What are weight-block simulators and what are they for?

What are weight-block simulators and how to use them correctly in a training complex

The gym is a great place to get fit and meet like-minded people. But if you’re visiting a professional gym for the first time and don’t have a personal trainer, the abundance of exercise equipment can be confusing and even a little intimidating.

Some machines can seem very difficult, so it is important to learn how to use them correctly so as not to get injured and achieve your goals. This is especially true for weight-block equipment, which is often used to train the main muscle groups.

What are weight-bearing trainers?

We are talking about mechanisms that, with the help of a block or a system of blocks, transfer the athlete’s muscular efforts to the load in the process of strength training. This equipment, which is efficient and safe when used correctly, has many advantages. Some of them will be discussed below.

  1. Weight-block equipment allows you to perform exercises that play a decisive role in improving your overall fitness. Various options are available that work all muscle groups in the body.
  2. Block power simulators are considered necessary for muscle development. They provide resistance training and help in building muscle mass and strength. Strength training increases your range of motion, improving coordination and developing a sense of balance.
  3. The best thing about weight-block machines is the ability to include a variety of exercises in the training program that help work out specific muscle groups. This is especially important for eliminating individual shortcomings in physical development and building relief muscles.
  4. Increased physical activity improves not only physical but also mental health. The intense, energy-intensive exercise found in weight-bearing machines releases large amounts of feel-good hormones called dopamine and serotonin, which make people feel happy, calm, and energized.

Features of classes on weight-block simulators

To get the most out of your workout, follow some general rules:

  • start with a weight that you can only do 10-12 reps with;
  • then reduce the weight and bring the approaches to 20 repetitions;
  • Be sure to stop if you feel discomfort.

Important: Before you start exercising, do a five-minute warm-up by stretching, walking, or using an elliptical trainer, exercise bike, etc.

Types of weight-block simulators

  1. For the vertical chest press, there is a machine that works the upper body. It has two long handles running from the top of the seat that move back and forth. The first thing you need to do is make sure you are in the correct position: the handles of the machine reach the middle of your chest, your feet are on the floor, your legs are bent at a 90-degree angle. Sit with your back to the support, and rest your feet on the floor. Then, using an overhand grip, align your forearms with the handles and pull them down for two seconds while exhaling. Inhale, returning to the starting point for two seconds.
  2. The lat pulldown machine has a wide bar attached to a pulley at the top and is designed to work the back muscles. To use this machine, first set the appropriate weight for you. Then sit down and adjust the foot pad so that it is comfortable but does not allow your feet to move. Sit facing the machine with your feet under the pads. Retract the shoulder blades and arch your back, then grab the bar with a wide grip. As you exhale, slowly pull the bar towards your chest. Be sure to bring your shoulder blades together. Slowly raise your arms up to return the bar to its original position. Keep your elbows slightly bent, chest up, and back arched.
  3. The leg press is one of the most commonly used exercises for the lower body. The machine designed for this has a seat right in front of the plate that you push to develop your leg muscles. Before using the machine, set the appropriate weight and adjust the seat (slide it back if you are taller and forward if you are shorter), then sit facing the plate. Place your feet on a stand shoulder-width apart, your heels firmly resting on the plate. The legs should be bent at the knees at an angle of 90 degrees. Bend over and grasp the support handles on both sides. As you exhale, extend your legs and push the plate forward in a slow and controlled motion. Hold for two seconds. As you inhale, slowly bend your knees and return the foot platform to its original position, doing it slowly and under control.
  4. The press machine is equipped with pads and handles on both sides of the seat near the head. Before you start exercising, adjust the seat height so that the front of your shoulders rests on the padded lever. Then choose the appropriate weight. Before approaching, sit on the seat and place your triceps or the back of your shoulders on the pads so that your hands just touch the handlebars above you.

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