When the baby has celebrated his first anniversary, a new stage of life begins for him. Habits and behavior change, he is growing rapidly, in order to develop he needs a balanced and varied menu. Young parents often ask themselves what a child can eat a year, because, of course, a child should not be given “adult food”. Although by the age of one year, the child’s body is already capable of assimilating complex food, but there is no need to drastically change the diet. The baby needs the right diet to rebuild and get used to the new food.
What can a child eat per year
If the baby is still breastfed a year, you should not wean him. Antibodies and vitamins that are present in breast milk increase immunity and stimulate development. If the baby receives a bottle with the mixture, then it should be gradually abandoned. Unfortunately, the use of the formula increases the risk of developing tooth decay, reduces appetite and disrupts night sleep.
What a child can eat per year depends on the characteristics of the body and the correct start of complementary feeding.
When composing a baby food ration, it is necessary to take into account that it must contain all the necessary nutrients. The amount of food consumed per day must be at least 1200 ml. For 1 kg of baby’s weight per day, there should be 15 g of carbohydrates, 5 g of fat and 4 g of protein. The main sources of proteins and fats should be meat and fish products. Products that should be on the menu for proper baby food:
- Eggs. The menu should include chicken, or quail, hard-boiled eggs 2-3 times a week.
- Meat. Meat products are recommended to be given daily for 100 g. Lean pork, chicken, beef, or steamed offal in the form of meatballs, mashed potatoes.
- Fish. Fish products can be given 30 g, twice a week. Fillets made from hake, pike perch, or cod work well.
- Vegetables. Be sure to include vegetable dishes in the menu, they should be cooked in the form of mashed potatoes.
- Berries and fruits. Fruits should be added to the menu one at a time, in small quantities. In this case, it is imperative to observe the reaction of the crumbs’ body.
- Dairy. Every day, a child should receive up to 600 g of dairy products: yogurt, kefir and milk. And the baby also needs cottage cheese, up to 70 g per day.
- Sweets. Until two years old, you should not give the crumbs chocolate, sweets, but occasionally you can honey, jam, cookies.
Once a day, the child should be given porridge, buckwheat, oatmeal and corn grits are very useful. You can give unlimited drinking water, as well as juices, teas, herbal teas, compotes.
A baby under two years old should have four meals a day, so that the appetite is good, it is necessary to adhere to a certain time. Between meals, if the baby gets hungry, you can give something light, cookies, crackers, or fruit.
If the baby does not eat the prescribed portion of food, do not panic, he eats as much as he needs. From birth, children develop a reflex and that he is hungry, he will definitely notify with loud crying. You need to feed your baby only with freshly prepared food.
A child’s nutrition per year should be well balanced, containing all the nutrients and vitamins necessary for the body. When composing a menu for feeding crumbs, it is necessary to take into account the beneficial properties of the products themselves and the child’s taste preferences, then he will eat dishes with a great appetite.