What are the benefits and harms of mead for human health

Mead has established itself as a universal cure for many diseases, but is it really so and what value this alcoholic drink really brings to the human body. In this article I will try to understand these issues.

Learn more about mead.

Do not confuse mead with honey tinctures on vodka

It has long been believed that genuine mead has healing, almost miraculous, properties.

This semi-archaic drink, thanks to the high percentage of honey it contains, has inherited many of the beneficial qualities inherent in the aforementioned beekeeping product.

In particular, mead is a very effective slag-removing, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, expectorant, tonic and sedative.

Accordingly, regular moderate consumption of the honey drink we are interested in, in the vast majority of cases, can not only speed up the treatment of a number of diseases, but can also serve as an effective preventive drug.

Health benefits of mead

It can be used in the treatment of such diverse diseases as:

  1. Angina

  2. Flu

  3. Bronchitis

  4. Pneumonia (in all cases, use as a hot drink)

  5. Various dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract, liver failure

  6. Stone and kidney disease

  7. Cardiovascular diseases

  8. Disorder of the nervous system (insomnia, depression, irritability)

  9. Avitaminosis

  10. General weakening of the immune system

  11. Some urological problems in men and gynecological problems in women

11 homemade mead recipes

The constant presence of honey in the body helps to increase external attractiveness.

Hair and nails are strengthened, the skin is cleansed and becomes silky, wrinkles disappear.

It’s funny that as a slag-removing and anti-toxin agent, mead is often recommended for relieving a hangover. However, in this situation, the belonging of the “medicine” itself to the low-alcohol brethren can become a significant pitfall.

In connection with the preventive use of mead, it should be noted that in small doses, the drink is able to prevent such troubles as intestinal infection, liver failure mentioned above, respiratory diseases, nervous disorders, heart failure and various inflammatory processes.

Relative harm of mead

It is worth emphasizing right away that we are talking here not so much about the dangers of the drink as such, but about some of the contraindications associated with its use; moreover, not only for medical, but also for drinking and entertainment purposes.

  1. Of course, being an alcoholic drink, mead strictly requires knowledge of the measure and norm.

  2. Also, of course, it should not be given to young children; for such cases, there are non-alcoholic versions of the drink and, in fact, honey.

  3. It is not recommended to get involved in honey brew for people suffering from diabetes; especially due to the addition of granulated sugar to many varieties of this drink.

  4. The same can be said about allergies. An allergy to honey is an insidious and unpredictable thing, so it’s better not to risk it.

Mead and pregnancy

Drinking mead before pregnancy helps increase female reproductive potential, but adherence to the said drink after conception can lead to tragic consequences.

The chemical composition of honey can provoke the appearance of an increased tone of the uterus or, in human language, activate the contractility of its muscles.

In turn, this state of affairs can lead not only to premature birth, but also to unwanted termination of pregnancy.

Not for nothing, the Indo-European peoples had a tradition to continuously treat newlyweds with honey brew throughout the first month after the wedding (the same honeymoon!).

Let, they say, the young woman knock the teeth on edge, so that later, at the appropriate time, the thought of honey would not even occur to her.

Relevance: 18.03.2016

Tags: other alcohol

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  1. muito bom trabalho

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