These frightening terms are called chronic swelling under the eyes and in the cheekbones. They make the face look old and tired.
Painting bags are hernias under the eyes, sufas are in the cheekbones. They give the face fatigue and visually age. They usually appear after 35 years of age and become more noticeable with age. They are easy to diagnose: pick up your phone, put the video on your selfie camera and move your eyes up and down. Hernias will bulge forward when the eyes are up and back when looking down. With normal edema, this will not happen.
Expert cosmetologist with medical education, creator of the online school “SvoeLitso”.
Where do they come from?
Chronic edema is to blame. Hernias are a fatty pouch under the eyes that everyone should have for a beautiful eye. It is held by muscles, and they, in turn, by ligaments. But under long swelling, the fatty bag becomes heavy, the ligaments stretch, and it “slides” down – you begin to see it closer to the skin. Edema can be triggered by poor bowel function, bad habits, stress, insomnia, and kidney disease. Another ally of paint bags is myopia. The muscles of the eye and connective tissue are weak and do not hold fat packs well. Plus a sluggish lymphatic system – paint bags on the face. Genetics and individual structural features have not been canceled either. Therefore, paint bags and sufas are sometimes found even in children and adolescents.
Mila Kunis also has paint bags under her eyes.
Bring back the beauty!
By the nature of the appearance of paint bags, it is clear that no creams and patches will help to shift the fat packs, because they cannot make the ligaments and muscles elastic. The quality of the skin may improve, the swelling will subside a little, but nothing more.
The fastest, but also the most traumatic method is lower eyelid blepharoplasty. If you choose this method, it is best not to delay. When the paint bags have just appeared, they can be easily removed with a laser or through a puncture. But if these are hernias with experience, then they pulled the skin behind them, and it will also have to be removed. And this is tissue excision, scars and several weeks of rehabilitation.
It is unrealistic to completely get rid of painters without surgery, but it is possible to level and reduce their manifestation with the help of microcurrents, RF-lifting and contour plastics.
All these methods give the skin elasticity, improve the outflow of fluid from the problem area and mask the paint bags well, but not forever. For a maximum of two to three years. And without regular work at home, everything will return even earlier. Be sure to address the root causes of the appearance of the paint bags.
For prevention, constantly support the body from the inside: the nervous system – with relaxing procedures (salt baths, self-massage of the head, healthy sleep). Intestines – proper nutrition and cleansing. Connective tissue by regular intake of collagen.
Sarah Jessica Parker has them too.
Gymnastics for the prevention of painters and sufs
Strengthen muscles with eye fitness. Here is a set of exercises.
1. We make “glasses” out of our fingers, put them tightly over our eyes, blink 20 times.
2. We put our fingers at the outer and inner corners of the eyes, look straight ahead and try to pull up the lower eyelid, 20 times. At the same time, you cannot squint your eyes.
3. Without changing the position of the hands, we make the pupils swing to the right and to the left, 20 times.
4. We put our fingers on the temple, blink 20 times.
5. Move your hand to your forehead, blink 20 times.
It is ideal to repeat this complex three to four times a day.
Self-massage for the prevention of painters and sufs
Remove puffiness with self-massage. Do it every morning and evening. Here is a good eyelid drainage exercise.
Apply the cream to the lower eyelid and under the eye area. Hold your index finger at the inner corner of the eye on the lacrimal bone. Warm your finger for a few seconds, and then, with light pressing in a circular motion, drive the liquid to the outer corner of the eye. We act like this for a couple of minutes, and then we linger on the lacrimal bone and simulate a deep yawn. This aids in even better fluid drainage. Then we tightly press the fingers and lead them to the corner of the jaw and down the neck. This is how we remove excess fluid.
Massage with spoons also perfectly removes swelling.
Do not run hernias, then there is a chance to do without surgery and look great at the same time.