What are the best Yarina and Yarina Plus

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Combined oral contraceptives (COCs) are considered one of the most effective methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy. Among them, special attention is paid to new generation products based on drospirenone, such as Yarina. Unlike older drugs, new contraceptives are well tolerated, and also have an additional effect – they improve the condition of the skin and hair.

The line of new drugs based on drospirenone includes two drugs – Yarina and Yarina Plus. They differ in composition, but have a common principle of action, indications and contraindications. For more information on how the drugs differ, read the article.

The drug and its characteristics


Yaryna Plus


Ethinylestradiol 30 mcg

Drospirenone 3 mg

Ethinylestradiol 30 mcg

Drospirenone 3 mg

Calcium levomefolate 0,451 mg

Form of issue

Coated tablets

Coated tablets


1000-1200 руб.

900-1100 руб.


Yarina and Yarina Plus belong to the same pharmacological group and are produced by Bayer (Germany). These are combined oral contraceptives – hormonal agents containing two hormones at once: estrogen (ethinyl estradiol) and progesterone (drospirenone). The difference lies only in the additional component. Yarina Plus, in addition to hormones, contains calcium levomefolate – a special form of folic acid, which is better absorbed in the body.


Combined oral contraceptives are recommended as a means to protect against unwanted pregnancy under the following conditions:

  1. The woman leads a regular sexual life.

  2. A woman has one sexual partner and there is no risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections.

  3. Important! At a high risk of contracting STIs, it is recommended to additionally use barrier protective equipment (condoms).

There are nuances in the use of drugs:

  1. Yarina can be prescribed to all women of reproductive age for the purpose of contraception.

  2. Yarina Plus is recommended for women who plan to conceive a child after stopping the contraceptive. The drug contains folic acid – an important element necessary for the normal development of the fetus.

According to modern international recommendations, folic acid is prescribed to all women planning a pregnancy. Folate should be taken at least three months before conception. Clinical researches showed: Folic acid deficiency increases the risk of developing neural tube defects in the fetus and can lead to miscarriage or the birth of a child with severe defects. Taking folic acid supplements reduces the risk of developing these conditions and increases the chances of a successful pregnancy.

For your information::

A neural tube defect is one of the most common fetal malformations. It occurs when the neural tube fails to close completely during embryogenesis. This happens within 28 days after conception – and as a rule, a woman at this time does not yet know that she is pregnant. If the neural tube does not close, anencephaly (absence of the cerebral hemispheres) or spinal hernia develops. Anencephaly is incompatible with life, spinal hernia can lead to the death or disability of the child. That is why it is so important to take folic acid before the conception of a child, so that in the first days of its intrauterine development, folate deficiency does not occur.

The Cochrane Library Database provides an overview in which shown: Many women of childbearing age experience a lack of folic acid, which negatively affects the development of the fetus during pregnancy. Taking combined oral contraceptives – such as Yarina – exacerbates the situation. The hormones that make up COCs increase the excretion of folates from the body and create their deficiency. Therefore, all women taking COCs are recommended to supplement with folic acid.

The need for the vitamin is completely covered by Yarina Plus: it contains not only hormones, but also calcium levomefolate. Taking this drug, a woman reliably protects herself from both unwanted pregnancy and folic acid deficiency after the contraceptive is canceled.

Folate contraceptives are a completely new strategy for the prevention of fetal malformations. Clinical researches show: Many women know how important folic acid is when planning a pregnancy, but they forget to take their daily pills. Yarina Plus solves this problem: folic acid is already included in the preparation. After the abolition of the contraceptive, a woman can immediately plan a pregnancy and not be afraid of folic acid deficiency.

How do they work?

How oral contraceptives Yarina and Yarina plus act on the same principle:

  1. Block ovulation. Hormones in contraceptives inhibit the production of LH and FSH in the pituitary gland and prevent the maturation of eggs in the ovaries. They act only on the final stage of follicle development – in the last 14 days. Combined oral contraceptives do not affect other stages of follicular maturation, which last about 120 days – and therefore cannot save eggs or delay the onset of menopause.

  2. Thicken the mucus of the cervical canal. In thick viscous mucus, spermatozoa cannot move and do not have time to get to the egg.

  3. Prevent implantation. COCs thin the lining of the uterus and prevent the embryo from attaching. This is an emergency mechanism in case the first two fail. But practice shows: with proper use, ovulation is reliably blocked, and it does not come to this.

  4. The action of hormonal drugs is reversible: after the abolition of the menstrual cycle is restored, and ovulation occurs. Fertility restored quickly: 21,1% of women become pregnant in the first cycle after the completion of contraceptives, 45,7% after three cycles. Less often, recovery takes longer – up to one year.

The Pearl Index for Yarin and Yarin Plus is less than 1. This is a very good indicator, indicating the high effectiveness of the contraceptive.

For your information::

The Pearl Index is the number of women who become pregnant while using a particular method of contraception in a year. The lower the number, the higher the effectiveness of the tool.

