What are the people to be vaccinated with AstraZeneka to do? Here’s what the doctor advises
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More and more countries are choosing to stop vaccination with AstraZeneca. This vaccine is also used in Poland. Should a person with the prospect of vaccination with AstraZeneka be afraid? – There are no grounds. So far, no cause-and-effect relationship has been found between the intake of the AstraZeneca vaccine in the occurrence of embolism, says Prof. Jarosław Drobnik, chief epidemiologist of the University of Silesia in Wrocław.

  1. Denmark and Austria and several other countries have stopped vaccination with AstraZeneca. The reason was the suspicion that the vaccine could cause blood clots leading to death
  2. AstraZeneca is one of the three preparations that are used in Poland. Should the person with the prospect of vaccination be concerned?
  3. The risk of coronavirus infection is much greater than the risk of problems related to blood clotting – says Prof. Jarosław Drobnik
  4. More information about vaccinations can be found on the Onet homepage.

AstraZeneca: Vaccinations suspended in several countries

The AstraZeneca vaccine has been in turmoil for several days. In Austria, one person died after taking this drug, and the same was true in Denmark. The cause of death was serious blood clots. These countries stopped vaccination with this preparation. Norway, Estonia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia and Iceland also made a similar decision.

The AstraZeneca vaccine is also used for vaccination against COVID-19 in Poland. As Minister of Health Adam Niedzielski noted on Thursday, “the government is looking at the matter”, however, according to Polish experts, there is no cause for concern.

– No one has so far shown a cause-and-effect relationship between these events and vaccination. There is only a temporal relationship – said Dr. Tomasz Dzieciatkowski in an interview with Medonet.

  1. Dr. Dzieiątkowski on the “dangerous” AstraZeneki vaccine: the more likely it is that a meteorite will hit us

Dr. Paweł Grzesiowski is of a similar opinion. – We currently have 20 reports of problems with the clotting system for over 3 million doses, so it does not differ from what we see in people without vaccination – says the expert of the Supreme Medical Council on combating COVID-19.

Prof. Drobnik: The suspension of AstraZeneka vaccination is incomprehensible

Dr. Prof. Jarosław Drobnik, head epidemiologist at the University Teaching Hospital in Wrocław.

In his opinion, the decisions made to suspend vaccinations with this preparation are groundless.

– I do not understand at all these decisions to stop vaccination with this vaccine. If there was a significant suspicion, 10-15 people died in a short time for one reason, that would be true, not for one person dying. You might as well say that we already have the first infected people after receiving the Pfizer vaccine. Maybe we should stop vaccinations with this preparation, because it does not work? There have also been isolated cases of anaphylactic shocks. I emphasize that so far no cause-and-effect relationship has been found between the intake of AstraZeneca and the occurrence of embolism – says prof. General purpose.

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The epidemiologist emphasizes that the previous cases that were heard about were also coincidences. – The same as it was said about deaths after vaccination with Pfizer in DPS. It was a dozen or so cases worldwide. And these were vaccinated people with a risk of death. After all, most of us do not get tested when going to vaccination. He doesn’t know if he has cancer or if he has a clotting problem until someone diagnoses it. I do not see a relationship here – he adds.

Vaccinations AstraZeneką – what to do?

So what can a person with the prospect of vaccinating with AstraZeneca do?

Let us remind you that this preparation is given to teachers in our country, people aged 60-69, as well as people from the “0” group who have not yet signed up for vaccination.

– She may or may not go to the vaccine, at the risk of becoming infected with COVID-19. Alternatively, he can report on a different date and get another vaccine, for example from Johnson & Johson, also vector vaccine – says the expert.

Can I ask for vaccination with a different agent, from a different manufacturer? – You cannot ask for a preparation change because it is set up so that it is not a wish concert. It vaccinates with what you have – emphasizes professor Drobnik.

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Subsequent reports from Europe do not have a good effect on the psychological comfort of people who are likely to be vaccinated with the preparation of the Swedish-British company. What might reduce fears, other than the experts’ assurances that the vaccine is safe? Will reading the leaflet with information about possible side effects increase our awareness and improve psychological comfort?

– I do not think so. After all, when we take any antibiotic, the leaflet says exactly the same. There are no medications that do not have potential side effects. In my opinion, the risk of coronavirus infection, given what is happening at the moment, is much greater than the risk of problems related to blood clotting – emphasizes prof. Jarosław Drobnik.

Also read:

  1. How to prepare for the COVID-19 vaccination? Family doctors’ advice for seniors
  2. What About Easter in a Pandemic? Experts are under no illusions
  3. Where can I get vaccinated against COVID-19? List of vaccination points

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