What are the risks if you do not consult for a goiter?

What are the risks if you do not consult for a goiter?

A small goiter, without modification of hormonal functioning or nodule on ultrasound does not require treatment but monitoring of its volume.

Complications of goiter can be related to its volume: change in the voice with paralysis of a vocal cord, swallowing or breathing disorder, venous compression

Complications related to hormonal dysfunction, if not corrected, can lead to general manifestations:

– in the event of hyperthyroidism, weight loss, tachycardia, tremors, anxiety, irritability, excessive sweating, heat intolerance, diarrhea, etc.

– in the event of hypothyroidism, weight gain, chilliness, intellectual slowing down, depression, fatigue, constipation, slowing of the pulse …

Complications of a malignant thyroid tumor are linked to its extension to neighboring organs (larynx, pharynx, skin, lymph nodes) or to its distant dissemination (metastases)

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