What breakfast, pregnant?

Pimp my breakfast !

The perfect breakfast

For the morning, try to find a balance between your desires and your needs as a pregnant woman, as well as those of Baby! For your health and that of your baby, the ideal breakfast should consist of the following: a dairy product / or vegetable equivalent (oat milk, rice milk, etc.), a drink, a cereal product, a fruit or a glass of fruit juice (to be taken later in the morning if you prefer). By following this diagram, you can vary the composition of the breakfast according to your desires … However, know that nutritionists always recommend as a priority the traditional slices of bread with butter and / or jam, even for pregnant women. Despite its detractors who criticize it for promoting weight gain, bread is undoubtedly one of the healthiest and most balanced foods throughout pregnancy!

If breakfast is having a hard time going

However, it is very often very difficult to pass… About one in two pregnant women suffers from nausea from the first to the third month of pregnancy. On this subject, the specialists are perplexed: perhaps they are due to the hormones secreted by the placenta, or to the relaxation of the stomach?

To remedy this, no need to force yourself! Instead, drink a large glass of water when you wake up, and start eating some cookies. You will have a larger breakfast after washing and getting dressed. Even better, we have our breakfast brought to bed (yes, but that’s in our dreams in fact!).

Listen to your body

Either way, listen to your body. If you don’t feel able to eat everything, or at least not in sufficient quantity, don’t insist… You will have a small snack in the morning or eat a little more at the next meal!

Good to know: for those who are already used to having breakfast, there is no need to increase the quantities.

To meet your additional needs (200 to 250 kcal more from the 5th month of pregnancy), it is preferable to have a snack that will be composed in the same way as breakfast, but with smaller amounts of each food. .

Moms tips

Pregnant for a little over three months and not very affected by morning sickness, Roxanne could “not stand anything for breakfast”. She “fell back on apple juice and unsweetened cereal mixed with yogurt.” ”

Lisa adopted almost the same diet: fruit juice and dried fruit muesli in a bowl of milk. “Besides, it calms the nausea. “

Yum-o-fruits, a balanced breakfast

Those who have trouble with bread can try France Guillain’s “miam-o-fruits”. A concentrate of vitality from the morning.

To do this, we crush a banana with a fork, mix it with a tablespoon of organic rapeseed oil, half a squeezed lemon, and grind a mixture of seeds: sunflower, hazelnuts, almonds, squash, etc …

In a bowl, above this mixture, cut pieces of fruit: apples, pears or strawberries depending on the season.

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