What are the types of psychotherapy? Indications for a visit to a psychotherapist [WE EXPLAIN]

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Psychotherapy is one of the most used methods in the treatment of mental disorders. Meetings with a psychotherapist can help in the diagnosis and treatment of various problems, including depression, addictions, anxiety, behavioral disorders and emotional states after losing a loved one. Not only adults, but also children and adolescents can undergo psychotherapy.

When is psychotherapy used?

It is estimated that in Poland with mental problems About eight million adults (from the age of eighteen) suffer from it. Adding children to this group would increase the number to twelve million. Problems that can be the subject of psychotherapy include serious psychological illnesses, such as depression, as well as problems in everyday life: problems in a relationship, inability to cope with losing a job or conflicts with relatives.

Human mental health is extremely important for the proper functioning in society and the well-being of an individual. They include emotional health (recognizing emotions and the ability to deal with negative states such as stress, anxiety or aggression) and mental health (logical thinking, reasoning, the ability to use knowledge). All factors influencing a person’s mental health can indirectly influence also physical health. If the delicate mental balance is disturbed, psychotherapy may be a way to restore it and work on problems.

The concept of psychotherapy is quite complex, but its most important element is its purpose. The role of psychotherapists is primarily to help people of all ages to find joy and meaning in life. In other words, psychotherapy helps people to function properly in society. Solving immediate and chronic problems is ultimately aimed at positively influencing the quality of life of a person undergoing psychotherapy.

However, you should be aware that psychotherapy is not just a conversation that we can have with a friend or friend. The task of the psychotherapist is not only to listen to the patient and help in solving his problems. The psychotherapist often has to reach the deeply hidden emotions of the patient, often unaware of having them. It is paramount the goal of psychotherapythe achievement of which enables the elimination of mental discomfort in the patient, and often even physical ailments resulting from the mental state of the patient.

Why is it worth undergoing psychotherapy?

Many people are convinced that only people suffering from mental problems can undergo psychotherapy. However, this is wrong thinking. People who do not have common illnesses, but who suffer in some way, for example as a result of trauma after the death of a loved one, job loss or divorce, can undergo psychotherapy.

Symptoms that may indicate the need for psychotherapy are: feeling of helplessness and sadness, preventing normal functioning; long-term problems, even with the help of close people; lack of concentration at work and household chores; constant pessimism, constant worry, a feeling of constantly being on the edge; self-destructive activities, such as drinking too much alcohol, taking drugs or psychoactive substances, or self-harm. When we see these or similar symptoms in our relatives, it is worth suggesting undergoing psychotherapy. The above-mentioned or similar conditions, which persist over a long period of time, may have tragic consequences and even lead the patient to suicide.

Among indications for psychotherapy the following are therefore listed:

  1. difficult life situations – mourning for a loved one, accident, trauma in people who are victims of physical aggression, assault, rape, harassment or other extremely stressful events;
  2. low self-esteem, guilt, helplessness;
  3. symptoms of depression, suicidal ideation or attempted suicide;
  4. addiction;
  5. social phobias, obsessions;
  6. relationship and relationship problems;
  7. doubts and anxiety about sexual orientation and identity;
  8. difficulty in controlling emotions, including suppressing them, outbursts of aggression, frequent changes in mood;
  9. psychotic symptoms, e.g. hallucinations, delusions, states of mania and depression;
  10. educational problems concerning children and teenagers;
  11. professional problems, a sense of burnout, difficulties in finding a life path;
  12. insomnia caused by a mental state, e.g. intrusive thoughts, anxiety, stress;
  13. willingness to work on oneself for self-development, forming good habits, more effective coping with stress and other challenges of everyday life.

Individual psychotherapy or group psychotherapy?

We can divide psychotherapy into two types – individual and group psychotherapy. Individual psychotherapy it is a conversation between the psychotherapist and the patient. It is useful when we see a specific problem that hinders our daily functioning or we want to deal with habits that are unfavorable for various reasons. It is worth going to a psychological consultation when we feel the need to get to know ourselves better. Sometimes we are not aware of how different conditions influence our behavior. During a conversation with a specialist, we can discuss any issues that concern us. If we are not sure whether there is such a need, the psychologist will be able to determine on the basis of the consultation whether psychotherapy will work in our case. In the case of one-on-one meetings, it can be short or long term.

  1. Short-term psychotherapy usually occurs when we want to solve a specific problem. The doctor and the patient focus on it, setting the goal of the therapy and striving for it in subsequent sessions. Depending on individual needs and the complexity of the problem, short-term psychotherapy may require from several to several dozen meetings. This type of therapy can work in the case of anxiety problems, obsessive-compulsive disorder, the need to deal with a difficult separation, a sudden change in life situation or depression. Specifying the number of sessions helps you plan your work on the problem. If necessary, short-term psychotherapy can be repeated.
  2. Long-term psychotherapy is performed when the patient needs help in solving several problems that prevent him from functioning normally. In the case of this type of therapy, it is difficult to determine how much time will be spent on it. However, you should focus on the effects after long-term work with a therapist. This is because long-term psychotherapy is recommended mainly for deep-rooted problems. Their background may require conversations about childhood and the experiences that shaped us. Sometimes it requires a change in mindset or active work on your responses to external factors to achieve results.

