What are the symptoms of thyroid cancer? The endocrinologist tells you what to look for
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Hoarseness, enlarged lymph nodes, pain in the neck or throat. Sounds like a trivial ailment? Unfortunately, few people are aware that these may be symptoms of thyroid cancer. Dr. Joanna Ciołek, an endocrinologist from the Damian Medical Center, in an interview with Medonet explains what to look for and what tests should be done when there is a suspicion of thyroid cancer.

  1. Thyroid cancer is most often diagnosed in women. Annually, it is detected in about 1,8 thousand. patients
  2. The first warning sign is a lump in the neck. Dr. Ciołek also lists other characteristic symptoms that should be consulted with a specialist
  3. The expert also explains whether there is a connection between the Chernobyl disaster and cases of thyroid cancer
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Sylwia Stachura, Medonet: How many cases of thyroid cancer are diagnosed in Poland annually?

Dr Joanna Ciołek, endocrinologist: In Poland, about 1,5-1,8 thousand are diagnosed each year. new cases of thyroid cancer. Thus, our country belongs to the group of countries with a relatively low incidence of this disease.

Is it true that women get sick more often?

Yes, women get sick more often than men. Thyroid neoplasm occurs in them about 3-4 times more often than in men.

The first sign it could be thyroid cancer is …?

Among the first symptoms of thyroid cancer are: a thyroid nodule (hard, no pain symptoms) and enlarged lymph nodes. In some cases, enlargement of the neck circumference may also appear.

What are the other symptoms of cancer?

Other symptoms include hoarseness, neck pain, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. In the case of lung metastases, shortness of breath and general weakness may occur, and in the case of bone metastases, pain and an increased likelihood of fractures may occur.

The rest of the conversation under the video:

Which groups are particularly at risk for thyroid cancer? Who is the most common struggle with this disease?

Among the factors increasing the risk of developing thyroid cancer, the most frequently mentioned is the influence of ionizing radiation. Radiotherapy to the neck area in childhood may increase the likelihood of cancer development.

Genetic factors are also important. If a patient has papillary or follicular cancer, the incidence of thyroid cancer in family members increases up to fourfold.

Thyroid cancer – types

Specialists distinguish:

  1. papillary cancer (papillary carcinoma),
  2. follicular cancer (carcinoma folliculare),
  3. anaplastic cancer (carcinoma anaplasticum),
  4. medullary cancer (medullary carcinoma).

Does age matter?

Most often, thyroid cancer is diagnosed in the 40-50 age group.

We sometimes hear opinions that the Chernobyl disaster of 1986 may have contributed to an increase in the number of thyroid cancer cases. Is it really so?

In Belarus, Ukraine and Our Country, a higher incidence of thyroid cancer was reported, especially in people exposed to ionizing radiation and eating foods contaminated with radioactive iodine in childhood.

However, in Poland, there was no increased incidence of thyroid cancer in connection with the Chernobyl disaster, probably due to the action of administering iodine solution in the form of Lugol’s solution to children.

  1. Editors recommend: Chernobyl led to a cancer epidemic? The oncologist explains

Disturbing ailments appear, we go to a specialist. What tests will need to be done to see if it is thyroid cancer?

An ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland should be performed as soon as possible and the result should be consulted with a doctor – preferably an endocrinologist, who will assess the nature of the changes in the ultrasound and refer for a thyroid biopsy, if necessary. Thyroid biopsy (FNAB) is the basic test for the diagnosis of thyroid cancer. If cancer is suspected in a biopsy, the patient should be urgently referred for further diagnosis and treatment to an oncology center.

  1. Make an appointment for an ultrasound of the thyroid gland – buy a scan at Medonet Market

What does this treatment look like?

An operation is performed which consists in the total or partial removal of the thyroid gland, often also of the surrounding lymph nodes (the extent of the operation depends on the stage and type of cancer). Supplementary treatment with radioiodine is sometimes necessary.

What’s the prognosis?

The prognosis depends on the type of cancer and the stage of the disease – in papillary and follicular thyroid cancer it is good – it worsens slightly in the elderly and in the advanced stage of the disease. In contrast, it is very bad with anaplastic cancer.

Can this disease be prevented?

Above all, exposure to ionizing radiation should be avoided and a healthy, balanced lifestyle should be followed.

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