What are the complementary approaches to a nervous pregnancy?

What are the complementary approaches to a nervous pregnancy?


Insofar as nerve pregnancies generate symptoms similar to those observed in a real pregnancy, complementary approaches such as homeopathy can be useful, in parallel with appropriate psychological care.

Take Lobelia inflata in 5 CH in case of vomiting supposedly related to pregnancy. For nausea we can use Cocculus indicus in 9 CH (5 granules if necessary). If you feel very hungry, take Sepia officinalis 9 CH or Ignatia amara if it is the smell of food that causes them.

In addition, Ignatia is particularly used in the context of nervous pregnancies because it is known to restore a physical and psychological balance while fighting against stress and all the symptoms that it can cause. With this in mind, take a dose of 15 CH every week.

Biological decoding of diseases

To understand the origin of nervous pregnancy and find its underlying reason (which may be, for example, linked to an old emotional disorder, or even a transgenerational origin), the biological decoding of diseases is an interesting approach.

Approached with a competent therapist, women suffering from nervous pregnancy can be helped in a lasting way, while allowing them to progress personally and to gain self-confidence.

In the same line of ideas, Ericksonian hypnosis and behavioral and cognitive therapies (CBT) can also be invaluable aids.

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