What are white foods really dangerous and how to replace them

What are white foods really dangerous and how to replace them

There is even a special diet that excludes “white” foods. But why? Let’s figure it out.

Recently, a well-known TV doctor, Dr. Myasnikov, on the air of a show on the Russia 1 TV channel, said that white products are definitely harmful and if you want to be healthy, give them up once and for all.

“All white contains a colossal glycemic index. White bread, white rice, white sugar, white pasta, white potatoes, ”said Dr. Myasnikov.

According to the doctor, such foods in the diet do not carry any benefit, one harm: extra pounds, high blood pressure, blood sugar levels rise, cholesterol levels are also off scale.

Not to say that the TV presenter discovered America here. Nutritionists have always talked and talked about the dangers of refined carbohydrates. And supporters of a diet that excludes white foods also include sugar, salt and animal fats as an unambiguous evil. How right are they?

1. White bread

Yeast, sugar, white flour are all just empty calories. There is nothing useful in such baked goods, not even fiber. Everything that the grain was rich in – wheat germ, vitamins, minerals, fiber – are destroyed during the grinding process. As a result, we get a spike in blood sugar, which is quickly replaced by another bout of hunger.  

Is it worth giving up? Yes.

What to replace? For whole wheat bread made with sourdough – no yeast.

2. White paste

Pasta can be a healthy food if it is made from durum wheat flour, and preferably not white. And white pasta does not affect weight gain that much – certainly less than bread. The danger here is that we usually eat pasta more than bread, and even with cheese, sauces and other delights that add calories. True, there is also little benefit in white pasta.

Is it worth giving up? Without fanaticism.

What to replace? On whole grain pasta from durum wheat or pasta from legumes – they saturate for a longer period, contain more protein and fiber. And you need to cook them correctly – to the degree of al dente.

3. White rice

Powerlifters consider white rice to be a good gainer, that is, this product is simply irreplaceable for gaining weight. If you are not interested in weight gain, then white rice flies past your diet. By itself, this product is not so bad, but it contains a lot of starch, carbohydrates and, accordingly, calories. But there is little benefit.

Is it worth giving up? Without fanaticism.

What to replace? Brown or brown rice – it is not so highly processed, therefore, it has more benefits, and the glycemic index of the product is lower. True, there are no less calories. And then there is black rice, bulgur or quinoa – also a good substitute.

4. White sugar

There are plenty of reasons to ditch sugar. It has a bad effect on the figure, and on the teeth, and on the condition of the skin. Many people believe that sugar is essential for normal brain function, but we assure you – not at all in the quantities that we eat. The correct dosage of glucose can easily be provided by one apple. And tea with three tablespoons of sugar will take you one step closer to diabetes and heart disease.

Is it worth giving up? Yes.

What to replace? There are a variety of natural sweeteners, from agave syrup to stevia. You can choose for every taste and wallet.

5. Salt

Its modern people really eat too much. After all, salt is added almost everywhere: in sauces, semi-finished products, cheese, sausages … The recommended amount of salt per day is no more than 5 g. It is no wonder that we are going over this norm. In one bag of nuts, there will be more salt than you should eat per day. An excess of salt leads to many negative consequences: there is an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, and strokes, and obesity, and kidney disease.

Is it worth giving up? Reduce consumption to normal – yes.

What to replace? Spices and herbs. They can easily add a spicy flavor to a dish without unnecessary salt. But it is really better to refuse semi-finished products.

6. Potatoes

The second bread, how can it be without it? Yes, the glycemic index of potatoes is really high. But in principle, potatoes are normal healthy food if cooked properly. For example, cook in a uniform or bake without oil. There is a lot of potassium, fiber, vitamin C in potatoes – all this is preserved with proper preparation. But mashed potatoes are really not worth doing.

Is it worth giving up? No.

What to replace? Do not replace, but supplement and diversify with other vegetables.

7. Animal fats

Cholesterol – This scary word was at one time literally synonymous with butter. It is not worth demonizing this product, but it is really worth reducing the consumption of animal fats contained in fatty meat, lard, oil. Lean meat is much healthier, and lard and butter are enough to eat 30 g per day.

Is it worth giving up? No, but to reduce to the norm – yes.

What to replace? Vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, avocados.

Healthy white foods

  • Vegetables: cauliflower, onions, parsnips, mushrooms.

  • Nuts and seeds

  • White beans

  • White fish, bird

  • Dairy produce

  • Egg whites

  • Coconut

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