What are the white dots on the lips?

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Why do white dots appear on the lips? Is it a symptom of any disease? What could cause the white dots on my lips to appear? Should such a symptom be consulted with a doctor? Is this a cause for concern? The question is answered by the drug. Katarzyna Darecka.

For what reason do white dots appear on the lips?

Hello. I am 42 years old, I am a woman. Until now, I had practically never had any dermatological problems, as a teenager I had acne, of course, but it was not particularly bothersome, even I have the impression that my peers had a bigger problem with it. Later, I was fine too, no herpes or fungal problems. Recently, however, I have noticed little white dots appear on my lips. They are not big, but when I look at the lips in front of the mirror, you can see them clearly.

What are white dots on the lips? Can the presence of such dots mean some disease or that something is wrong with my body? Or is it the effect of some food or the weather? On the other hand, it does not occur to me that I would eat anything special or put my mouth under the influence of any adverse drug. What could it be? I noticed these dots two days ago and I am wondering if I should see a doctor immediately or wait a while? I will be grateful for your response.

The doctor explains what the white dots on the lips can be

There can be several different conditions, including medical conditions which may appear minor white spots on the lipsTherefore, he suggests visiting a family doctor who, after a thorough interview and physical examination, will be able to order tests, refer to a specialist and / or propose treatment at his discretion. Based on the above-mentioned information, it is very difficult to judge whether this is a sign of a disease or a physiological manifestation, or why white spots appeared on the lips.

However, the most common entity that can produce these symptoms is called Fordyce spots. Fordyce spots are small in size (1-5mm in diameter), may be slightly raised, yellow to white in color, and may appear on the labia, but also on the glans penis in a man, labia in a woman, and on the inside of the cheeks. These spots are a variant of the sebaceous gland (that is, the glands that produce sebum, usually found around the hair follicle). They are likely to be present at birth, but only begin to become visible and larger during or after adolescence. They are often found in groups of 50-100, less often as single spots.

Fordyce spots are completely harmless – whether on the lips or around the external genitalia. However, for a patient suffering from this condition, they can cause a great deal of anxiety. It should be noted that they cannot be infected.

Nevertheless, a visit to a specialist is recommended, especially if there is a suspicion of a sexually transmitted disease, Fordyce spots must be differentiated from other diseases, including venereal diseases.

  1. Do you have a problem with chapped lips? Try the natural Orientana Coconut lip scrub, then reach for the natural Orientana Coconut lip balm. Both products are available on Medonet Market.

There is currently no treatment for Fordyce spots because it is not a disease and the spots are harmless and non-infectious. They can only cause cosmetic anxiety, ask your dermatologist for exact options, as there are many different therapies, ranging from laser therapy to photodynamic therapy. Your physician should prescribe the method that is most effective and appropriate for you.

It is also very important to thoroughly cleanse your lips from makeup. For this purpose, order RITUAL CARE mouth and eye makeup remover – two-phase Sensilis, which cleans, moisturizes and soothes the skin.

– Lek. Katarzyna Darecka

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