruses and pathogenic microbes penetrate through fabric masks;

  • Through masks made of non-woven material, 56% of pathogens penetrate;

  • Masks only protect against microscopic droplets of mucus emitted by patients when sneezing and coughing;

  • With prolonged contact, droplets collect on the outer surface of the mask and become a source of infection.

The mask regimen should be observed by a patient with the flu, so as not to infect others. A healthy person can apply a mask in close contact with a sick person, provided that they are replaced every one and a half hours.

Can you have the flu without a cough?

What can and can not be done with the flu?

Yes, cough and runny nose with influenza may not be at all, at least in the first three days from the onset of the disease. If it appears later, then it is characterized as a “dry” cough. The appearance of a cough in the first 1-2 days is a sign of acute respiratory infections or SARS.

Can you get the flu after getting vaccinated?

What can and can not be done with the flu?

The appearance of flu symptoms in a vaccinated person is caused by the following reasons:

  • Too little time has passed since the vaccination, since it takes at least 7 days for the production of antibodies, preferably 2-3 weeks. It is advisable at this time to limit contacts to the maximum, not to visit crowded places of a large number of people;

  • The influenza virus that struck the patient belongs to a different strain that is not provided for by the vaccine. This circumstance occurs very rarely, the vaccine is selected taking into account the characteristics of the predicted epidemic danger. Even with such a mismatch of strains, the disease in a vaccinated person will be easier, will not cause complications;

  • The disease is not caused by influenza, but by ARVI viruses, that is, there is an error in diagnosis;

  • A person fell into the same 2-4% of the total number of vaccinated people who do not develop immune protection against the disease. And even in this case, the flu will proceed according to the easiest scenario, will not cause dangerous complications.

Can you vomit with the flu?

What can and can not be done with the flu?

Yes, maybe, since the influenza virus, when it enters the human body, affects many organs and systems. With the help of vomiting, the immune system tries to rid the body of intoxication. Intoxication is especially dangerous for children, the elderly and debilitated patients.

Can you have the flu without a runny nose?

What can and can not be done with the flu?

Yes, at the beginning of the disease, a runny nose is not a characteristic symptom of the flu. The absence of signs of a cold, combined with fever and headache, is one of the signs of influenza infection.

Is it possible to do inhalation with the flu?

What can and can not be done with the flu?

Since influenza is a disease of a viral nature, inhalations are completely ineffective for influenza, since they do not act on the virus. In addition, at high temperatures, any physiotherapy measures are contraindicated. Inhalations are used to treat influenza complications (bronchitis, sinusitis, tracheitis) after the temperature drops to +37,5°C.

Can you drink alcohol with the flu?

What can and can not be done with the flu?

No, alcohol causes irritation of the mucous membranes of the pharynx, which are already inflamed, aggravating the swelling and provoking an increase in the inflammatory process. The toxic damage caused by the influenza virus is aggravated by the decay products of alcoholic beverages, which further aggravates the condition of a sick person.

Does vodka help with the flu?

What can and can not be done with the flu?

According to medical experiments conducted in the United States in 1993, vodka or good cognac in a small amount can protect a person from infection with influenza and SARS.

The researchers explained this effect by the fact that alcohol increases the acidity of blood plasma. An increased pH level promotes the production of interferon, which neutralizes viruses and pathogenic microbes. In addition, the permeability of the walls of blood vessels and small capillaries increases. A similar process starts in the body with the appearance of inflammatory processes of any etiology.

Can you go outside with the flu?

What can and can not be done with the flu?

The gold standard for influenza treatment is bed rest, which must be observed until the symptoms of the disease disappear. Any physical activity, including walking on the street, makes the cardiovascular, respiratory, and circulatory systems actively function. With an increased toxic load on the body during influenza, such a load is fraught with complications – myocardial dystrophy, heart failure. In the acute period of the disease, instead of walking, it is better to ventilate the room in which the patient is located more often, protecting him from drafts.

Can you take aspirin with the flu?

What can and can not be done with the flu?

Contrary to the established opinion about the benefits of aspirin in influenza, it has been proven that it is unsafe to take it, and it is completely contraindicated in viral infections. Since aspirin acts on vessels that are already affected by the influenza virus, taking it can cause hemorrhagic edema of the lungs and kidneys, when the liquid fraction of blood penetrates through the vascular walls and fills the organ. Aspirin in large doses causes liver necrosis, leads to acute liver and kidney failure, provokes the appearance of Reye’s syndrome with liver damage and encephalopathy.

Can I get the flu again in a week?

What can and can not be done with the flu?

The influenza virus is highly contagious (infectious) and variability. Although, to certain types of this virus, a person can develop partial immunity for 1,5-3 years, a changed subspecies can re-infect the body.

However, in most repeated cases, the disease returns after a week for the following reasons:

  • The disease was carried on the legs, or it was not fully cured, and a relapse occurred that affected the weakened body;

  • A patient with a weakened immune system for the second time suffers not the flu, but one of the varieties of acute respiratory viral infections caused by adenoviruses.

Are antibiotics prescribed for the flu?

What can and can not be done with the flu?

Influenza is a viral infection, so antibiotics do not affect the causative agent of the disease, since their action is directed exclusively against bacteria. Antibiotics are prescribed to treat complications caused by bacteria attacking a weakened body. The most common complications are pneumonia, bacterial bronchitis, otitis, conjunctivitis, pharyngitis, meningitis. Uncontrolled administration of drugs of this pharmacological group leads to a decrease in overall immunity.

Can you have sex with the flu?

What can and can not be done with the flu?

Although the main route of transmission of influenza is considered to be airborne, transmission of this infection during sexual contact is not excluded. The influenza virus soon after infection is found in the blood (viremia), it penetrates through any membrane, including through the mucous membranes of the genital organs.

If this possibility of infection is not taken into account, then having sex exposes the partner to a considerable risk of infection. The influenza virus can spread within a radius of 3 meters around the patient. In addition, any physical activity provokes the appearance of complications for the body affected by intoxication.

Can flu cause diarrhea?

What can and can not be done with the flu?

Yes, maybe, and the cause of this symptom is the most severe intoxication, which, among all other body systems, also affected the digestive tract. The pancreas and liver temporarily lose the ability to produce digestive enzymes to fully digest food.

Can I wash my hair with the flu?

What can and can not be done with the flu?

If health permits, the patient can take a short shower to remove toxins actively excreted through the skin. It is desirable that the room is warm, and the water temperature is slightly higher than body temperature. After a shower, it is recommended to dry the skin and go to bed. A bathing cap is put on the hair during this procedure to protect it from getting wet. Wet hair dries for a long time and can cause hypothermia, so it is impossible to wash your hair in the acute period of the disease in order to avoid complications.

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