What are the most high-calorie pastries?

Croissant, pain au chocolat, brioche… It’s hard to resist the delicious smell of pastries emanating from the bakery! The problem is that they are very caloric. So, which ones to choose to have fun without (too) feeling guilty? Follow the guide.
First of all, remember that pastries, whatever they are, are rich in butter and sugar. They have no nutritional virtues, which means that they provide nothing except empty calories. They should therefore be consumed occasionally, as part of a varied and balanced diet. In general, it is better to prefer wholemeal bread on which we add a thin layer of butter or jam. In doing so, we control the amounts of sugar and fat ourselves, it will always be much less caloric than the pastries. However, it would be wrong to refuse this little pleasure that is so good for morale and taste buds. For breakfast or afternoon tea, pure or soaked in a bowl of coffee or chocolate, pastries taste like childhood and happy days. We have classified our favorite pastries from the most to the least caloric, according to the Ciqual de Anses website.
Almond croissant 446kcal / 100g
The almond croissant takes first place on the podium for the most caloric pastries. With its 446kcal / 100g, it is more than reasonable. Suffice it to say that when you fall for an almond croissant, it is better to limit your energy intake for the rest of the day!
Pain au chocolat 423kcal / 100g
Pain au chocolat or chocolatine, whatever the name given to this delicious pastry, the result is the same: it is very caloric. So, even if the pain au chocolat tastes like it’s back to it, and we could swallow three or four in a row without a problem, the reason is in order.
Butter croissant 420kcal / 100g
The butter croissant is the specialty of our French bakers. Most of us love it, it melts so much in the mouth… Unfortunately, it is also quite caloric with 420kcal / 100g. Here again, moderation is essential when paying attention to your figure.
Artisanal milk bread 420 / kcal / 100g
We tend to think of it as harmless because it seems less fatty and less sweet than a pain au chocolat or a butter croissant. However, artisanal milk bread is almost as caloric as the latter two.
Classic artisanal croissant 412kcal / 100g
The classic croissant is lower in calories than its buttery brother. It is therefore one of the pastries to favor when you want a little treat for Sunday brunch!
Artisanal brioche 374kcal / 100g
Brioche is one of the lowest calorie pastries. But this is only valid if it is consumed plain. However, we tend to spread it with butter, jam or spread, which contributes to making it all the more caloric.
Apple turnover 338kcal / 100g
Puff pastry, applesauce… Apple turnover is rich in sugar and fat. The winning combo to gain weight! Despite everything, it is one of the lowest calorie pastries.
Raisin bread 333kcal / 100g
Raisin bread holds the Palme d’Or for the lowest calorie pastries. And for good reason, it contains less fat than the others.