What are warts? Types and treatment of warts

Warts, commonly known as warts, are a troublesome problem for many people. The unsightly changes in the skin are often embarrassing, and their treatment can be lengthy and ineffective. What are warts and can you protect yourself from them?

Kurzajka – how is it made?

Warts or warts are changes on the skin in the form of growths caused by infection with the human papillomavirus HPV. It is estimated that about 10 percent. the population is infected with this virus. Infection occurs through direct contact with the virus carrier (handshake) or indirect contact, for example by touching objects where the viruses may have survived, handles, towels).

Most often, infection occurs in generally accessible places where many people pass through and where the skin may come into contact with contaminated objects or surfaces. The places of increased risk include changing rooms, gyms, swimming pools, saunas, but also a beauty salon where infection can occur due to poorly disinfected tools. Some types of HPV are sexually transmitted.

The mere contact of healthy skin with the virus does not have to result in an infection. However, the situation changes when the virus hits the damaged epidermis, and the immune system is weakened and loses the fight against the virus. Existing warts are also often scratched and the virus is transferred to a new place on the body.

Children, adults and the elderly can become infected with papilloma. Relatively more often HPV infection affects people with reduced immunity.

Read: Smoke the wart!

The wart ordinary – characteristics

This type of wart is caused by the HPV-1,2,4 or 7 virus. These are hyperkeratotic papules with an uneven, rough surface. The warts are gray-brown or flesh-colored and may appear singly or in groups. Most often they are located on the hands, but they can also appear anywhere else. Some form around the nail folds or under the nail plate, making them painful and difficult to remove.

Infection with common warts particularly often affects young people and people with reduced immunity. If left untreated, they last for months or even years.

Try the Sholl wart preparation

Flat warts – characteristics

Because they are relatively common in young people, they are also known as juvenile warts. Flat warts are the result of infection with HPV-3, less often HPV-10, 27 or 28. They are manifested by several millimeters, slightly raised lumps with a shiny surface. The changes may be skin-colored, darker or gray-brown. Most often they are located on the skin of the face, forearms and hands.

It happens that warts appear along the scratch line (Koebner’s symptom). Flat warts are resistant to treatment, but they usually resolve spontaneously after a few years, leaving no scars or discoloration. They yield in a characteristic way. They all turn red at the same time as with inflammation and disappear after a few days.

Read also: What is a seborrheic wart?

Transitional warts – characteristics

Transitional warts show the features of normal warts (convex, uneven, rough surface) and features of flat warts (appearing along the scratch line). They are a symptom of HPV-10, 27 or 28 infection and most often affect people with reduced immunity. Like flat warts, they may resolve on their own.

Kurzajka on the feet – characteristics

There are two basic types of warts: deep and mosaic. Deep warts are caused by viruses of the HPV-1 type. They are generally single blooms in the form of cauliflower-shaped, irregular lumps. At the top of the nipple, you can see blood vessels in the form of dark spots, which distinguishes them from ordinary corns.

Deep warts are flesh-colored or light brown. They are located on the sole of the feet, penetrating deep into the skin, causing pain when walking. In the initial stage of infection, usually a single wart appears and new warts appear around. They often resolve spontaneously with rare relapses.

Another type of foot warts are mosaic warts, caused by the HPV-2 virus. Most often they are more numerous than deep warts, but also more superficial. Mosaic warts are extensive, grouped in colonies. They are not painful but are prone to relapse.

The editorial board recommends: It all starts with the feet

Genital warts – characteristics

Also called venereal warts or genital warts, they are skin lesions located mainly in the genital area, but also, in rare cases, on the lips, tongue and throat mucosa. Genital warts are the result of infection with HPV-6 or HPV-11 viruses, less often with HPV-16 and 18 viruses.

Skin changes caused by skin overgrowth can take the form of small warts, but also large cauliflower growths (especially in women). Viruses are sexually transmitted. Treatment is long-term and can only bring about temporary remission. Warts can persist, enlarge or resolve for many years with a tendency to recur.

Kurzajka – treatment

Most common warts go away without treatment, although it may take a year or two and new ones may appear nearby. Some people decide to have their warts treated by a dermatologist.

Treatment aims to destroy the wart, stimulate the immune system to respond to the virus, or both. Treatment may take weeks or months. Even after treatment, warts tend to relapse or spread. Doctors usually start with the least painful methods, especially when treating young children.

Wart treatment methods include:

  1. strong peeling (salicylic acid) – Prescription salicylic acid medications work by removing the nipple layers a little at a time. Research shows that salicylic acid is more effective when combined with freezing.
  2. freezing (cryotherapy) – freezing therapy performed in a doctor’s office involves the application of liquid nitrogen to the wart. Freezing works by causing blisters to form under and around the nipple. The dead tissue then peels off within a week or so. This method can also stimulate the immune system to fight viral warts. You will probably need more treatments.
  3. other acids – if salicylic acid or freezing don’t work, your doctor may try trichloroacetic acid. With this method, the doctor first shaves the surface of the nipple and then applies the acid with a wooden toothpick. It requires repeating treatments approximately every week. Side effects include burning and stinging,
  4. laser treatment – pulsed dye laser treatment burns (cauterizes) small blood vessels. The infected tissue eventually dies and the wart falls off. The evidence for its effectiveness is limited and it can cause pain and scarring.

Now you can remove warts yourself using cryotherapy. Buy Help4Skin aerosol warts and warts and get rid of the problem.

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