What are the advantages of weighted blankets? The effect is like a relaxing massage
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Weighted blankets are able to relieve stress and have a positive effect on the quality of our sleep. What’s more, studies have shown that this invention is perfect for people who suffer from autism, insomnia or various types of anxiety, among others. Who else should get them? And are the weighted blankets really safe? Find the answer below!

  1. The pressure therapy technique is used in weighted blankets
  2. Lying under such covers soothes pain, reduces anxiety, and improves sleep quality
  3. However, there are contraindications to the use of weighted blankets
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

What is a weighted blanket?

Weighted blankets are therapeutic blankets that weigh from 2 to 13 kg. Their task is primarily to imitate a therapeutic technique called deep pressure stimulation or pressure therapy. The effects of application are compared to a relaxing massage. Here are the benefits of it:

  1. alleviating various types of pains,
  2. reduction of anxiety symptoms,
  3. improving the quality of sleep,
  4. relieving symptoms of depression.

Who should use the weighted blanket?

Scientists investigated the effectiveness of weighted blankets in relieving physical and mental symptoms. While more research is needed in this direction, the results so far indicate that they may have benefits in the fight against various diseases.

  1. Bow

One of the primary uses of Weighted Quilts is to treat anxiety. Deep pressure stimulation can help reduce autonomic arousal. It’s worth noting that this is what is responsible for many of the physical symptoms of anxiety, such as increased heart rate.

  1. Autism

One of the symptoms of autism, especially in children, is sleep problems. Research has shown that deep pressure therapy (e.g. massage, brushing, pressing) has positive benefits in this case. This is why the weighted blanket will also be the perfect choice for them. You can buy 90x120cm FUN weighted blankets in various designs for children HERE.

  1. ADHD

In 2014, tests were carried out with the use of weighted vests. Their participants were people diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. They used the mentioned vests during the performance test. The results of these analyzes were promising. Participants were less hyperactive, including less frequent changing places or fidgeting.

  1. Insomnia and sleep disturbances

Weighted blankets can help fight insomnia in a few simple ways. The extra pressure calms your heart rate and breathing. This can help us relax and fall asleep more easily. This is confirmed by the research conducted in 2020. 28 participants who had trouble falling asleep took part in them. They used a weighted blanket for six weeks. After this time, they reported improvements in sleep quality. In addition, they noticed that it was easier for them to fall asleep.

It is worth using herbs as an aid in achieving peace and balance. We recommend, for example, Calm down – a natural herbal mixture of Lorem Vit available at a favorable price on the Medonet Market. In turn, to improve the quality of sleep, you can also use Hemp4Sleep for a good sleep – a dietary supplement with CBD.

  1. Chronic pain

Chronic pain is difficult to diagnose. The people who live with him suffer greatly. In their case, weighted blankets can be a great help. A 2021 study by scientists at UC San Diego found that this invention reduces the perception of chronic pain. 94 participants with this condition used a light or heavy blanket for a week. People in the group with weighted duvets felt relieved (especially if they also felt anxious). Weighted blankets, however, did not reduce the level of pain intensity.

Which weighted blanket to choose?

At medonetmarket.pl you will find a large selection of duvets, up to PLN 63 cheaper, including:

  1. dark gray CLASSIC duvet 135x200cm weighing 6 or 8 kg
  2. a year-round duvet 200 × 220 cm weighing 10 or 12 kg
  3. a year-round duvet 160 × 200 cm weighing 7 or 9 kg
  4. a year-round duvet 135 × 200 cm weighing 6 or 8 kg

Who shouldn’t use weighted blankets?

There is very little risk associated with the use of weighted blankets. However, manufacturers indicate that they should not be used in children under two years of age. This may increase the risk of suffocation. Therefore, before reaching for this type of duvet, it is always worth consulting this decision with a pediatrician.

A weighted blanket may also be inappropriate for people with certain medical conditions, including:

  1. sleep apnea,
  2. asthma,
  3. claustrophobia,
  4. epilepsy,
  5. hypotension (low blood pressure)
  6. allergies (including those manifested on the skin),
  7. problems with the heart and circulation.

Before choosing such a duvet, we should also check what type will be appropriate for us. The following tips can help you with this.

  1. As a general rule, the weighted blanket should be 5-10%. our body weight. It is good if it also closely matches the size of the bed.
  2. Adults can use medium-large duvets weighing 5-13 kg.
  3. For a child weighing 9-31 kg, a small blanket with a load should weigh 1-3 kg.
  4. For a child weighing 13-58 kg, a blanket of medium weight should weigh 2-6 kg.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to one of the ways to deal with stress – the TRE method. What is it about? How does it release us from stress and trauma? Who is it intended for and who should definitely not use it? About this in the latest episode of our podcast.

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