What are the foods to eat during a long trip?

Do you have to travel by car or train and will have a meal to eat on the way? What are the most suitable and healthiest foods in this kind of situation?
Avoid dairy products
Bottle of milk, drinkable yoghurt and other dairy products are not recommended during a journey, in particular when it is done by car. These foods are indeed more difficult to digest and can also cause nausea.
Regarding cheese, it is better to avoid those that are very fragrant, at the risk of spreading a bad smell throughout the car and annoying your neighbors if you travel by train or car.
Choose Emmental or Gouda, for example. You can cut into small cubes and keep them in a food box : practical, hygienic and almost odorless.
Eat light
Even if you’re not prone to motion sickness, it’s best to eat light. You will thus avoid a too long digestion which can fall asleep.. This precaution is particularly recommended if you have to get behind the wheel.
Otherwise, eating light will save you from discomfort such as nausea and vomiting. Exit the huge burger topped with sauce and mayonnaise. Heavy to digest, it is also complicated to eat.
For your snack, prepare mini sandwiches, easier to eat than large ones, with turkey ham or pork. You can also cut pieces of salted cake or quiche that you have previously cooked at home. At any rate, don’t forget the paper towel, cloth or paper napkin very practical during a picnic.
Don’t forget about fruits and vegetables
Pecking while traveling helps occupy time, especially when the trip is long. Rather than eating crisps or appetizer cakes, which are high in fat and salt, plan on eating vegetables. No question of eating grated carrots or celery remoulade, it is rather “finger food”, in other words, of vegetables to eat with your fingers.
Cherry tomatoes, cucumber and carrot sticks, melon cubes… These raw vegetables are an excellent boost when you start to fall asleep. They also have a interesting water supply.
Regarding fruits, you can opt for an apple or a banana. The latter is well known to sailors who eat it when they are at risk of seasickness. Just think of bring a garbage bag for cores and peels.
The compote to drink is also very convenient to eat when traveling and is popular with both children and parents.
Think about drinking
When traveling, it is imperative to bring something to quench your thirst. The risk of dehydration is indeed possible, especially if the weather is hot..
The only recommended drink is water (bought in bottle or from the tap, kept in a gourd). Remember that alcohol is prohibited while driving and strongly discouraged when you are a passenger.
As to sodas, rich in sugars and additives, they are of no benefit to your health and can even make you sick.
Perrine Deurot-Bien
Read also : Natural remedies for motion sickness