What awaits us if we drink alcohol every day for a month? Four main symptoms have been described

Anyone who has a good time with a glass of something stronger in their hand does not think about the effects of alcohol on their body. We know that long-term drinking can become addictive and can lead to brain damage, cancer, and alcoholic hepatitis. However, after just one month of consuming the percentages every day, we begin to feel the short-term effects of drinking. British experts described four main ones.

  1. “Our bodies are prepared to deal with the effects of single libations or moderate drinking,” says Rob Hobson, co-author of The Kitchen Detox Bible.
  2. – But if we regularly drink larger amounts of alcohol, it affects our physical condition, well-being and mental health in general
  3. Hobson highlights four main effects of such drinking. They can appear after a month!
  4. You can find more up-to-date information on the TvoiLokony home page

What are the effects of consuming alcohol?

Alcohol abuse takes revenge on us faster than we think, and it’s not about the morning hangover.

“Our bodies are prepared to deal with the effects of single libations or moderate drinking,” says Rob Hobson, co-author of The Kitchen Detox Bible. – But if we regularly drink more alcohol, it affects our physical condition, well-being and mental health in general.

Hobson highlights four main effects of such drinking. They can appear after a month!

The Effects of Alcohol: Vitamin Deficiency

– Alcohol increases the need for certain nutrients to help the body fight the effects of drinking. Hobson explains. – These include B vitamins

These include vitamin B12, niacin and biotin, which play an important role in obtaining energy and transforming food into fuel for our body.

Alcohol is especially detrimental to the absorption of vitamin B12 from beef, dairy and eggs. And the symptoms of its deficiency include fatigue, shortness of breath, headaches, pale skin, and palpitations.

Even moderate drinking can cause gastritis, which will stop us from producing a substance called the intrinsic factor (Castle factor), which is responsible for the absorption of key B vitamins. A lack of vitamin B12 can lead to a build-up of a compound called homocysteine, and lead to a heart attack or stroke.

The Effects of Alcohol: Male Breasts

This is a possible consequence of the 30-day alcoholic diet for men.

Alcohol affects biochemical pathways outside the brain, altering the functioning of our endocrine glands that make hormones. This means that the levels of sex hormones in the body can fluctuate, and the production of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone increases in men. This results in a reduction in sperm count, erectile dysfunction and the appearance of “male breasts” due to local tissue growth.

On the other hand, women after a month of drinking may become irritable, have unusual periods or attacks of aggression.

Weight gain as a result of alcohol abuse

“Drinking alcohol affects our diet, which of course can go hand in hand with the extra pounds,” says Hobson. – It can also cause us to overeat or eat meals irregularly, excluding breakfast, for example.

We should pay attention to the ingredients of our diet. Lean proteins, high-fiber grains, plenty of vegetables and healthy fats will help you avoid excess sugars and unhealthy fats that strain your liver.

Calories contained in alcohol are also important. A glass of wine can contain the same number of calories as chocolate, and a pint of beer is the caloric equivalent of a slice of pizza.

Side Effects of Alcohol: Diarrhea

Drinking can have a negative effect on bowel movements. Alcohol irritates the small intestine as well as the tissue that lines the throat, stomach, and large intestine.

Inflammation of the small intestine reduces the absorption of nutrients that enter the large intestine and cause diarrhea there. And regular diarrhea can result in malnutrition and dehydration.

When drinking alcohol, remember never to get behind the wheel of a vehicle. If you are not sure whether the alcohol content in the exhaled air has already dropped, you can do AlcoTEST yourself, which you can buy at Medonet Market.

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