Flowers similar to irises are grown outdoors. They are used in ornamental gardening, as well as for landscaping a personal plot. There are several indoor plants that vaguely resemble irises in flower structure or color, but most of the twins are wild and horticultural crops.

Are there flowers similar to irises

Iris or iris is a perennial crop represented by tall and dwarf varieties. The flowers of the plant are of different colors. In their natural habitat, blue, blue or pink are found. Based on them, hybrid varieties of iris were created: white, orange, dark red. In each variety on the petals there are fragments of a bright yellow or green hue of various shapes. The biological structure of iris flowers:

  • perianth simple;
  • does not separate into a corolla and a calyx;
  • tubular;
  • with bent six-parted petals.

The leaves of the plant are narrow and long. Flowers similar to irises with the name and photo are presented below.

Cuckoo’s tears

Cuckoo’s tears – the popular designation of orchids (northern orchids), plants from the genus Orchidaceae. Distribution area – Siberia, the Far East, the North Caucasus. The endangered species is protected by law and is listed in the Red Book of Our Country. External characteristic:

  • height – 30-50 cm;
  • stem upright;
  • a spike-shaped inflorescence is formed at the top;
  • the flowers are medium-sized, shaped like an iris;
  • the color of the petals is burgundy, lilac, light pink with dark stains on the surface;
  • the leaves are located in the lower part, depending on the variety, they can be wide or narrow.
What are the names of flowers that look like irises

Varietal representatives of the orchis are often used in ornamental gardening.

iris (Iris ruthenia) subspecies Ioniris is also called cuckoo’s tears in Siberia. It is a distant relative of the common iris. The blue flowers of the plant are similar to dwarf irises. Cuckoo’s tears do not grow more than 20 cm, single buds are located on the tops of the stems.

What are the names of flowers that look like irises

The common color of iris petals is blue with a yellow fragment, white is less common.


In the wild, most varieties grow in symbiosis with rainforest trees. In Our Country, orchids are grown as indoor flowers that look like iris. But they are completely different types. The culture is represented by flowers with red, lilac, pink, white, yellow color.

What are the names of flowers that look like irises

Orchid inflorescences form at the top of an upright shoot.

A perennial plant with one, rarely two stems, with a long flowering period.

What are the names of flowers that look like irises

A special similarity of orchids is noted with an ampelous variety of irises.


A close relative of irises, part of the Kasatikovye family. Perennial bulbous culture includes more than ten varieties with a decorative appearance. In its natural environment, iridodictium is common in Central Asia, the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia. This is a bright representative of alpine meadows and coastal zone of stagnant reservoirs. Culture refers to dwarf:

  • stem height 15 cm;
  • leaves are long narrow;
  • flowers are similar to irises, rather large – 7 cm in diameter;
  • in shape – something between a crocus and a killer whale;
  • the color is blue or dark purple with a yellow fragment at the base of the petals.
What are the names of flowers that look like irises

Iridodictium is used to decorate rockeries and rock gardens

Selection varieties of snapdragon

Antirrinum or snapdragon is a perennial crop, but in temperate climates it is rarely possible to save the plant until the next growing season, so antirrinum is grown as an annual. The culture grows in the form of a herbaceous shrub with erect stems and racemose inflorescences. The leaves are slightly pubescent, narrow, oblong. Blooming snapdragon buds are similar to irises in shape.

In ornamental gardening, selective varieties are used. They differ in bush height and color. Petals are white, dark red, yellow, orange, mixed colors are found. More than 50 varieties have been created on the basis of wild-growing species. Photos of snapdragon flowers, similar to irises, will allow you to get acquainted with their diversity.

What are the names of flowers that look like irises

Tall bush Velvet Giant reaches 70 cm

What are the names of flowers that look like irises

The height of the Alaska variety is 85 cm

What are the names of flowers that look like irises

The golden monarch belongs to the medium-sized group, because the bush grows up to 45 cm

What are the names of flowers that look like irises

Antirrinum Wild rose is characterized by an average length of peduncles (up to 60 cm)

What are the names of flowers that look like irises

The low-growing varietal group Floral (15-20 cm) is distinguished by a variety of bud colors

What are the names of flowers that look like irises

Antirrinum Twinnie is represented by different colors, the stems do not exceed 15 cm in height

Important! Dwarf representatives of the culture are often grown as ampelous plants, in this quality they are also similar to dwarf forms of irises.

Water iris

Iris pseudoair – a plant similar to iris in the structure of the bush, blossoming buds and the shape of the leaves. It belongs to a close relative, which is part of the Iris family. Distributed throughout Our Country, the main accumulation is observed along the banks of reservoirs and in wetlands. External characteristic:

  • the color of blossoming buds is bright yellow;
  • at the base of the petals there are maroon or brown longitudinal stripes;
  • leaves are narrow, long, xiphoid;
  • stems are thin, erect;
  • bush height – 70-150 cm.
What are the names of flowers that look like irises

False irises bloom from June to August


Alstroemeria (Alstroemeria) is a perennial crop with little cold resistance. It is grown in greenhouses and greenhouses for cutting.

Important! Alstroemeria is a well-known and popular species, reminiscent of irises in the shape of a flower.

The stems are thin, but very strong, upright. Inflorescences are umbellate, located at the top of the stems. The leaves are narrow and long.

What are the names of flowers that look like irises

Flowers six-petalled, red, pink, white, yellow, inner petals with dark brown, chaotically interspersed


Xifiums are iris-like flowers, better known as bulbous irises. In its natural environment, a close relative of irises is blue in color and small in stature. The culture is characterized by a long flowering period, lasting up to two months.

What are the names of flowers that look like irises

In ornamental gardening, Dutch varieties with red, lemon, white, purple and blue colors are used.

Acidantera bicolor

Atsidantera (Acidanthera) is a member of the Kasatikov family. The flower is remotely similar to irises, popularly called Muriel’s gladiolus because of the shape of the bush and long, narrow, linear leaves. The plant is a perennial corm, can grow up to 130 cm. The stems are thin, branched in the upper part. The petals are collected at the base into a long tube. The inflorescences are spike-shaped, the diameter of the flower is 10-13 cm. The color is light cream with a maroon core.

What are the names of flowers that look like irises

Late flowering plant – from August to frost


Flowers similar to irises and its varieties in the form of blossoming buds, the structure of the bush and leaves, are used in design for decorating flower beds, alpine slides, rockeries. Plants are grown outdoors or in flower pots. Many species are suitable for cutting, used by florists in bouquet compositions.

Snapdragon is blooming!

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