What are the symptoms of Omikron in children? [WE EXPLAIN]
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It is more and more evident that Omikron is a threat not only for adults, but also for children, who have so far mostly undergone COVID-19 mildly. Doctors alert that the youngest patients are diagnosed with more and more infections, and a large part of them requires hospitalization. Symptoms unusual for previous coronavirus infections were also observed.

  1. The observations so far show that the course of infection with Omikron is milder than in the case of the previous variants
  2. This fact should not, however, deprive us of vigilance, because the variant is extremely contagious and, as experts argue, almost all of us will soon encounter it
  3. Omicron, like any other strain of SARS-CoV-2, is the most dangerous for unvaccinated people, including kids
  4. There are more and more infections in the youngest patients, so it is worth knowing how the Omikron infection manifests itself in them
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Omicron in children – Symptoms may be unusual and different from Delta infection

Symptoms of an Omikron infection in a child may be similar to those seen in adults. These are the most common:

  1. stuffy nose / runny nose,
  2. scratchy throat
  3. sore throat,
  4. Headache,
  5. muscle pain,
  6. slightly elevated body temperature,
  7. weakness, fatigue.

However, you may find that COVID-19 in children shows up differently. David Lloyd, a family doctor from North London, drew attention to the non-specific symptoms of COVID-19 in children in December. He noted that 15 percent. small patients who were confirmed to be infected with the new coronavirus variant developed a strange rash. In addition, the medic observed other symptoms.

  1. Also read: Atypical symptom of the Omikron variant in children. The doctor noticed him

According to him, the loss of appetite may also prove the presence of Omikron in a child’s body.

American medics point out yet another symptom of Omicron in children. These are bouts of severe coughing that are difficult to control. COVID-19 cough in children resembles “barking”, is sharp and wheezing. Doctors compare it to cough, which is the main symptom of acute subglottic laryngitis, commonly known as croup. This viral disease mainly affects young children (under 5 years of age) and, apart from coughing, manifests itself, inter alia, in swelling and narrowing of the throat and enlargement of the lymph nodes. This leads to shallow breathing, difficulty swallowing and hoarseness.

Based on the cases reported so far, it seems that the symptoms of Omicron in children are different from the symptoms of Delta. The most common symptoms of infection with the Delta variant in children were: fever, cough, sore throat, headache and muscle pain, and general weakness. Not infrequently, the child experienced stomach discomfort, such as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Many young patients also had persistent symptoms of sinusitis or laryngitis.

  1. See also Delta and Omikron. Scientists point to the most important differences

Doctors: Don’t be fooled by the mild course of the infection

The symptoms of Omicron in children do not always occur together, nor are they very severe, but doctors advise you to be vigilant. Symptoms of this type can be confusing and associated with other diseases, such as a common cold.

The need for vigilance was also signaled in an interview with Medonet by the pediatrician and the contagious agent Dr. Lidia Stopyra. – We are able to make an early diagnosis only on the basis of a coronavirus test. Hence, it is so important not to give up on it, not to be afraid of it – she said, emphasizing that it is better to confirm or rule out COVID-19 immediately than to react too late, e.g. when a child develops complications in the form of PIMS.

About the Omicron is not as gentle as is commonly believedmore and more is being said. Although the course of infection caused by it is much milder and the risk of hospitalization is lower, one should not draw too far-reaching conclusions from it. We still do not have sufficient data to say how the growing number of infections will translate into hospitalization and death statistics. And these do not look good anymore, because there are so many unvaccinated people in the country (43,9%) that the coronavirus has a huge “room for maneuver”.

  1. Also read: We are not afraid of the Omicron, but… we should. The variant is not as mild as we think

In addition, the more infections there are, the greater the strain on the healthcare system. This is especially worrying for the youngest children, which should be checked by a doctor in the event of any infection. If the parents are unable to register their child for an appointment because the clinics will be ‘busy’, the situation becomes critical.

The rest of the text is below the video.

COVID-10 in children – increased infections and more severe course

Until recently, the symptomatic course of COVID-19 in children was rare. Much was said that the youngest could transmit the coronavirus (hence the need to isolate them from adults who were particularly vulnerable to infection, e.g. grandparents), but little was known about the typical symptoms of the disease. Most children who tested positive for the coronavirus had a mild course of COVID-19 and did not require hospitalization.

Everything changed with the expansion of Delta and Omicron. While at the beginning of the pandemic it was estimated that COVID-10 affects 1 to 3% of children, the percentage is significantly higher today. As Dr. Lidia Stopyra emphasizes, “in countries where children are tested very often, it actually turns out that they constitute 30-50 percent infections. all infected ». Of course, experts emphasize that these numbers are influenced not only by the greater range of the coronavirus, but also by the greater number of tests for its presence in children, but the increases are significant.

This also applies to hospitalization and, unfortunately, deaths. In the United States alone, between late June and mid-August, the number of hospitalizations of children and adolescents increased almost fivefold, and among children under the age of five, the rate increased tenfold. According to the US Kaiser Family Foundation, in August and September COVID-19 was the sixth cause of death among children between the ages of five and 15.

  1. Why is the coronavirus more attacking children now? Two main reasons

Omicron. More and more hospitalizations of children with coronavirus

The emergence of a new, extremely contagious SARS-CoV-2 mutation is not a good prognosis for these gloomy statistics.

In South Africa (South Africa) – the country where Omikron appeared in mid-November (this is the second country – after Botswana – where a new strain of coronavirus was detected), doctors are increasingly reporting hospitalizations of children with COVID-19.

  1. Also read: Unvaccinated and young children stockpiling hospitals in South Africa. The Omikron variant is to blame

Dr. Rudo Mathivha, head of intensive care at Chris Hani Baragwanath in Johannesburg (Africa’s largest hospital), told South African Broadcasting Corporation that the change was very worrying because no such numbers or increases had been recorded in previous pandemic waves.

“They come with moderate or severe symptoms, they need extra oxygen, they need supportive therapy, they have to stay in the hospital for many days,” she said.

The worrying trend has been confirmed by Dr. Waasila Jassat, a viral disease specialist who advised the South African government during the pandemic.

“The prevalence in those under five is now the second highest, second only to those over 60,” she said.

  1. See also: CNN journalist from Africa: suddenly I heard that because of the Omikron variant I would not go anywhere

Protect yourself against coronavirus infection. Keep your distance, disinfect your hands, cover your mouth and nose. You can buy a set of FFP2 filtering masks at an attractive price at medonetmarket.pl

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