What are the most common symptoms before your period?

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Menstruation and all related ailments are an individual matter for every woman. The duration of menstrual tension, symptoms, and their intensity may vary. Symptoms that are characteristic of the time before the onset of menstruation are called premenstrual tension, from the English language PMS.

Premenstrual tension may appear several days, and in some women several days before the expected date of menstruation. Pre-period symptoms may vary, as well as their intensity, it all depends on the woman’s predisposition.

Symptoms before your period

It happens that in women over 30, those who have given birth, PMS is in a milder form. Pre-period symptoms are hardly noticeable, and in some cases the woman does not notice any symptoms. What pre-period symptoms do most people experience? First of all, there is pain in the lower abdomen, it is a constant pain that can be muted with painkillers. The pain usually lasts until the first bleeding occurs. Other symptoms include tender breasts (a similar symptom occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy). Before menstruation, headaches get worse. Some of the ladies report nausea and even vomiting, which is also characteristic of the beginning of pregnancy. What are the other symptoms before my period? In most cases, a woman retains water in her body, which results in weight gain, a feeling of bloat and heaviness. Other symptoms include mood swings, a woman becoming irritable before her period. The appetite also increases.

In the case of strong contractions during the period, the herbal Mollis oil for intimate massage, which can be massaged into the abdomen, has a soothing effect.

Lower abdominal pain occurs in the so-called luteal phase and lasts from about 4 to 7 days. Pain and discomfort is caused by the increase in the production of prostaglandins, which are responsible for the shedding of the lining of the womb, which in turn causes the uterus to contract and obstructs normal blood flow to the uterine muscles. The pain in the lower abdomen in some women may be so severe that it prevents normal functioning. This ailment can be reduced with hormonal drugs. A visit to the gynecologist is necessary if the symptoms before the period were not severe, but the situation has changed and, for example, there is sudden intense pain in the lower abdomen, new ailments may suggest uterine fibroids. Painkillers are effective for pain in the lower abdomen, as well as a warm bath and rest.

Other symptoms of the onset of menstruation include an increase in vaginal discharge or its disappearance. In women, the libido also decreases before the expected period. Libido Fem, a dietary supplement for female libido from the Now Foods company, called Libido Fem, can positively affect the level of libido in women. They contain fenugreek seeds and poppy seed.

Other pre-period symptoms include temporary skin problems, loss of concentration. Pre-period symptoms, unfortunately, can exacerbate allergic reactions, as well as chronic diseases, for example epilepsy.

Check: Menstruation calculator – fertile days, period symptoms

The causes of symptoms before your period

All pre-period symptoms appear as a result of hormonal changes. The amount of progesterone increases and the amount of estrogen decreases. The hormone level does not recover until the bleeding occurs. Hormonal disorders affect not only the psyche of a woman, but also somatic symptoms. There is an opinion that the symptoms before your period are due to your prolactin levels rising at that time. There is also an opinion that pre-period symptoms are the result of genetics. According to doctors, if your period is late and it is not a result of pregnancy, the symptoms before your period will be much more intense.

Each time, a gynecological consultation is the best solution. The fastest help is available via the halodoctor.pl portal, where you can arrange a convenient online consultation with a gynecologist without leaving your home.

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