What are tarot cards, a simple and complex layout

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Who invented the tarot cards

This is a deck of cards used since the XNUMXth century. in European countries for card games. Only from the XNUMXth century. they began to use it for fortune telling. Nobody will name the name of the person who invented the tarot. That was a long time ago. He may have lived in Egypt or China. The first mention of tarot appeared in the XNUMXth century. in Florence (Italy).

A standard tarot deck is conventionally divided into two groups:

  1. Major Arcana – most often there are 22 cards, each of which has a unique image and a unique name. The sequence of cards in the deck and their names may vary slightly.
  2. Minor Arcana – 56 cards of four suits. Includes four different series: Iron, Sword, Goblet, Pentacles (Coins).

Recently, the profession of tarot and psychotherapy with the help of tarot is gaining wide popularity. These cards help to reach the real feelings of a person, hidden deep in his soul.

If earlier card fortune-telling was perceived more as a spiritualistic seance and was carried out exclusively by special “gifted” people, now almost any person who has access to the Internet and literature can resort to using cards.

What are tarot cards, a simple and complex layout

How to read tarot cards

There are many divinations that can be embodied using a deck. They are divided into simple and complex.


The simple ones include those layouts for which no more than five to seven cards are required. The most popular of them is the “card of the day” layout. To complete it, you need to wake up in the morning, pull out one card from the deck and analyze your feelings from it. For this alignment, it is better to use the Major Arcana.

With the help of three cards, you can make an alignment on the relationship to a person. To start this fortune-telling, you need to first think about the person you are interested in. Then choose three cards from the Major Arcana deck. The first will reflect thoughts, the second – emotions, the third – the subconscious. Then read the interpretation of each of the cards.


After mastering simple layouts, you can gradually move on to complex ones. Eight or more cards are used for them. Such cards, although shrouded in a kind of mysticism, can help in psychotherapy.

Carl Jung, the founder of analytical psychology, came to the conclusion that the depicted card characters are nothing more than the archetypes of people we meet in everyday life.

It is easy to find analogies in the real world for the feelings that a particular card evokes. Obviously, such emotions are caused by a person who by his characteristics is similar to a card character.

But at the same time, one cannot blindly rely on fortune-telling. It is just a tool, a way to reach hidden emotions and feelings. The accuracy of the alignment depends on the sincerity of the person and the specificity of the question formulated by him.

It is important to remember that cards do not have magical powers and do not predict the future. They show the present, what the person’s attention is focused on, or the past that the person cannot let go of.

Tarot is not salvation, and after the alignment, life is unlikely to change instantly. But it helps to see what you need to pay attention to in order to start changing and changing your life.

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