What are the side effects of birth control pills?

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What are the side effects of taking birth control pills? When do you notice the first side effects of birth control pills? Do they have an impact on conceiving a child in the future? The question is answered by the drug. Katarzyna Darecka.

What are the negative effects of using birth control pills?

Hello, I have been using it for half a year birth control pills, but recently I heard that I should think about the side effects of birth control pills. Is it true that their long-term use can be bad for the body? If so, how long do they appear side effects of birth control pills Is six months long enough to notice the first? side effects of birth control pills?

I am a bit afraid of this, because in some time I would like to get pregnant and I wonder if the use of contraceptive pills will result in any difficulties in fertilizing or maintaining the pregnancy. I was also worried that I had read Fr. the effects of birth control pills in the form of venous thrombosis. I do not have such cases in my family, and I have never had a problem with circulation or varicose veins. But I wonder if I should do any tests in order to detect the negative effects of birth control pills early?

I would be very grateful for your help and for explaining how the pills work, because I was a little worried about the effects of contraception.

The doctor explains how the contraceptive pill can have an effect on the body

Do side effects of birth control pills the most common are: nausea and vomiting (usually occurring at the beginning of use), bleeding and spotting (at the beginning of taking), headaches (at the beginning of use, more often in women with a history of headaches), increased appetite, and thus – weight gain.

There may also be skin changes such as acne, seborrhea, hirsutism, telangiectasia, rosacea, brown discoloration – this side effect depends on the active substance – if such a patient is concerned about these side effects or you are struggling with one of the above-mentioned skin changes, it is worth telling about to your gynecologist – he or she can then prescribe a contraceptive to reduce the risk of developing such skin changes or even alleviate the existing ones. If these symptoms do not appear at the beginning of use, do not be afraid that they will appear later.

Women taking hormonal contraception have larger ones risk of deep vein thrombosis, it is a relatively rare side effect – according to a 2011 study, for 100 women (15-44) who do not take contraceptives, 5-10 will develop deep vein thrombosis within a year. This risk increases three to eight times, depending on ingredients of the contraceptive pill.

It is still a relatively small risk, but it must be remembered that if you experience symptoms such as a sudden enlargement of one of the legs, its increased warmth and redness, you should immediately see your family doctor, NOCh or NPL, or the HED. To reduce the risk of thrombosis, it is important to keep moving, especially during long flights by plane, bus or train – take frequent walks and ask your family doctor before the planned trip whether it is reasonable to use heparin once.

Regarding the long-term the effects of contraception Contraception reduces the likelihood of developing ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer and rectal cancer. According to some recent studies, hormonal contraception causes a slightly acceptable increase in the risk of breast cancer (1 additional case per 8000 users per year). It seems that other risk factors for breast cancer that we have control over, such as obesity, smoking, alcohol abuse, inactivity or not breastfeeding, have a greater impact on cancer development than hormonal contraception.

A study published in 2018 claims that contraception, regardless of its duration and type, does not adversely affect the possibility of pregnancy, and does not even fully delay pregnancy, 83% of women are able to get pregnant in the first year of discontinuation of use contraception, fertility often returns in the first month.

– Lek. Katarzyna Darecka

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