What are the properties of tualang honey? What is tualang honey? |

Tualang honey is a real rarity among honeys. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties, fights viruses and bacteria. Can its properties really replace a home first aid kit? Is Tualang Honey Healthy? What are the properties of tualang honey? What does tualang honey help with?

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In this article you will learn, among others:

  • What are the properties of tualang honey?
  • Should I choose manuka or tualang honey?
  • What does tualang honey help with?
  • What is the composition of tualang honey?

What are the properties of tualang honey?

We wrote about manuka honey a few days ago. It turns out, however, that this is not the maximum of goodness that bees can offer us. Quite recently, a great deal of research has been carried out on tualang honey. It is multiflorous honey produced by giant bees in the Malaysian jungle. It turns out that it has even better properties than the popular and famous Manuka honey. The differences in the honeys in question mainly include a greater amount of phenols, flavonoids, and 5- (hydroxymethyl) furfural (HMF) in favor of tualang honey. Compared to manuka honey, tulang is also more effective against certain strains of gram-negative bacteria.

Should I choose manuka or tualang honey?

Research shows that in many respects, eg antibacterial activity, tualang honey has wider properties than manuka honey.

What does tualang honey help with?

Tualang honey is really versatile. After analyzing the results, ranging from pure laboratory studies to animal experiments and controlled clinical trials, we can conclude that tualang honey can:

  • fight bacteria. This effect is related to the osmotic action of sugars, low pH, and in particular the activity of enzymes with antioxidant properties. Of course, the presence of phenolic acids, flavonoids and lysozyme, which exhibit, among others, bactericidal effect. At a concentration of 6.25-25 percent. tualang honey inhibits the growth of several bacterial strains such as Streptococcus pyogenes, Salmonella typhi, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli.
  • heal wounds effectively. It improves wound healing by reducing swelling, inflammation and exudate, which are common in all types of wounds. Moreover, tualang honey stimulates the growth of epithelial cells. 
  • show anti-cancer properties. This action is due to reducing chronic inflammation, which is a risk factor for cancer, helping to heal chronic ulcers and wounds, and boosting the immune system. Tulang honey has anti-cancer properties against various types of tumors, as well as at different stages of their development. The results of research on the influence of tualang honey on the risk of oral cavity cancer, osteosarcoma, breast cancer and cervical cancer are promising. Of course, more research is needed. 
  • help with diabetes. It would seem that honey, due to the content of simple carbohydrates, has no chance of treating diabetes. And yet, studies in rats have shown the opposite. Glycemic (blood sugar) control was found to be higher when combining traditional medications with tualang honey than with the medications alone.
  • have the potential to reduce risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, systolic blood pressure, and triglyceride and very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) levels (tested in diabetic and hypertensive rats).
  • increase sperm motilityw, testosterone and the level of some female hormones. 
  • limit toxic the action of cigarette smoke.

What is the composition of tualang honey?

What is it about tualang honey that makes it so versatile? Well, it contains a total of six phenolic acids and five flavonoids, which undoubtedly affects its wide properties. Some of the compounds found in this honey have not been previously noted in other honeys. They, too, can make this product superior to others.

More laboratory research and clinical trials are needed to gain a better understanding of the potential health benefits and to reduce skepticism about tualang honey. Interest in this product is relatively recent, although it seems to have great potential.

The photo is from: Drew Coffman / Foter / CC BY

Have you ever eaten tualang honey? Which honey do you recommend the most? Which honey has the best flavor? Let me know in the comments!

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