What are persimmons grafted on
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What are persimmons grafted on
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Persimmon for gardeners remains an unusual exotic, and this is easily explained by the fact that the climate in most regions is very far from optimal. However, the tree is still found in home gardens. It develops quite slowly, therefore, in order to shorten the interval between planting and harvesting the first crop, it is recommended to plant persimmons. The same procedure allows you to “raise” the cold resistance and endurance of the plant.

Is it necessary to vaccinate persimmon

Grafting is one of the most popular and effective ways to propagate “cultivated” plants. It is also suitable for persimmons. For trees grown under optimal or close to optimal conditions, planting of seedlings is practiced mainly to obtain new specimens. But in regions far from the natural habitat of persimmon, its vaccination is an almost mandatory procedure:

  1. It allows you to increase overall endurance, “stress resistance”, and most importantly – frost resistance. In Our Country, for example, a heat-loving plant does not survive in regions with a more severe climate than in the Lower Volga region. Grafting allows you to get crops in the Central region.
  2. Persimmon for Our Country is an exotic, not very popular culture among gardeners. Accordingly, there are difficulties with the acquisition of seedlings, the price for them increases. For grafting, one cutting or bud is enough.
  3. There is no risk of getting a “pig in a poke”: the taste, fruit size, other characteristics of the persimmon, from which the material for vaccination is taken, are known in advance. When buying a seedling, cases of fraud on the part of sellers are not uncommon.
What are persimmons grafted on

Most varieties and hybrids of persimmon are thermophilic, grafting can increase their frost resistance.

Important! In principle, instead of grafting, you can grow a persimmon from a seed. But the experience of gardeners shows that out of ten seeds, at best, 1-2 pieces survive to a full-fledged tree.

The difference between persimmon grafting at home and outdoors

The persimmon grafting procedure follows a single algorithm, and it does not matter whether the tree grows in open ground or at home. The only important nuance: both the scion and the stock must be of the same type – either “street” or “indoor”. If this condition is not met during vaccination, it will not succeed due to uneven growth rates. In addition, it is also hindered by varying volume requirements for water and nutrients.

Important! Also, when grafting, it is necessary to take into account the timing of fruit ripening in the scion and rootstock. If they do not even approximately coincide, the resulting tree will not survive due to “out of sync” in the vegetation phases.

What tree can be grafted persimmon

The best option for grafting persimmon is a tree of the same genus. In Our Country, in order to increase its frost resistance, the most hardy varieties to low temperatures are chosen as a stock – virgin or Caucasian persimmon.

What are persimmons grafted on

It is quite possible to grow a persimmon rootstock from a seed house, but only stocking up on planting material in excess

This is the only possible use of persimmon as a rootstock. In principle, according to the “stone to stone” rule, grafting cuttings or buds of plums, cherries, sweet cherries, cherry plums on it can give the desired result, but such a procedure has no practical benefit.

At home, amateur growers are experimenting with persimmon grafting, using almost any seedlings independently grown from seeds as a rootstock – citruses, figs, mangoes, pomegranates, avocados, and so on. However, with such a combination of scion and rootstock, the resulting tree will definitely not bear fruit. In addition, the experience of flower growers indicates that the result of vaccination is capricious in care, reduced immunity and increased demands on cultivation conditions.

An almost similar result is obtained by grafting persimmons on an apple tree, pear, plum, cherry, or other fruit trees familiar to gardeners growing in open ground, the resulting “hybrid” will at best form foliage and bloom, but not bear fruit. This tree will not last long.

What are persimmons grafted on

“Interspecific” hybrids obtained by grafting do not initially differ in viability

Important! Using persimmon for grafting as a stock, you need to consider that the virgin variety is characterized by maximum cold resistance. However, the Caucasian shows faster growth, tolerates drought better, and has a powerful root system.

Optimal timing of persimmon vaccination

Under natural conditions, the period of active vegetation in persimmons begins early. Varieties and hybrids bred by breeders in most cases inherit this feature. Vaccination should be started before the start of active sap flow. At home and in a climate not too suitable for persimmons, this is the end of February or March. If it is cultivated in open ground under optimal conditions, the dates are shifted to January-February.

What are persimmons grafted on

A prerequisite for successful persimmon grafting is positive temperature

Necessary materials and tools

The list of necessary tools depends on the chosen method. For grafting using the splitting method, you will need:

  • secateurs or file;
  • sharpened knife;
  • a flat screwdriver or other tool, a device with which you can “fix” the split made.
What are persimmons grafted on

A special grafting pruner allows you to make cuts that provide the most accurate alignment of the scion and rootstock

Budding requires the gardener to have:

  • secateurs or saws;
  • special budding knife.

In any case, to prevent the ingress of pathogenic fungi or other pathogens into the incisions made during the persimmon grafting process, you will need a purchased or home-made garden var. Until the scion and rootstock grow together, the entire structure will need to be fixed with plastic wrap, electrical tape or a special grafting tape.

What are persimmons grafted on

The main feature of a quality budding knife is a thin, very well-sharpened blade.

