Common in the first trimester, they are less so in the second and third trimester of pregnancy, especially if they appear suddenly. Either they are a symptom of a disease independent of your pregnancy (appendicitis, gastroenteritis) that must be treated. Either, and it’s more serious, they translate the beginning of apreeclampsia attack (a form of hypertension of pregnancy) which puts the mother and her baby at risk. In this case, they are generally accompanied by other signs: pain in the region of the liver or stomach, ringing in the ears, “flies” in front of the eyes …
Burning sensations when urinating
Most often, it is a urinary tract infection … which risk of spreading to the kidneys or infecting the fetus if left untreated by antibiotics. A cytobacteriological examination of the urine will confirm the diagnosis and identify the causative organism.
Calf pain
«My calf hurts during pregnancy” attention danger ! If it is also red and swollen, a clot may have formed, causing blood flow to stop in the blocked vein. It’s here phlebitis. With, with, with the key, a risk of pulmonary embolism if this clot migrates towards a pulmonary artery. The doctor will confirm his diagnosis with a venous Doppler ultrasound (exploration with an ultrasound probe), then prescribe anticoagulants to liquefy the blood and dissolve the clot. You will also need to wear compression stockings.
A fever above 38 ° C
In the third trimester, she still hides an infectious disease, most often viral, which can therefore infect the fetus. Another danger: above 39 ° C, the temperature can cause contractions and therefore premature delivery.
Depending on the term of pregnancy, this may be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy, a miscarriage (in the first trimester), a placenta previa (inserted too low near the cervix), detachment of the placenta or premature delivery.
Stomach pain and contractions
In the first trimester, if they are persistent, localized in the lower abdomen or associated with bleeding, they can induce a threat of miscarriage or a ectopic pregnancy. From the second trimester, these pains are more fearful of premature childbirth.
A liquid and abundant discharge
A very liquid and abundant discharge may be a sign of a crack or premature rupture of the water bag. However, without amniotic fluid, the baby is no longer immune to infections and the risk of premature birth is high.
Generalized edema
If at the same time you gain two kilos in the week, it may be a preeclampsia attack that is life threatening. The doctor will have your blood pressure checked and your albumin level in the blood. Often, other signs are associated with it: headaches that are resistant to paracetamol, “flies” in front of the eyes.
Fetal emergencies
A fetus that you can no longer feel moving for several hours or who has been moving much less for two or three days, this requires an ultrasound and monitoring of the heart rate. If only to make sure he’s okay …