what are these, the rules and “pitfalls”

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The group of sirtuin proteins was discovered not very long ago – 40 years ago. Since then, scientists have learned more and more new facts about them. They call sirtuins the most promising life-extension.

Sirtuins: meaning

So, this is a family of proteins common to many organisms, from advanced mammals to single-celled bacteria.

Sirtuins are involved in many vital processes. They “repair” damaged parts of our DNA, protect cells from aggressive external factors, enhance immunity …

And yet, as it turned out, sirtuin proteins are involved in metabolism. In particular, they regulate phospholipid metabolism and glucose concentration.

Scientists claim that the consumption of substances that activate sirtuins reduces the risks of oncological, cardiovascular, and infectious diseases. It even increases the active period of life and its duration.

Sirtfoods: what is it?

One of the strongest and most readily available sirtuin protein activators is resveratrol. It is a natural antibiotic that some plants synthesize to protect against mold, harmful microorganisms and parasites.

Most of the valuable compound is found in:

  • dark grapes, juice and wine from it;
  • blueberries;
  • mulberry berries;
  • peanuts and pistachios;
  • peanut butter;
  • cocoa and dark chocolate;
  • raspberries;
  • cranberries;
  • plums;
  • tomatoes.

The researchers also concluded that the following foods stimulate our bodies to produce sirtuins:

  • collard greens, broccoli;
  • asparagus;
  • salads, chicory greens, celery, parsley, arugula;
  • capers and olives;
  • buckwheat unground;
  • beans;
  • red onions;
  • garlic;
  • turmeric;
  • chili pepper;
  • apples;
  • kiwi;
  • citrus fruit;
  • strawberries;
  • Cherries
  • Strawberry;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • dates;
  • soybeans and products from it;
  • coffee without milk;
  • green tea.

These are all sirtfoods.

Sirtfood diet: rules

It is important not only to saturate the menu with the listed products. But drastically limit its calorie content – up to a thousand kilocalories per day in the first three days. At this time, not all sirtfoods are allowed (chocolate, cocoa and wine are not allowed), and the diet includes only one full meal, at lunch.

what are these, the rules and “pitfalls”

Further, the number of kilocalories is increased to 1500; hearty breakfast and lunch, chocolate and wine are allowed. The “average” period lasts four days.

Then for two weeks they eat three times a day. Grilled fish and canned, boiled white meat are connected to the obligatory sirtfoods. Quinoa, rolled oats, brown rice, spelled, steamed vegetables. You can diversify the table with shellfish, low-fat yogurt, cottage cheese.

During the three-week course, you should drink a smoothie made from leafy vegetables and fruits rich in resveratrol. In any case, this is what the singer Adele did, who eventually lost 59 kilograms.

“Underwater rocks”

By the way, Adele is not the only “star” fan of the new dietary trend. Sirtfood diet is also practiced by Kate Winslett, winner of the Oscar and other film awards.

However, the sirtuin diet has some critics. There is no doubt, they note, and greens, berries, and red wine are beneficial. But not as main, but as “auxiliary” products.

For a healthy person, skeptics emphasize, sirtuin nutrition is too low in calories. And this is fraught not only with a constant feeling of hunger, fatigue, apathy … but also with the threat that the body will quickly regain lost weight as soon as the diet is over.

Sirtfood nutrition is contraindicated for those who have a disrupted thyroid gland, liver damage, diabetes mellitus. Remember that before you venture on a trendy diet, it is worth consulting a therapist. Do not experiment with yourself! We are all different, we need an individual approach.

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