The calcium levomefolate, which is part of Yarina Plus, does not affect the contraceptive ability of the drug.

Contraceptive action is not the only benefit of COCs. Drospirenone as part of Yarin and Yarin Plus has another effect:

  1. Antimineralcorticoid effect: prevents fluid retention, prevents edema and weight gain. This means of the new generation compares favorably with the old oral contraceptives.

  2. Antiandrogenic effect: reduces the synthesis of male sex hormones, prevents excessive hair growth and improves skin condition.

  3. COCs also stabilize the menstrual cycle, reduce monthly blood loss and prevent the development of anemia. This effect is used in gynecological practice for the treatment of certain diseases.

Criteria for the effectiveness of drugs

Yarina and Yarina Plus are contraceptives with a unique composition. To date, these are the only drugs that have passed large-scale randomized Test and proven to be effective. It is known that the combination of ethinylestradiol + drospirenone reliably protects against unwanted pregnancy, controls the menstrual cycle and relieves premenstrual syndrome.

Yarin recommended FDA not only as a contraceptive, but also for the treatment of acne. Proventhat drospirenone in combination with ethinylestradiol effectively copes with the symptoms of mild to moderate acne. The antiandrogenic effect of drugs is used in dermatology.

Yarina is a drug recommended for the treatment of certain gynecological diseases. contraceptive successful applies in the treatment of conditions associated with hyperandrogenism and excessive hair growth, with ovarian cysts, endometriosis and some forms of infertility.

Application Scheme

Drugs are prescribed according to a different scheme:

  1. Yarina contains 21 hormone tablets. The drug should be taken daily for 21 days, then take a break for 7 days.

  2. Yarina Plus contains 21 tablets with hormones + 7 tablets without hormones (only with folic acid). The drug should be taken continuously for 28 days.

General rules:

  1. The first day of taking the drug is the first day of menstruation.

  2. The contraceptive effect occurs after 7 days of continuous use of the drug, so in the first week you need to additionally use barrier means (condoms).

  3. The drug must be taken strictly at the same time every day (21 or 28 days according to the instructions).

  4. If the drug is missed, contraceptive protection is reduced. You need to follow the instructions – the tactics depend on which day of the cycle the pill was missed.

  5. Withdrawal bleeding occurs during a 7-day break when taking Yarina or while taking the last 7 hormone-free tablets with Yarina Plus.

  6. You need to take the tablets from the next package exactly on time, even if the withdrawal bleeding has not yet ended.

  7. If withdrawal bleeding does not come, you need to donate blood for hCG or do a pharmacy test to rule out pregnancy.

Adverse Reactions

The incidence of adverse reactions is the same for Yarin and Yarin Plus. Unpleasant symptoms are usually observed in the first three months of taking the drug:

  1. intermenstrual spotting;

  2. engorgement of the mammary glands;

  3. nausea and vomiting;

  4. mood swings.

This is how the adaptation to the hormonal drug takes place. It rarely lasts more than three months. If the symptoms do not disappear after 3-6 months or even increase, you need to stop taking the drug.

Against the background of contraceptives, there may be other conditions:

  1. increased blood pressure;

  2. headache;

  3. cardiopalmus;

  4. deterioration of the condition of the veins;

  5. intolerance to contact lenses;

  6. dryness of the vagina;

  7. decreased libido, etc.

The most dangerous consequence of taking oral contraceptives is venous thrombosis. They can occur against the background of any means with estrogen. The maximum risk is observed in the first months of admission, then the likelihood of thrombosis decreases. That is why it is not recommended to take breaks in taking COCs: such tactics do not improve the woman’s condition. Contrary to popular belief, the body does not “rest” during a break, but the risk of developing thrombosis increases when returning to the drug.

The risk of thrombus formation in the vessels increases with age (after 35 years), in women who smoke, with obesity and cardiovascular diseases. To reduce the likelihood of complications, it is recommended to be examined by a gynecologist before taking COCs.


Yarina and Yarina Plus are not prescribed under such conditions:

  1. diseases associated with a high risk of thrombosis: myocardial infarction and stroke, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, severe arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus with vascular complications, etc.

  2. severe pathology of the liver and kidneys;

  3. malignant tumors of any localization;

  4. pregnancy and lactation;

  5. individual intolerance of the drug.


To sum up:

  1. Yarina and Yarina Plus are drugs for contraception. In addition to protecting against unwanted pregnancy, they also improve the condition of the skin and hair.

  2. Yarina and Yarina Plus contain the same active ingredients: the hormones estrogen and progesterone. The effectiveness of the drugs does not differ and is confirmed by clinical trials.

  3. Yarina Plus additionally contains folic acid. The drug is recommended for women planning pregnancy after the abolition of COCs. Folic acid prevents the development of severe malformations of the fetal nervous system.

  4. Adverse reactions and contraindications are the same for both drugs.

  5. The addition of folic acid to Yarin Plus does not affect its contraceptive effect and does not increase the risk of side effects.

Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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