What are strength training equipment and what are they for?

What are weight machines and how to use them correctly in strength training

Strength training equipment is sports equipment used for deep study and growth of muscles, formation of a beautiful body relief. To train different muscles, certain types of simulators are used. But their goal is the same: to create the highest possible load on a certain muscle group due to the weight of the athlete or additional weight.

Purpose of strength training equipment

Tightened hips, slender arms without sagging skin, a relief flat stomach, elastic buttocks are the dream of many. This is exactly what can be achieved if you regularly engage in strength training. Running, general fitness, aerobics will also benefit, but if you want to build muscle, then you can’t do without weight machines. They will allow you to acquire a muscular back, abs that are visible even at a distance, rounded deltas – “iron” muscles throughout the body.

Strength training equipment is also designed for weight loss. As muscles grow, fat naturally decreases. Therefore, unlike cardio machines, power systems allow you to kill several birds with one stone.

Strength training allows you to:

  • Women – Strengthen the muscle corset, deeply work out the relief, burn fat cells and reduce body weight.
  • Men – Increase muscle, increase their volume and relief, increase endurance, burn excess fat.

Features of power simulators 

  • Strength training equipment designed to work with your own weight is used by both experienced athletes and amateurs. The load is created due to the weight of the body. The equipment is universal, as it makes it possible to work with different muscle groups, strengthen them and build mass. There are both professional simulators and those designed for installation at home. All of them have a simple design, low weight and small size.
  • Power simulators with built-in weights are distinguished by the fact that in them the additional load is created by the loads located in the system design. These weights can be moved along cables or rods. They are held by a special fastener. To increase or decrease the load, you need to use a latch that allows you to capture a certain number of amplifiers. Even a beginner can practice on such simulators without the help of a coach, as they are safe, have a limited trajectory of movements and an automated load.
  • Free weight machines are classified as professional, so beginners are not recommended to start with them. And all because you can choose the wrong load or perform the wrong movement, which will lead to muscle strain or more serious injury. To begin with, you need to study only under the guidance of a trainer, listen to all his recommendations and follow them. Free weights mean weights, dumbbells and “pancakes” – elements that are weighting agents. AT

Each session should include exercises that pump different muscle groups. The coach selects an individual program depending on what the athlete wants, what muscles he needs special attention.

Types of strength training equipment

There are such types of power simulators for working with your weight:

  1. Bars – With their help, you can make strong muscles of the press, back and arms, as well as chest. On the uneven bars, push-ups are performed with their own weight and with weights.
  2. Horizontal bars – Designed for exercises that benefit the abdominal muscles, shoulder girdle and deltoid muscles. Pull-ups are performed, hanging. The use of the horizontal bar in the training program will strengthen the muscles, tendons, increase the endurance of the body.
  3. Hyperextension – These are simulators designed for pumping the buttocks, biceps of the thigh, as well as the muscles of the back in the lumbar region. They can be used to lift and tilt the torso.
  4. Press benches “They may have an adjustable torso or have a standard design. Models that are adjustable make it possible to change the load by changing the position of the back.

Types of simulators with built-in weight

  1. Block narrowly focused simulators – Designed for specific muscles. There are several simulators belonging to this group. They have the same names as the exercises that you want to perform on them. This is a leg press, vertical traction and more.
  2. Multistations – These are sports complexes for different muscle groups. Classic models include mechanisms that allow you to perform a bench press, breeding and adduction of limbs, and upper traction.

Types of sports equipment with free weights

  1. athletic bench – This is equipment that is considered universal. On it you can perform several different exercises – lying and sitting. You can also use free weights.
  2. Scott’s bench – Designed to strengthen the biceps. It allows you to work out these particular muscles, excluding other groups, to increase their volume.
  3. Smith machine – This is equipment that has a P-shaped rack. A straight bar moves along the rack. The simulator is suitable for working out the muscles of the legs and arms, as well as some back muscles.
  4. Traction to the chest with an emphasis – Allows you to strengthen and build back muscles, improve posture. The biceps are also involved in the exercise.

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