What are the symptoms of elevated LDL cholesterol?
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Regular cholesterol testing should become your habit. You can check it through a biochemical blood test, determining the level of total cholesterol and the level of HDL – commonly considered the good one, and LDL – commonly referred to as the bad one. This excess of LDL may indicate health problems—perhaps you have atherosclerosis or some other health-threatening condition. Even that should motivate you to have your cholesterol tested at least once a year! Recognize the norms in this area and the symptoms that herald the problem!

High cholesterol – when the norms are exceeded

You can find out about your cholesterol level by taking a blood test. It is expressed in milligrams per deciliter or millimoles per liter. Parameters defining the standards indicate the level of total cholesterol, LDL, HDL.

Symptoms of high cholesterol – how to recognize them?

First of all, it is necessary to regularly undergo blood tests. In the initial stage of the increase in the concentration of LDL in the blood, no characteristic symptoms appear. Alarming signals may appear even in the direct risk of life and health, e.g. in the case of a stroke, problems with circulation. Eruptions on the skin – the so-called cholesterol jaundice, yellow papules appearing on the knees, elbows, in the corners of the mouth. You should be alarmed by the great fatigue when walking slowly and the pain in your legs growing very quickly. In addition, if you practice unhealthy eating and at the same time do not do any physical activity, then the expected effect in a short time will certainly be overweight or obesity. And these are very good conditions for the overproduction of LDL. Here, of course, the implementation of healthy eating habits and regular physical exercise will be helpful. It is also worth helping yourself with dietary supplements that will help slimming and cleansing the body.

High Cholesterol – What Can It Mean for Your Body?

Too high cholesterol can mean a number of abnormalities in your body, which you must look at in order to take appropriate countermeasures. Sometimes diagnoses will indicate abnormalities in the functioning of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism), kidney failure, psoriasis, nephrotic syndrome. Sometimes it is a direct result of alcohol abuse or the consumption of cholesterol-rich foods – animal fats lead the way here. Causes of high cholesterol can also be due to congenital liver disease – in which too much cholesterol is produced. High cholesterol is sometimes a sign of progressive coronary artery disease. This is relatively easy to recognize, because it is accompanied by severe chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations. Sometimes heart medications can help.

Too high cholesterol – what to do about it?

Diagnosing the problem of elevated cholesterol should motivate you to change your eating habits. It will be necessary to limit the consumption of animal products – eggs, all meat by-products, animal fats, fatty meats, sausages, butter, fatty milk. Oils, margarines, sea fish – containing omega-3 acids, lowering LDL cholesterol and increasing HDL will be a good substitute . Your diet should include vegetables and fruits in large quantities, whole grains, and thick groats. Garlic, flaxseed, bran, soy products will also be useful. With the problem of cholesterol, frequent drinking of alcohol is also inadvisable. And in all this, it is extremely important to regularly undertake physical activity – because thanks to it you will lower the level of bad cholesterol. It will be effective to practice sports that improve physical endurance – running, cycling, swimming.


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