What are esophageal varices? Kamil Durczok suffered from it

Esophageal varices are a condition in which, due to abnormal blood flow, the veins widen. They are most often caused by cirrhosis of the liver, which occurs, among others, as a result of excessive and long-term alcohol consumption. Kamil Durczok, a journalist, presenter and publicist, died of this disease.

  1. Esophageal varices are a complication of liver dysfunction, the work of which is disturbed by pathogenic or external factors, such as alcohol abuse
  2. The main and most dangerous symptom is bleeding from the esophagus. It is estimated that as much as 70 percent. cases, there is a repeated episode, and this episode in about 30 percent. ends in death
  3. Esophageal varices were struggling with, among others, Kamil Durczok, as revealed by his ex-wife Marianna Dufek
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

How do esophageal varices develop and what do they manifest?

Esophageal varices are usually a secondary symptom of portal vein hypertension, which occurs when venous blood flow through the liver from the lower parts of the body is obstructed. This happens when the organ stops working properly, for example when the patient suffers from cirrhosis of the liver. The blood then bypasses this organ and enters the heart through veins that are more fragile than arteries, which are not adapted to this type of transport. Too much blood flow causes them to weaken, which results in bleeding.

Bleeding from the esophagus, resulting in bloody vomiting, is one of the first symptoms of varicose veins and its most serious complication. According to statistics, the patient who experienced it has 70 percent. chances that this episode will repeat itself. Unfortunately, every third patient dies as a result of another haemorrhage.

  1. Kamil Durczok is dead. What was the journalist sick with?

Less frequent ailments such as bloody stools, hypotension and the so-called dusty vomiting. Other symptoms may go unnoticed or rather associated with the disease of which esophageal varices are a consequence. Thus, for many years, the patient does not know that varicose veins are forming in the tube connecting the throat with the stomach. Late diagnosis worsens both the prognosis and the treatment itself.

The rest of the text below the video.

Esophageal varices – diagnosis and prognosis

The diagnosis of esophageal varices involves taking contrast pictures of the esophagus and a test called esophagoscopy, which consists in examining the esophagus. After receiving the results, the doctor is able to determine which of the three stages of the disease he is dealing with.

In the first stage, the course of varicose veins is still relatively simple, and the lesions themselves are narrow, but in the next stage the varicose veins are significantly widened and their course becomes winding. In the most advanced, third, stage, varicose veins occupy more than 30 percent. esophageal circumference.

Treatment of esophageal varices is difficult and long-term. This is mainly due to the fact that the background of this ailment is a serious disease such as cirrhosis of the liver or other disorders of this organ. An additional difficulty is the fact that esophageal varices are associated with numerous and very serious complications. Among them are gastrointestinal bleeding, peritonitis, hepatorenal syndrome, and hepatic coma.

  1. Read also: Hepatic encephalopathy – causes, symptoms and treatment

How is esophageal varices treated?

How esophageal varices are treated depends on whether or not the first bleeding has occurred. If not, it is conservative, taking into account, inter alia, beta blockers or nitrates. Otherwise (i.e. when hemorrhages already occur) interventional endoscopic procedures are performed to stop the bleeding or palliative treatment is applied to relieve symptoms and improve the quality of life of a patient with an incurable disease.

  1. See also: This is how you “work” for varicose veins

What is cirrhosis of the liver and how does it happen?

Esophageal varices are inherently associated with liver dysfunction, which most often takes the form of liver cirrhosis. It is a very serious disease, which causes irreversible changes in this organ in the form of fibrosis in the liver parenchyma. This leads to organ dysfunction, metabolic disturbances, portal hypertension and, consequently, liver failure.

Cirrhosis of the liver can be caused by many things, including other conditions such as hepatitis B or C, but its the most common cause is alcohol abuse.

The first symptoms go unnoticed, the disease takes years to develop, slowly destroying the liver. However, even the visible symptoms are not obvious: fatigue, loss of appetite, low-grade fever that can easily be associated with a cold.

Only later do characteristic skin symptoms appear, including:

  1. jaundice,
  2. spider veins on the skin,
  3. erythema of hands and / or feet,
  4. itchy skin
  5. skin discoloration visible on nails.

There are also such ailments as: ecchymosis on the skin, enlarged abdominal circumference, painful muscle cramps, nausea, flatulence, vomiting and swelling of the salivary glands.

Treating cirrhosis of the liver consists in slowing the progression of the disease, supporting the functioning of the liver, and eliminating factors that worsen the condition of the disease, such as alcohol. A proper diet is important. Liver cirrhosis cannot be completely cured, although there is a partial regression of organ fibrosis.

  1. Also check: Early Symptoms That Alcohol Is Ruining Your Liver

What did Kamil Durczok suffer from and die of?

Kamil Durczok died on November 16, 2021. Information on the cause of death was rudimentary – the media only received the news that the journalist had suffered for many years and the disease finally overcame him. It was not known what the disease was.

This fact was revealed only now by Marianna Dufek, former wife of Kamil Durczok, who gave an interview to Fashion Magazine.

«He had esophageal varices. He knew he was very sick, and I think he subconsciously wanted an end. After his death, a good friend of ours called me – a transplantologist from the Warsaw hospital at Banach. He said that Kamil, after the first attack, when he underwent a transfusion, knew that a liver transplant was necessary. He was supposed to start preparing for the procedure, but he didn’t call again, “confessed Dufek, adding that he did not do it because” he would have to stop drinking. And start living differently, rearranging a lot of things in your head. (…) His self-destruct gene took hold«.

  1. See also: “I’ve learned many painful lessons from life, but I’m not sure if I needed them all.” It sounds like the will of Kamil Durczok
Take care of your liver!

Milk thistle, zinc, magnesium, curcumin, black pepper – these are just some of the substances that support the work of the liver. You will find dietary supplements with them at an attractive price in Medonet Market.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to emotions. Often times, a particular sight, sound or smell brings to mind a similar situation that we have already experienced. What opportunities does this give us? How does our body react to such an emotion? You will hear about this and many other aspects related to emotions below.

Also read:

  1. Liver pain – treatment, home remedies. When to see a doctor?
  2. Symptoms of a sick liver – how to recognize?
  3. What is fatty liver? Symptoms, causes and treatment
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