Group psychotherapy it is recommended mainly for people who struggle with problems in interpersonal relations. During group psychotherapy, certain rules are established (elements of psychotherapy covered by medical confidentiality, number of meetings, etc.). People with similar or the same problems are subject to group psychotherapy. Thanks to group meetings, it is possible to become aware of how our problems show up in relationships with other people and what patterns of behavior guide us. As in the case of individual therapy, it is possible to schedule appointments in the short term or in the long term.

The main types of psychotherapy

Treatment methods used by psychotherapists may differ from each other and be based on different psychotherapeutic trends. As a rule, the therapist conducts meetings with his patients on the basis of the chosen methodology. It makes the appropriate model of therapy dependent on the problems and needs of a particular patient.


Commonly known types of psychotherapy include: psychodynamic psychotherapy, cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, Gestalt psychotherapy and psychoanalytic psychotherapy.

Psychodynamic psychotherapy

One type of psychotherapy is psychodynamic psychotherapy. Its main goal is to eliminate impulses and solve emotional problems that the patient is not aware of himself. Psychodynamic psychotherapy aims to improve the patient’s well-being and functioning. The relationship between the patient and the therapist is important because cooperation can reveal the root of the problems. In this method, the key is to reach the behavior patterns that the patient has unknowingly learned from the past. Becoming aware of the sources of behavior and the way of thinking is the first step to breaking patterns and the patient’s work on changes that are beneficial for him.

Psychodynamic psychotherapy is used mainly in people struggling with depression, anxiety disorders and neuroses.

  1. Read more: Psychodynamic psychotherapy – for whom, what is it, what are its effects

Cognitive behavioral therapy

The second type of therapy is cognitive behavioral psychotherapyin which it is believed that all mental disorders are learned patterns of behavior. It aims to get rid of fears related to real or imaginary situations causing the patient’s emotional reactions. Therapy involves working on specific behaviors and reactions of the patient, taking into account the thought patterns that guide him. This is largely about a distorted perception of oneself and the environment, which has negative effects, such as, for example, low self-esteem, anxiety or obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Another distinguishing feature of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy is its use in a short-term scheme. It works well for people with mood disorders, depression, social phobias or bipolar disorder.

  1. Check: Cognitive behavioral psychotherapy – how does it work?

Gestalt psychotherapy

The next type of psychotherapy belongs to the humanistic trend Gestalt psychotherapy developed by the German psychologist and psychotherapist Fritz Perls. Gestalt psychotherapy assumes that in order to feel complete and human, we must fully release all our emotions (anger, sadness, joy). The method focuses on self-awareness, getting to know your own needs and possibilities. The patient gets rid of fears through a sense of independence and responsibility only for himself, as well as the need to live here and now, while becoming convinced that the future is unpredictable.

Gestalt psychotherapy can take the form of individual or group sessions. It is aimed at people with specific problems, eating disorders (bulimia, anorexia), depression, emotional disorders or obsessive compulsive disorder. It will also work well for people without mental disorders who care about self-development, self-acceptance, as well as resisting the influences and expectations of the environment.

  1. Also read: Gestalt psychotherapy – who is it suitable for and what is it?

Psychoanalytical psychotherapy

Psychoanalytic psychotherapy derives from psychoanalysis, but it is not the same. The common element of these two concepts is the focus on the patient’s recognition of what he is and why. The goal of psychotherapy is to analyze subconscious processes and discover things that we don’t know about ourselves. In the case of psychoanalytical psychotherapy, the therapist’s neutrality is important, which allows the patient to speak, associate and react freely. His commitment and willingness to discover subconscious behavior and what emotions he transfers to the person conducting the therapy are very important. Unlike other types of therapy, in this case the tutor does not rely on additional exercises aimed at directing the patient to specific behaviors.

The effectiveness of psychotherapy

It is difficult to clearly define the effectiveness of psychotherapy in each individual case. Much depends on the attitude to therapy, the type of problem, expectations, as well as the relationship between the patient and a given psychotherapist. You should be aware that psychotherapy is not a way to get a ready-made prescription for life. It requires work and time, and as a result, it gives you the opportunity to discover the source of certain feelings and behaviors, and to develop a different way of thinking or reacting to different situations.

Patients can count on the improvement of their mental state by regularly participating in therapeutic sessions. Sometimes it requires several months of treatment, other times it lasts over a year. It may also happen that the therapy has to be repeated. Some mental disorders require the combination of psychotherapy and pharmacological treatment, especially when symptoms worsen.

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