
If there is a problem in any area of ​​life, then you have not mastered the necessary strategies for solving problems in this area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXblife.

That is, you behave in a certain, familiar (and therefore convenient) way for you, but it does not bring you closer to the desired result.

Which exit?

Change strategy.

Where do you need to start?

  1. Fix the area of ​​life in which you are dissatisfied with the results.
  2. Incorporate a simple and effective practice into your life. During the day, every hour mark — what are you doing now? how do you do it? Is this action carried out to solve problems in the problem area? does it improve outcomes in the problem area?

Do this for a whole week.

Then look at your notes. What did you note in them?

You may have two answers:

— I do nothing for my problem area, and I blocked my brain so hard, blocked all channels of information so diligently that I don’t even know what I need to do;

— I do something, but I cannot explain how these actions of mine affect the result I need.

If you do and know how actions affect the result, then you will have results, and you will not have a problem area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXblife!

But let’s get back to your practice, during which you found that actions are either absent, or it is not clear what results they bring.

And you could clearly say to yourself:

— I have an area that is important to me (only in this case you will begin to practice)

— I urgently need to start gaining knowledge and skills in this area of ​​life.

I congratulate you on your conclusions, on your wide-open eyes and on the fact that after this practice you will definitely find ways to increase your knowledge and skill in an area that is important to you!

If you’ve pushed yourself into this week’s work, then finding someone who can give you answers to your questions, help you learn new strategies and new skills is a very easy step for you.

And if you didn’t move yourself, didn’t move yourself, then that’s also a victory! This means that the most important area of ​​your life is satisfied with you!

Which? Look closely and you will see it for yourself. What do you devote the most time to? Why don’t you want to take your time for such a simple analysis of your actions and results in any other area that you declare as important, but with the results of which you are not satisfied … for the last five, ten, or even twenty years already?

But — just not satisfied … and nothing more …

If a person is simply not satisfied and does nothing, then this means that more than anything in the world a person likes not to strain. This is the most important area of ​​self-realization for him — to live without straining!

However, life is such that it is impossible to eat a fish and bung up an ear, and consume tons of cakes and flaunt a slender figure. Alas… Life demands to be defined. Yes, you can be smart and beautiful at the same time, but being a couch potato and a hard worker is unrealistic at the same time.

Where are you going? Decide!

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