What attracts ticks to us? [INFOGRAPHICS]

An encounter with this arachnid can have long-term consequences. Ticks transmit not only Lyme bacteria, but also viruses that cause tick-borne encephalitis and other diseases. Who do ticks «like» the most? What attracts them?

Ticks – what attracts them

It is difficult to defend against ticks – small arachnids hide not only in forests and meadows, but also in city parks, gardens and allotments. Experts have no doubts that the best protection is the use of deterrents (e.g. containing DEET) and appropriate clothing (long sleeves and legs, headgear). After each walk among bushes, trees and grasses, you should carefully examine the skin.

It is also worth knowing that some of our features can make us more appetizing bites for ticks. What attracts them to people the most? The answer to our infographic:

How to remove a tick? Many people use tweezers for this, but a special TAP OUT OUT tool can be useful.

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