What are the benefits of zucchini for the body of women and men

The benefits of zucchini for the human body are associated with a sufficiently high content of vitamins, minerals and fiber. This allows the vegetable to be used by almost all people, even with gastritis, pancreatitis and diabetes. Zucchini is used both for food and for treatment, as well as in cosmetology.

The chemical composition and calorie content of zucchini

Zucchini is useful for the human body due to the fact that it contains vitamins, minerals and other valuable substances: B vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6, B9), C, K, PP, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, molybdenum, copper, manganese, cobalt, zinc, chromium, selenium.

Along with vitamins, zucchini also contains dietary fiber – 1 g per 100 g, which is 4% of the recommended daily allowance. They improve the composition of the intestinal microflora and ensure normal digestion.

The beneficial properties of zucchini for the human body are associated with its low calorie content – only 24 kcal per 100 g. Nutritional value for the same weight:

  • proteins – 0,6 g;
  • fats – 0,3 g;
  • carbohydrates – 4,6

A significant part of the pulp is water – 93%, the remaining 7% are dry matter.

The benefits of zucchini for the human body

The benefits of zucchini are related to its chemical composition. 100 g of pulp contains almost 20% of the daily requirement of vitamin C. It contributes to:

  • strengthening immunity;
  • increase the body’s resistance to stress;
  • prevention of premature aging;
  • absorption of iron compounds;
  • acceleration of wound healing;
  • stimulation of collagen synthesis;
  • improve skin condition;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • pressure normalization.

Vegetable is recommended as a prophylactic against fatigue.

Also, the benefits of zucchini are associated with other points:

  • improvement of heart function due to potassium and magnesium;
  • stimulation of digestion;
  • mild diuretic effect;
  • swelling prevention;
  • strengthening bones and joints, tooth enamel;
  • choleretic action, prevention of stones;
  • prevention of obesity due to low calorie content;
  • getting rid of worms.

The benefits of zucchini for a woman’s body

Zucchini brings great benefits to the body of women. The substances included in its composition activate the synthesis of collagen, due to which the skin will look more attractive, fine wrinkles will disappear.

What are the benefits of zucchini for the body of women and men

Antioxidants contained in zucchini prevent premature aging processes, protect cells from harmful free radicals

The benefit is also due to the fact that it lowers cholesterol levels. This helps to prevent such dangerous pathologies as heart attack and stroke. Also, the vegetable cleanses the liver, helps to recover after a feast, long-term treatment.

Important! The benefit of zucchini is that it is a low-calorie product. It can be included in the diet and used in the menu for fasting days.

The benefits of zucchini for the body of a man

The benefits of zucchini for men are associated with vitamin C. It not only improves immunity, but also strengthens blood vessels, gives endurance, resistance to harmful factors, stress. The potassium contained in the composition helps to remove excess fluid, which is especially important if a man abuses salty foods.

Zucchini allows you to normalize blood pressure and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Therefore, it is recommended to include it in the diet on an ongoing basis.

Are fried zucchini healthy?

Fried zucchini provides less benefit compared to raw or stewed. The fact is that during heat treatment, all vitamin C and a significant part of other useful substances are destroyed.

Along with the benefits, fried zucchini can also be harmful. It is due to the fact that frying is in oil. The product significantly increases the calorie content and in large quantities can cause indigestion, nausea, and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Due to the heating of the oil, carcinogens are formed in it. Therefore, people who abuse fried foods have a greater risk of getting cancer.

The benefits and harms of stewed zucchini

Stewed zucchini is less useful for the human body compared to raw. This is due to heat treatment, as a result of which vitamin C is destroyed. Even if you just bake zucchini in the oven, they will lose a significant part of their nutrients.

However, stewed zucchini is useful in that they have a low calorie content. Even those who follow the figure can consume such a product in large quantities. In addition, not much oil is used during stewing, the product is low-fat and tastier compared to raw vegetables.

What are the benefits of zucchini for the body of women and men

Stewed vegetables are less healthy than fresh ones.

The benefits of zucchini for weight loss

Zucchini is of great benefit to the body of an adult, including for weight loss. This is due to several reasons:

  1. The composition contains dietary fiber, which stimulates digestion and provides a feeling of satiety.
  2. The product is low in calories and contains no fat. Even if you eat a large portion of a side dish based on zucchini, the dish will benefit – it will saturate the body, but will not increase weight.
  3. The pulp contains a lot of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system, gives vigor, increases endurance.
Advice! For fasting days, young zucchini will be of great benefit.

They are more palatable, so they can be consumed raw. Fresh vegetables contain the maximum amount of vitamins, which will have a good effect on metabolic processes and weight loss.

