What are the most dangerous weeks of pregnancy

What are the most dangerous weeks of pregnancy

Carrying a baby is a process that follows a clear, defined pattern. Man has no control over him. There are dangerous pregnancy weeks in every trimester. Having learned about them, the expectant mother will be able to avoid threatening situations and save the life and health of the baby.

What are the most dangerous weeks of pregnancy?

When a woman is carrying a child, her body experiences increased stress. It undergoes hormonal and physiological changes. The systems and organs of the expectant mother are not always ready for this, which at any time can lead to a malfunction in their work and a miscarriage.

In dangerous weeks of pregnancy, a woman needs good rest.

There are some of the most dangerous pregnancy weeks in each trimester.

In the first 3 months from the moment of fertilization, the embryo is most vulnerable, even a minor failure can lead to spontaneous abortion. You need to be especially careful during such periods:

  • From the 2nd to the 3rd week, the egg is fixed in the woman’s uterus. The expectant mother may not even be aware of her interesting situation. She leads an active life, which is often accompanied by high physical and emotional stress. This often leads to miscarriage that goes unnoticed.
  • 4-12 weeks are significant in that at this moment the foundation of the organs and systems of the fetus is laid. Taking medications, bad habits of the mother, infectious diseases, pathologies of the mucous membrane of the uterus or the presence of a tumor in it are the reasons for the malformations of the embryo that arise during this period. They can lead to spontaneous abortion.

The first trimester of pregnancy is the most crucial period for the development of the fetus. Therefore, if in the dangerous weeks of the first 3 months you feel any discomfort, see your doctor.

The second trimester of pregnancy is considered the most relaxed and comfortable for a woman. But from the 18th to the 24th week, a problem such as premature dilatation of the cervix is ​​possible. This leads to the rupture of the fetal bladder and the onset of labor. A baby born before the 24th week is very weak and unviable. A woman should be especially careful during this period.

The third trimester can be accompanied by new problems. From the 28th to the 32nd week, there is a high probability of placental abruption or abnormal development. This is usually due to infections. Women over 25 are also at risk. This defect leads to the fact that the child receives less nutrients and oxygen. The health and life of the baby is under threat, but the situation is fixable. To do this, you need to be observed by a gynecologist and strictly follow all his recommendations.

Mother’s behavior during the most dangerous weeks of pregnancy

To avoid possible complications and preserve the health and life of the baby, in the most dangerous weeks of pregnancy, you must follow simple rules:

  • reduce physical activity to a minimum;
  • to ensure that only positive emotions are received;
  • be in the fresh air more often;
  • exclude travel;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • provide adequate rest and sleep;
  • completely eliminate sexual intercourse or reduce their number and intensity.

If you experience pulling pains in the lower abdomen or abnormal discharge, you should immediately consult a specialist. He will prescribe treatment and, possibly, will observe the pregnant woman in the hospital until the 36-37th week.

But after the 37th week, the baby is considered full-term, all threats are over. Mom from day to day will wait for the baby to be born. We wish you to easily go through all the dangerous periods and carry a healthy child!

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