How to plant persimmon

The experience of gardeners shows that persimmon grafting in most cases gives the desired result. But only if we take into account an important nuance: persimmon juice, rich in tannins, oxidizes very quickly in the open air, forming a “film” on sections that prevents the scion and rootstock from growing together. To avoid this, the knife used, the secateurs, the saw, are sprayed with a solution of Askorutin from a fine spray gun before starting work.

For persimmons of the second grade

The procedure requires a thorough knowledge of the technique, practical skills, accuracy and speed of movements. Therefore, before you start grafting persimmons, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the videos published by more experienced gardeners and “practice” on “unnecessary” trees and cuttings or buds.

Persimmon Grafting Part 1

Split grafting is the most popular method among beginner gardeners. It is suitable even for trees that have suffered from unsuccessful procedures in the past. For persimmon, the method is optimal, since the vaccination is carried out before the start of the active growing season.

It goes through the following algorithm:

  1. Cut the stock horizontally, leaving a “stump” from the trunk or shoot. Thoroughly “clean” its surface, getting rid of dirt and wood.
  2. Clean the lower part of the scion from the bark, cut it off with a wedge. The length of each of its sides should be approximately 3-4 diameters of the handle.
  3. Make a vertical split in the “hemp” surface of sufficient depth so that a wedge-shaped cut fits on the scion of a persimmon. Insert a flat screwdriver or a wooden wedge inside, preventing it from closing.
  4. Insert the scion into the split, remove the tool.
  5. Wrap the grafting site with plastic tape or electrical tape, securely fixing it and firmly pressing the scion to the rootstock.
What are persimmons grafted on

Some gardeners skip the last step as a tight “clamp” is created without assistance.

Important! It is desirable that the scion and stock chosen for grafting persimmons into splits be approximately equal in thickness. But this is an optional condition.

Budding is a more complex method of persimmon grafting. Since the procedure is carried out before the start of sap flow, the kidney formed last season is used.

You need to act like this:

  1. Clean the grafting site on the rootstock, cutting off all the “unnecessary” branches, getting rid of dust and dirt.
  2. Make a cut in the bark in the form of the letter “T”, without damaging the wood under it. The operation is quite delicate, it is better to use a scalpel or a razor blade if there is no budding knife.
  3. Cut off the scion – an elliptical “shield” of the bark with a kidney in the middle 3-4 cm long.
  4. Carefully bend the bark to the sides on the sides of the vertical incision, insert a “shield” into it so that its edges do not touch the kidney when closed. “Excess” of the bark on the scion, sticking out from above, cut off.
  5. Cross-tie the “shield” to the shoot or trunk with electrical tape or grafting tape, leaving the kidney in the open air. Cover with garden var.
  6. Gradually loosen the strapping as the shoot from the grafted bud grows. At the beginning of the next season or when it reaches a length of 10 cm, remove it completely.
What are persimmons grafted on

Sometimes, for grafting by budding, a cross-shaped incision is made in the bark of the rootstock, this will not fundamentally affect the success of the procedure.

Important! If persimmon grafting by budding is carried out without gross violations, after 12-15 days the kidney should start to grow. It is possible to claim that the procedure was successful when the resulting stalk does not dry out after about a month.

To another culture

The procedure for grafting persimmons on any other plants is no different from the one where “closely related” scion and stock are involved. However, the resulting tree is likely to be ornamental rather than fruitful.

Possible mistakes

The success of persimmon vaccination directly depends not only on compliance with the algorithm of actions, but also on the knowledge of important nuances. Most often, novice gardeners forget about the following points:

  1. All tools must be sharp, cutting edges must be free of burrs. Otherwise, the bark and wood on the cuts of the rootstock and scion of the persimmon are severely injured.
  2. Slices should be done in a continuous smooth movement. It is impossible to tightly combine the “shattered” wood; the graft and stock will not grow together.
  3. The blades must be disinfected before each cut so as not to bring pathogenic microflora into the junction of tissues when grafting persimmons.
  4. If the procedure is carried out too early, the scion will dry up before the “awakening” of the rootstock, without receiving the necessary nutrition. If the persimmon is grafted too late, the junction of the tissues most often becomes moldy or rots.
  5. A small area of ​​​​contact between the scion and the rootstock reduces the chances of a successful persimmon grafting.
What are persimmons grafted on

A saturated solution of potassium permanganate is quite suitable for disinfecting instruments.

Important! A strapping not loosened or removed in a timely manner cuts strongly into the bark and prevents sap flow, normal growth and development of a new shoot after persimmon grafting.


Before trying to plant a persimmon, you need to study the algorithm and the important nuances of the procedure. This is a rather subtle, almost “surgical” operation, the success of which depends on many factors. In particular, it is provided by the gardener’s skills, the quality of the tools used, the correct choice of time, competent further care of the plant. In the conditions of the climate, persimmon grafting is the most effective way to obtain a more viable, “stress-resistant” and frost-resistant plant.

1 Comment

  1. Bod 4 je veľmi alibistický. Každý neuspech sa dá pripísať uvedenémiu bodu ale čo tak napísať že je to marec alebo apríl alebo máj alebo jún ?

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