What are the benefits of zucchini for the body of a pregnant woman

Vegetables are also beneficial during pregnancy. You can use them throughout the entire period – I, II and III trimesters. The product is low-calorie, does not contain organic acids, does not cause bloating, heaviness in the abdomen, nausea and vomiting. It will saturate the body with vitamins and minerals, which is especially important during this period.

The benefits of zucchini are also related to the fact that they help eliminate puffiness due to the diuretic effect. The pulp removes excess fluid from the body, thereby improving well-being. It also relieves constipation, which is especially common during pregnancy.

During breastfeeding, the vegetable can be almost immediately included in the usual diet. To be safe, it is better to start with a small amount, for example, 50-70 g per day. If the well-being of the child and mother after this is normal, you can gradually increase the portion to the usual volumes.

The benefits of zucchini for children

Vegetables are good for kids. They improve digestion, saturate the body with vitamins and minerals. There is practically no fat in the pulp, which eliminates digestive problems, heaviness in the stomach and other unpleasant symptoms. Fresh zucchini and juice strengthen the immune system. Therefore, they are indicated for use in the spring-autumn period, when seasonal infections spread.

What are the benefits of zucchini for the body of women and men

Vegetables strengthen children’s immunity

Important! Zucchini is also useful for babies. It does not give allergic reactions – almost all people can consume this vegetable in moderation without fear for their health.

Traditional recipes

Due to its health benefits, zucchini is used in folk medicine to treat various diseases, such as worms and diabetes.

From worms

To destroy parasites, take 50 g of vegetable seeds, clean them and pour a glass of water. Boil over low heat for 15 minutes and leave for 2 hours, filter and take half a glass 3 times a day before meals.

With diabetes mellitus

After heat treatment, the glycemic index of zucchini increases. Therefore, in diabetes, fresh vegetables will be most beneficial. They can be chopped on a grater, add chopped garlic, dill, olive oil and a little salt. This salad can be used as a side dish for meat and fish dishes.

Features of use

Zucchini provides a lot of benefits for the body at almost any age. To get the most out of this vegetable, it is recommended to learn about the features of its use in different cases, for example, with diabetes or stomach ulcers.

With pancreatitis

With pancreatitis, only fresh or stewed vegetables can be eaten. Zucchini baked in the oven with a minimum amount of oil will also benefit. Fried foods should be completely abandoned, especially during an exacerbation.

With diabetes

During diabetes, zucchini should be consumed with caution. Its glycemic index is 75, about the same as watermelon. It is worth bearing in mind that the vegetable quickly raises blood sugar levels. Therefore, in diabetes, it should be included in the diet only with a restriction.

For gastritis and stomach ulcers

With gastritis with high acidity, zucchini will benefit both thermally processed and fresh. They do not contain acids, so they do not affect the composition of the gastric juice of the stomach.

But if the acidity is low, it is not recommended to use fresh vegetables and juice from it. This can provoke irritation of the mucous membrane.

During an ulcer, zucchini can be included in the diet. They will give a special benefit in a stew or baked form. But during the period of exacerbation, vegetables are excluded from the menu until the state of health stabilizes.

What are the benefits of zucchini for the body of women and men

Zucchini can be used for gastritis and stomach ulcers


With gout, you can use zucchini. They will give a certain benefit associated with the saturation of the body with vitamins and minerals. However, they should not be abused, especially when fried.

Application in home cosmetology

The medicinal properties of zucchini allow them to be used in cosmetology. They are included in face masks. Vegetable composition will help restore hair.

For facial skin

To prepare the mask, it is recommended to chop the zucchini (50 g) on ​​a fine grater, add the egg yolk and 1 tbsp. wheat flour, as well as 10 ml of olive oil. The gruel is whipped in a blender and applied to the face and neck for 20 minutes. If you repeat the procedure regularly, you can quickly get rid of wrinkles and swelling.

For hair

To strengthen hair and eliminate oiliness, it is recommended to mix grated zucchini with olive oil and flour or cosmetic clay until a homogeneous slurry is obtained. Then rub into the hair roots and leave for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with warm water and shampoo.

Harm of zucchini and contraindications

Zucchini can cause not only benefits, but also harm if consumed in excessive quantities. With caution, the vegetable is included in the diet in such cases:

  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • diabetes;
  • gastritis, ulcer in the acute stage;
  • pancreatitis (fried foods are dangerous).

The only strict contraindication is individual intolerance. If allergic reactions occur, the vegetable is completely excluded from the menu.


The benefits of zucchini for the body are well studied. You can use this vegetable at any age, even in the presence of chronic diseases. The product is most useful fresh. Therefore, it is better to use it without heat treatment.

Zucchini BENEFITS AND HARMS | what is useful zucchini

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